Hey you guys, I know probably no one cares about this but I trust a lot of people on this board and I was wondering if you could help me out. I'm writing a movie script (A horror movie script) and I need a few people who will beta read the script for me. It's not scary just yet, it'll get there though, hell I'm not even done with the first act. I lost my only beta reader when we had a fight, so now I need someone who is impartial (And not going to steal my idea if I send them a copy [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]) Here's a small summary of the story to get you interested:

A girl named *Mariann is playing head games online. She meets people, tells them she loves them and then a week later breaks their heart in two when her mother tells her to break off the relationship. This time Mariann has messed with the wrong woman, Angel, and she is seeking her revenge in the most horrible way possible. Death and destruction will follow.

If anyone is interested in being a beta reader for the script I'll be SO HAPPY...I need people to read my work and tell me how it is...I need the approval to motivate me. Sad I know, but it helps me write. So any of you who want to read it reply here, PM me, anything to let me know! Thanks!


*Mariann's name is subject to change if I ever sell the script cause it's the REAL name of a girl who actually DID this to me.