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  1. #1
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    Jul 2004
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    and nothing has even happened, yet .................

    The weather has finally turned off cold where we live, and that always makes me anxious. I hate feeling this anxious, because I really do love this time of year. All the fall festivals, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, ect ........... I think I am a little more anxious than usual this week, because we have alot going on, especially the end of the week and the weekend. I guess Im worried about the children getting sick and spoiling our plans, childish as that sounds.

    Anyway, I just had to get my feelings out ..............

  2. #2
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    Ugh.. I know what you mean.. It stinks so much because this is the time of year that we look forward to so much and it seems that it's when people are most often sick with something or another. I'm in the same thought mode as you are. My little sis and her friend are supposed to come stay the weekend with my daughter and me. We have lots planned. My big thing is.. "What if Corie's friend gets sick here?" Why can't I just be excited for our plans????
    \"This too shall pass\"

  3. #3
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    Oh wow....i'm right there with ya!....constant butterflies in the stomach....what are we gonna do...live like this forever???? I love this time of year too, but sv's seem to be a year round thing! Well, all I can say is try to turn of the worry and enjoy life with your family...easy for me to say! [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

  4. #4
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    I'm always like that too. I'm more worried about someone bringing in some germs into my house than ruining plans. I am going out of town for work next week and we're going to our parents' for Thanksgiving and I'm already starting to worry about it! My husband's grandma is coming for a visit next week and I wish I could just enjoy life instead of always worrying about germs. I'm on medication that pretty much makes my temperment even, so I'm more or less just freaking inside my head... anyone understand that? I just want to enjoy things and the people I love. I don't like wishing I could sleep away the flu season. I want to enjoy that half of the year.[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  5. #5
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    Well, while I was dropping off my youngest in her class this AM, one of the other mothers called in to say that her and her son are running fever and v'ing. Just great!!!! My daughter wasnt at school yesterday, so maybe she (and the rest of the class) will be ok. The teacher said he was fine yesterday. This little boy and his mom that are sick, the mom is student teaching in a public school near-by. Our cuildrens teacher thinks that is where she is picking up so much and then bringing it home and infecting her son.

    So, now I am in panic mode.

    I just hate this phobia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]Not good Leigh.....I was feeling the same way for the last 2 weeks with the cold weather coming and all....It sucks so bad b/c like you said I love the fall...the winter...Christmas...and all the festivities...but with the f****** emet...it ruins everything, doesn't it......I try and try to get it out of my head...but it just won't go away.....I wake up in the mornings....and say to myself.....today will be good....it will all be ok....we will all be fine....but then there's that nagging little monster in the back of my brain telling me otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If i could...i would stab the emet monster right in the eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !

    Lord knows I will pray that your child is ok.....poor little kid though...i always feel so sorry for kids when they are sick...they are so pitiful....but i also can't help but feel insanely scared too.......hopefully he will stay out a few days and get better and not bring it back into the classroom.......god bless you Leigh....you have 3.......wow...i would be insane.....but i love my boys so much..if i had more...i would be in heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! Talk soon!!!!!!!!!!![img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]
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    \"I Wish I Was Still In Aruba\"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I was feeling that way last week. One of my co-workers had some sort of viral thing with *v* that lasted for 4 days. She thought it was initially a migraine, but 2 days later she started *v* and having body aches. Another co-worker got "the bug" and had to be hospitalized for dehydration. She is pregnant, too, so that probably had a little bit to do with it. I barely ate anything all week last week and felt nauseous due to anxiety!


    P.S. I just heard that another co-worker called in sick this morning for some sort of "stomach bug". Am I doomed?!?Edited by: jesskali

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    United States


    Oh my gosh Jess, it really does feel like we are surrounded sometimes doesnt it?

