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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United Kingdom


    I ate lunch todayout. Problem was, I noticed the southerny coating on the chicken was slightly pale. I ate it, and it tasted fine, but now, like 7 hours later, I feel really not hungry at all. As if I've eaten a massive meal. Which I haven't :S

    I mean I ate chips with it, so it might have been a fair amount, but I often eat there, and order it (I don't wanna say the name of the place in case I freak you guys out lol) and it isn't liek a massive meal.

    Anyway, I am worried, cos I'm usually always hungry. I've never skipped dinner in my life but today I came so close to it, because I totally am not hungry. I just decided to go for soup instead. Also, I stupidly typed in the name of the chain, plus food poisoning in on the net, and of course I get hundreds of sites detailing undercooked meat from there, people getting sick etc.

    Granted, it's a huuuge chain, but I am more worried than you'd believe. OH god, I really don't wanna be sick.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United States


    Hopefully you're stomache isn't acting up, but it doesn't seem like you're experiencing too much physical discomfort. Hmm, I would wait until tomorrow to really decide. I'm sure you will be fine. Until then, try not to worry about it b/c when you do, your mind and body can play tricks on you. It appears you have eatten there frequently, so your particular store seems to be a good one, so the chicken wasprobably just fine.
    Friendship is like pee in your pants.... everyone can see it.... but only YOU can feel it\'s true warmth...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    I agree. If you don't feel sick, why worry? So what you're not hungry, that happens for many reasons... If you're getting your period, if you are tired, if you have to go #2, etc etc... I wouldn't worry especially if you've eaten there many times.
    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States



    You sound just like I did at lunch today. I wasn't hungry at lunch time like I normally am and I got really worried it was b\c I have a sv. I had to talk myself through it so I didn't freak out. Bex is right. There are hundreds of reasons a person isn't hungry. The odds of you having food poison from this place are extremely low if non existent. I know it is so HARD not to worry and there isn't one thing I can say to help you truly feel better. Just remember from one "I'm not hungry freak" to another, you aren't going to be hungry at all tonight b/c of the anxiety. Try not to let your lack of hunger cause you more distress than necessary. Take care.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    How are you doing now, soccer princess? Its pretty annoying how easily anxiety creeps up on you, huh? I've been feeling the same over the past few days, worrying about everything - and hence, I haven't had an appetite. I'm sure you're just fine - you had some soup, right? You might not have felt like it, but at least you ate it - if you were truly sick, you probably wouldn't have been able to have even thought about food of any sort. Just chill ^_^ take it easy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United Kingdom


    Thanks everyone, I feel better today, maybe just a bit like a cold's coming on or something.



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