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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United Kingdom



    It's that time of week again. I only have one more night with my other half here before I have 2 nights on my own with my son. I am dreading it.

    I picked my son up from nursery today and in the car he said it "I'm not going to be s*". I nearly had an accident. Then tonight in the bath he said it another 3 times and looked panicky and tried to get out. Normally when he says this he does it. I will be sleeping down stairs tonight as I can't bear the thought of him getting into bed with me tonight. He must know something must be up with me at the moment. I can't stop stressing about it.

    I will be asking my other halfs 13 year old niece to stop with me again this weekend. I can't do this on my own. Really I would like to be gone before the weekend but I can't as my other half is self employed and we need the money or we will loose our house. He needs to work.

    I really don't know what to do. I so badly want to leave. I can't take being here any longer. The stress of this is killing me. I need to go up to have a shower but he is up there in bed. I don't want to go up there on my own in case he comes in the bathroom while I am in there on my own. If he comes goes in there and feels s* or v* I think I will just die.

    I am going to the shops tomorrow to try to get some kind of drop thing to put on my tongue to calm my nerves. I need something. I am taking my meds but I can't see that they are doing anything at all.

    I will let you all know how I get on this weekend if I am still here by then.

    Bye for now.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States



    How did his Dr. appt. go on Monday? Didn't you take him to the Dr. to see what was wrong? he can't be sick every single weekend and only when you are alone with him. Try to relax and know that this is obviously not something that you can catch, or you would have by now and figure out what is making him feel so bad. I hate it for him to be so N* all the time. He's just a little guy and to V* as much as he does is not right.

    Now, about you. I have never taken meds for this, so I can't chime in on that but to say that it seems that they take a while to get into your system and if that's the case, you haven't been on them that long. Calm down and know that leaving is not solving the problem. Stay, solve it and lead a happier life. Maybe your partner can take one weekend off. I know you guys need the money, but if you are so freaked out get a less expensive place and try and keep him there for the weekends. I know hoe awful it is when dad is away. My husband travels some and my son has been sick 3 or 4 times when he has been away. It is terrible. We all survive and you will too. You are stronger than you are thinking. I know from having read all your posts. you can do this and Iknow you love those kids.

    Get the 13 year old to help again and stay on the couch. Pretend it is like your partner there. You are a terrific person who is so afraid that you are letting this get the best of you. Please try and enjoy your kids...they aren't this way forever. My son is sick now with a horrible cough and he did V* yesterday. It is scarey and not fun for me. I hate that he is coughing so hard that he does get s*. I hate that he has fever and I hate that I have to deal with it, but it will pass. it doesn't seem like that at this moment, but in a few days, he will be boucning off the walls again. Please know that your son loves you and needs you and you are a wonderful mom. Figure out why he is sick all the time and get him help. It will help you too if he feels better
    TRY to live each day like it were your last

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United States


    That sounds terrible. I am so sorry for what you are feeling. As a mother myself, I can imagine what it is like to be helpless of be fearful of not being able to be there for your child. My son got really sick, but only one time, and I tweaked out and had to have my parents care for him. I would leave the windows open to get "fresh, Clean air" circulating. I hope that his illness goes away quickly for your sanity.

    Friendship is like pee in your pants.... everyone can see it.... but only YOU can feel it\'s true warmth...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United Kingdom


    Thanks ....

    Gubba, I phoned the doctors Monday morning. The phones open at 8.30. I phoned from 8.30 and got throught at 8.40 to be told that all the emergency appointments had gone.

    I spoke to the nursery.

    On Friday he ate... Veggie Curry. For the afternoon snack they had scrambled egg. The time he v* before last Friday he had scrambled egg too. I am wondering if it is some kind of egg allergy? He doesnt like egg yolk anyway. When I boil eggs he only eats the whites. I have to throw the yellows away. Last time he v* 7 times and the time before that only once so I'm not so sure. I think that I may try to get him an appointment for tomorrow evening as he has nusery during the day tomorrow. Yet again today he has been complaining that he has been feeling s*. Everyday he says it. Its not him winding me up or just saying it as normally after saying it within a few days he does it.