    I hate this!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    I agree. i am working in a school this year, which makes life that much
    harder this time of the year. however, you just gave me such a warm
    feeling when you mentioned thanksgiving and xmas... i pictured being
    in my boyfriends hosue drinking tea with his family wrapped in a
    blanket... on christmas and in the winter. it made me happy thanks
    for saying that even though its a blessing and a curse
    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  10. #10
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    I talked to my co-worker a little while ago on the telephone. She started *v* last night and it has continued throughout today. She sounded so sick! She has 2 children, ages 5 and 10, that she is having to take care of too. She has absolutely no one to help her. I told her to stay home tommorow but she feels like she HAS to come to work because of her limited sick time. I am so hoping that I do not get it. I am scared to death and I've already started praying!


  11. #11
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    United States


    I seriously hope she does not try to come in. I also wonder why she hasnt tried to get some phenagren or something to stop the V*. Which, I guess if she has no one to help take care of the children, it would be hard to get to the doctor.

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers too, I hope we all remain well.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    United States


    I am the same exact way. I HATE this time of year. I just cannot say it enough.

    I do enjoy the holidays and all but this fear is always in my mind. I hate it.[img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]

  13. #13
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    Ok, I dont even want to send my little ones to school this morning. I really dont want to leave my youngest daughter at school if the little boy that was sick yesterday is there today. I hope his mom will have the good sense to keep him out today too. I just hate this, and we have tickets to something this weekend that are already paid for and are non-refundable. I HATE THIS!!!!

    I wanna know why? Why do these sicknesses have to go around, where do they come from?

  14. #14
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    United States


    Our childrens school called us this morning to see if I could substitute teach in my youngest daughters class today. (I cant because I am in school now.) My youngest daughters teacher is out today because her daughter is sick. Her daughter is in first grade. I asked the lady from the school that called me about subbing what was wrong with her daughter, and all she said was that she was real sick. I honestly dont know of any virus going around ......... yet. This little girl is always sick with some kind of cold/sinus stuff. I am hoping that is all this is.

    I HATE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. #15
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    United States


    My supervisor spoke with my co-worker last night and told her if she wasn't feeling better to NOT come in, so I don't know if she'll be here today or not. I am so nervous now--this is all I'm thinking about. Will I get it this time around? I feel liek I am "due" since it has been 5 years since I had a sv. We are going away this weekend in our RV, so I REALLY hope I don't get sick while we're gone!


  16. #16
    Join Date
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    United States


    Jess--I hope and pray you will be ok too!!!!

    Keep us posted on what happens with your co-worker.

    Lets all try to think positive. TRY being the key word ........

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    United States


    She just came in to work, Leigh. I haven't talked to her yet to see how she is feeling though. I don't want to get too close! I am so scared that I will get IT! I just HATE having to worry about this. I have enough going on in my life to worry about without all of this!


  18. #18
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    Jul 2004
    United States


    My gosh Jess, I would be so upset with this lady for coming to work. I think she should have stayed home and recouperated more. Its a shame more people dont think like we do about germs and sickness. I mean, not that I want everyone to be emet, but you know what I mean. I think this lady that came in is not showing respect for her co-workers, or the supervisor that told pretty much told her to not come it.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    United States


    "IT" seems to be going around here. ALREADY

    What is up with this?[img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    United States


    Well, I talked to her a little bit this morning before I left to go to one of my doctor's offices. She said she wasn't nauseated anymore, but very weak from *v*. She had something really important to do this morning at work, but after she did that she was planning to leave. I just got back from lunch and she is not here, so I'm assuming she went home. She is really concerned that her kids are going to get it. This particular girl misses a lot of work for various things, so I think she is getting kind of low on her sick time. That is probably one reason she came in, too.

    I have been EXTRA careful today with handwashing and such. I even bought some more anti-bacterial wipes at the store on my lunch break. It is getting very cold here and my hands are soooo dry already! I ate a "normal" lunch today, so I hope I'll be OK.


