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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I brought him a Susway sandwich to work for lunch. He was really bust and even though I told him he should put it in the fridge if he wasn't going to be able to eat it for a while, he didn't and it sat out fot probably 2 1/2 hours before he ate it. There was meat, cheese and mayo - all the stuff that has to stay cold on it. Now he has d*. He said it coming in waves, just hits him and he has to go. Do you think he will v* from it too? Do you think it is the sandwich or maybe he is getting a sv? He does have a sensitive stomach when it comes to spicy things and stuff, but this was a pretty mild sandwich. If it is the cause, I'm sure it was the mayo or meat. Would it hit him that fast if it was the sandwich? He ate it about 2 or 3 hours ago. I'm not sure how long he has ad the d*. I was just starting to relax about sv and now this. Ugh!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    He's probably fine. I bet he was so hungry by the time he ate, he probably ate it too fast and that's it. When I eat real fast, I get stomach cramps and a little D*. Does he feel bad? I doubt it is and SV. That hits so fast and it comes from both ends. I also doubt the sandwich went bad. It has gotten so cold here in Tennessee that nothing would spoil. I don't remember where you guys are, but heat isn't really running and I bet the food was fine too.

    Keep us posted, but I am certain he is fine
    TRY to live each day like it were your last

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I don't think he feels bad other than he said his intestines were gurgling and growling like crazy (hence the d*). I just remember the last time he had Norwalk. It started with him just having d* for a couple of hours in the morning, then all of a sudden the n* and v* hit him. I'm afraid that's gonna happen about the time he gets home.

    He just called again - he said it isn't like pure watery d*, just loose and really gassy. Hopefully it's just from eating to fast like you said gubba.

    We are in Colorado. The weather is so off an on around here. It can be almost 80 one day and then snowing the next (which it did a couple of weeks ago). Today it's actually really nice. Probably in the 60's or so. Where in TN are you gubba? I have family in Gatlinburg and went out to visit a few years ago.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I'm in Nashville. It has just gotten cold today for the first time. It is only in the 40's this evening and we are hating this. it was like 87 on Thursday and now this.

    I know your husband will be fine. I freak out over stuff like that too and I think he would feel worse by now if this was something real.
    TRY to live each day like it were your last

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Thanks for the reassurance gubba. He sounds fine, really. He is just really tired from working two 12 hours shifts in a row. Plus he says I am wearing him out because of the baby planning! [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    ^ lol. Hope thats going well, by the way![img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

    If he sounds fine, then I wouldnt worry, but next time, *insist* that he puts it in the fridge to keep cool! That may/may not have been the problem, like the others have said, he could have just eaten too fast...but it can never hurt to be careful,meat must be dealt with carefully.I think Subway are very hygienic, with their little plastic gloves and all, I trust them completely. Hope he feels better soon!

    Is it just me, or is there a heckuva lot of d* going around lately?! lol. Uhh... *touches wood*

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    He was completely fine when he came home. Ate dinner and everything. I guess it was mild panic over nothing!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I'm glad he is good. It is amazing how we can freak out over little things that others think nothing of.

    I am thinking that this may be my week to actually go talk to someone...possible therapist...about the anxiety. I'm 41 and have never been for therapy or drugs etc. I know that my EMET is not as bad as it was, now that I have a child, but I worry about him being sick all the time and I am driving my husband and me nuts thinking that he will get ill all the time. He is actually a pretty healthy kid...had that awful cough last week that did make him V* a lot..but overall pretty healthy, and I constantly think he will be ill.

    Hope you guys are working hard at the baby thing. Eat good foods and take vitamins. I can't wait to hear when you find out.
    TRY to live each day like it were your last

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I would definitely recommend finding a good therapist. Mine has helped me a lot. Without her I'm not sure I would be up to the baby thing.

    Well, I guess we are playing the waiting game now. It is driving me crazy not knowing! I'm sure by this point if it's gonna happen it has. I have an appointment Thursday for my annual exam. It's probably too early to tell at that point (it would only have been a week since my positive ovulation test) so they probably won't be able to tell me anything any earlier than a typical home pregnancy test. I will let you know though!

    I still worry that maybe our timing as off. The ovulation test says that you will ovulate 12-48 hours afterwards, and by36 hours he said I was wearing him out! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img] So maybe we didn't get the important time? I know there is no exact science to this, but I just want it to happen!

    I guess I'll know in about 2 weeks!



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