    I have replied to your other post about your son. I feel so sorry for him. Poor little mite.

    I am going shopping tomorrow to see if there are any kind of relief drops I can take to help get me through.

    Thanks again



  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    Karen, the best of luck to you. Just try not to give up and leave...
    You are stronger than that. I think it is quite ironic that you are an
    emet and you're son has a problem where he feels sick everyday and v*
    often. I wish I could help... We're all here to talk.


    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    Karen, Thanks for the post about my son. he is still coughing very hard and has a little fever. he does gag a lot with this and it is very difficult, but I have no choice but to deal with it.

    Bex...everyone I know finds it ironic that I have son who can V* so easily and so often. I have a friend who can V* and not care at all and her son who is also 3, has only v*'s once in 3 years. I think it is a test for moms like me and Karen to see how much we can take,or perhaps it is our therapy to learn to tolerate it. Who knows!!!

    Karen, PLEASE find out what it is...even if you must take him out of nursery...he needs to see a DR. It is not normal for him to be so sick so much. You will get a good nights rest once you find out what it is. It may be just an allergy to eggs and if so, anything with egg in it, and that is a lot of stuff, could be causing it. My son won't touch eggs, but he can eat things with egg in it. Do get him checked out and get this resolved...it is not just a coincidence that he is so sick.

    We are all here and we will be all weekend to help you through this. I will keep praying for you and just hang tight...you are a great mom and you can do this.
    TRY to live each day like it were your last

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States



    The good thing is that you have your niece there to help you, that is great! I am really doubting that your son has anything contagious, so I don't think you have to worry about catching it. Although I understand just being around it can be just as nerve wrecking as I am deathly afraid of people around me doing it as well. I hope you can get him seen soon to find out what is going on. Maybe if you get to the bottom of things it will help your anxiety. Hang in there, you know we are here for you.

    \"This too shall pass\"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Gosh no, gubba is so right. It can't be a coincidence that he is sick so much, and it can't be contagious. He really needs to be checked out by a doctor. I would be afraid that he has something dangerous to his long term health. I live in the U.S., and it makes me feel frustrated when I hear about the difficulty of getting appointments in the U.K. Or at least to me it sounds very difficult, not just from reading your posts but from reading other people's as well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Alberta, Canada



    Well, I am thinking, too, that this is more than a sv. For one, noone other than him has gotten sick. And alot of people are near him. Even baby sis hasn't gotten it, and her immune system isn't as functional as yours or your neices. Keep calling the Dr, get him and figure out what is going on with him.

    You can do another weekend. You have done it many times before, and you can do it again.

    Good look on finding a calming agent, lots to look at!

    That, which does not kill us, makes us stronger!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    This is my first time responding... I haven't been on in a while!
    I'm so sorry to read of your story and to hear that you are having such a difficult time and I must echo what everyone else here has already said. You are SUCH a strong person... I mean, just look at you... you ARE still there and that is what counts!

    I have to agree that it doesn't sound like your son has a virus at all. And it certainly isn't normal for him to be sick this often. I would take him to the doctors as soon as you can get an appointment. Is it difficult to get appointments there?? I know here in the US they can usually get you in on that day or the next for a sick visit.

    The egg allergy could definitely be a possible cause. Children who are allergic to eggs typically develop the allergy early on and the good news would be that in most people the allergy disappears around age 5. The reaction which can affect the gastrointestinal tract begins anywhere fromseveral minutes after consumption,to several hours and can vary in how severe it is.

    In order to find out if your son has an allergy to eggs an allergist could do a skin scratch test... or you could try feeding himeggs again and then wait and see... but I wouldn't recommend it.

    Until you get him to the doctor, for the nextfew dayscheck all foods and make sure nothing you feed him has egg in it... see howhe feels and perhaps you may find that he just needs a diet adjustment.

    Good Luck!

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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United Kingdom


    Hello everyone.

    My son has D* and feels S* again. I have put a new post on with all the details. Please read it. I want to go.

    There is no distance on this earth as far away as yesterday



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