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Good luck Jess....i know how scared and panicky you must be feeling now.....it is cold here too and i know how my mind works....i hate it....i am hoping that i can not think about it so much this winter...but i know i will anyway......i keep praying that it will go away and I won't be scared anymore...but then those dreaded what if's start running through my mind........i cannot believe she would come to work...but then again if you don't have any other choice...sometimes you just have to. I know I have had to before...but not with v....but D......i don't know....it just sucks for everyone.
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    \"I Wish I Was Still In Aruba\"

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    var SymReal&#079;nLoad;
    var SymReal;

    window.open = SymWinOpen;
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    if(SymReal&#079;nLoad != null)
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    SymReal&#079;nLoad = window.&#111;nload;
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    They've been saying that the UK is going to have a colder
    winter. Colder is better than wetter, right? I always think that
    more svs go round when the weather is mild and wet. Last year
    there were hardly ANY bugs going around where I was... I've heard it
    goes in cycles, good one year, bad another. Is that true?! If it
    is, I'm in for a bad winter... [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    var SymReal&#079;nLoad;
    var SymReal;

    window.open = SymWinOpen;
    if(SymReal != null)

    if(SymReal&#079;nLoad != null)
    window.open = SymRealWinOpen;
    SymReal = window.;
    window. = Sym;

    SymReal&#079;nLoad = window.&#111;nload;
    window.&#111;nload = Sym&#079;nLoad;

    Oh, and Jess, I'm sure you'll be fine. You've not even seen her when she was showing symptoms. Stay strong. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    One Day At A Time!!!!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    yes it is going around... stupid stupid stupid sv*. I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!
    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    I wanted to let you guys know that my youngest daughters teachers little girl that was sick wasnt v'ing. She just had some kinda cold/ear infection stuff, which she gets often. The little boy that was out Tues. because he was v'ing, he was back at school today. He seemed fine and his Granny that picks him up and takes care of him in the afternoons seemed fine too. Maybe it was just one of those things ...........

    I so want to be able to enjoy this time of year without so much anxiety, there are so many good things going on for us here in the next few months, I dont want to let this phobia bring me down!!!!

  27. #27
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    When you think about it, even if we know thisstuff it's not like knowing can control it, you know? I mean, we kill ourselves trying to find out who is sick and who is sick with what and realistically we would be so much better off not to know. We go through all of the same hygeine rituals whether people are sick around us or not, so really we are just driving ourselves crazy. But how do we stop this??? I look for it all the time. I ask people. God, I've even made up stories just to get people to talk! How sick is that??? I've said stuff to people at work like "hope you're keeping clear of that funk that's going around!" Just to find out if there really is some funk going around! That is crazy!
    \"This too shall pass\"

  28. #28
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    I think what bothers me the most isnt not knowing what is going around and who is sick with what, but not knowing when or if it is going to happen to my children. I wish I could just quit worrying about it, easier said than done .............

    They are all going to school today, I hope all is well. I have a big Algebra teat too, ughhhh!!!!

  29. #29
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    Well, I am alright, so far. I have been so scared. I was afraid to go to sleep last night for fear that I would wake up in the middle of the night sick. As I said earlier, we are going away this weekend and I really hope I don't get IT!

    My co-worker is here today and is feeling much better. So far, her kids are fine, too. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't a sv [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img] Yeah, right, trying to convince myself of that one!


  30. #30
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    Jess, Im glad to hear all is well so far. Her children havent gotten it so we should take that as a good sign. Keep us posted ...........

    The little boy that was out on Tues. in my daughters class because he was v'ing, is out AGAIN today ........... wanna guess why?!?!?!?!? He is v'ing again. However, I did find out today that he has a bad reflux problem too, and that his mother is pretty sure that this is not an sv. She said he was acting fine and he wasnt running any fever. He has some kind of speech problem too, and from what the teacher said that and the reflux kinda go hand in hand with his disorder. Then I had to walk over to my sons class for something and say that one of his classmates was either out, or running late. So, that got my mind to wandering again, wondering where she is and what is wrong. Geez, I hate this!!!!



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