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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United Kingdom


    i went out for dinner today at a resteraunt and ordered a
    chicken and bacon panini. i was half way through it and i felt
    something with a funny texture in my mouth.. so i spat it into
    some tissue. im not sure weather it was chicken or bacon lol
    but i do know that it was not cooked. i've felt sick all day since
    then, but im not sure if thats because im worried, or because it
    was uncooked.. and will give me food poisening. but now im
    just wondering if its possible to get food poisening from putting
    uncooked meat in your mouth, aswell as eating it. i'm really
    getting scared and beginning to freak out incase i v* tonight...

    *Hold on to what you love, live for what you know, take everything you dream of, and never let it go*

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    I don't think you can v* just from having it in your
    mouth. In fact, you can swallow a little bit and not v*.
    I've eaten a couple of mouthfuls of uncooked sausage before, and I was
    100% fine, even though I panicked for hours!

    Relax, and try not to worry. <!--
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I am betting it was just some fat from the bacon! That has a nasty texture and I always spit it out, too, but it won't hurt ya! Some people eat it!

    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    they wouldnt serve food that is uncooked. i had the same expeience with coup not too long ago, there was a peice of chicken that was pink. it was a soup so it had been cooking all day, but you know how us emets get. any sort of chicken that is not white is bad./.. even though its really not. i forced myself to eat it and i was fine. dont worry ,
    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Yeah, you'll be ok, hopeless - after all, people eat steaks so rare that they're practically still breathing [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]I think its gross, but...well, everyone has a different taste pallet. Meat just has to reach a certain temperature for us to be able to eat it - I've learnt that from working into a kitchen. It sounds like you struck a bit of bacon fat or something - don't worry!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    It's been a few days now. You most likely would have had some symptoms by now.

    I'd like to clear a few things up.

    1.) Restaurants do often undercook food. In fact this happened about a
    week ago. It was my birthday dinner and the people I was with at this
    restaurant got their fish served and it was practically rare. They sent
    it back and got it cooked and then they ate it. I reminded them not to
    use the same silverware as they did when they cut into it the first

    2.) People do often eat rare meat. Steak tare tare for example. Nobody
    I know would eat that but there are some people who have no hesitation
    about doing so and then when they get sick, they assume they have a SV
    rather than FP. Duh! But the fact is, the bacteria has to be present in
    the meat. And present in sufficient quantities to make someone sick.
    Due do our immune systems, there's no guarantee that someone or
    everyone who eats the food will get sick from it. There's been many
    advancements in the industry with
    irradiating meat so that the nasties are killed before it ever gets to

    3.) Food can appear cooked even though it has never reached 160 degrees
    F or whatever the required safe temperature is for that type of food to
    kill the nasties. Similarly, Like Angel13 said, it can also reach a
    safe temperate and not have the texture of food that is cooked "well
    done". One thing you might do is order food that's deep fried (like
    chicken tenders), grilled for long periods (like ribs) or baked for
    hours in the oven (like meatloaf) or things that are cooked
    before they even get to the restaurant (like crab meat) With exposure
    to high temps that long, you can breathe a lot easier than things that
    are pan seared or flash fried etc.. And you should make a point to tell
    your server that you want your food (no matter if it's meat, chicken,
    fish or whatever) cooked, "well done" or "extra well done". If you're
    getting a steak, have them "butterfly" it so they can cook it well done
    more quickly and thoroughly.

    And cut everything open when it shows up at your table and make sure
    it's done before you eat it. If not, just send it back to cook it more.

    Edited by: liriodendron

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United Kingdom


    Chances are, it was probably a bit of gristle from the meat. As much as this sounds terribly unpleasant, meat is from what used to be a living thing, therefore it will not be entirely smooth and err uniform all of the way through. (Sorry to disgust anyone :P)

    When you look at those packets of chilled pre-cooked ham slices, they have these little bits in them which are even visible to the eye. These btis are quite tough when you eat them, and while they won't harm you- they're probably just fat or something- they might just be a bit unpleasnt in your mouth because they take a bit of chewing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    If it's been a few days I would say that you are fine. I mean I freak out when my dad cooks steak cause it's always so PINK In the middle...I had some steak a few days ago that he cooked and I was fine. I'm sure you just got a peice of fat, and even if you didn't you probably didn't eat enough of the raw meat for it to effect you. I wouldn't worry about it.

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    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!



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