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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey guys,

    I don't post here often cos in waking life I'm doing well with my emet, but it doesn't mean it can't haunt you when you're asleep! I'm in the UK and it's 4.16am and I'm not impressed from what I've just woken from.

    ***WARNING graphic in parts***

    I fell to sleep about three and a half hours ago with a sore throat coming on (I've still got one so I presume I'm getting another cold virus). I was then having wondering thoughts about meningitis, hoping I never get it, mainly cos it involves being sick. Eventually I fell to sleep.

    Then I started having this dream that I was lying in my bed with the lights off feeling like a had flu. My dreams are always vivid anyway which only comes in handy when having a good dream. Anyway in the dream I dreamt my housemate James was walking around the house late at night and was ignoring me despite me telling him I felt really ill, and then he went to bed. Then I got up and turned the light on and wondered to my water bottle by my bed to take a drink from it, and then I started to cough (I've not long had a cough in real life!) and it was really pleghmmy and gross, but then V* started coming out, and it was exceptionally graphic - the look of it - and I dreamt it was all over my carpet and my bedside cabinet. Then I ran out my room to the kitchen to get a drink, and could feel it coming up in my throat and I was sick again all over the kitchen floor. No one else was around so I was on my own. Then it was all over my hands and in my mouth and I was trying to spit it out. Thankfully my dream was lacking in true to life taste although it was there mildly. The next part I was out the front by the road with these drunk men trying to get some sort of drink (I must have ran out the house in panic) and then I was drinking beer, carrying my anti-emeticstrying to keep it down. The latter part was me running down the road with one of my friends, and bumping into my old history teacher saying she had a body virus, but she hadn't been sick and I was well jealous. Then I finally woke up!!! What on earth possessed me to keep dreaming all that time?!

    Apart from the obvious another bad point is that it was set in the middle of the night, in my nice little student house, just like now!!! I'm too scared to get a drink from the kitchen as that will echo my dream in a way. And I'm also feeling ill in a sore throat way. My stomach is fine cos i was hungry when I went to bed and I only feel a bit sick from the dream...but still!

    As for decoding it (lol) I'm hoping instead of preminission it might have simply been telling me I was love-sick!!! (I've been besotted with my housemate James for a long time now).

    Might be brave and actually walk into the kitchen and get a drink for my throat...I've not dreamt of being sick for a very long time and never has it been that graphic. What are the worst dreams others on here have had in comparison?

    (Just when I thought I was getting away from it it comes back at night!)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    Wow what a dream. I hate dreams that involve v*. I've had many dreams
    where I woul dhave a mouthful of v* and I would just be spitting it
    out. I could taste it, I could feel it coming out. Just gross... So I
    know how you feel.

    I think you should go get a drink of water from the kitchen, and when
    you see that you don't get sick, you'll know it wasn't a premontion,
    and you'll feel better. Maybe you are love sick

    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    arrrgh!! u poor thing!! i hav them ALL the time.. i guess cos dreams
    consist of a lot thats happening in ur life at that stage and
    especially wot goes on on that day...and a lot of my life is filled wit
    thinking and obsessing about v*... most of us are like that here ...
    i remember *GRAPHIC* having an awful dream about my mates from school
    all sitting around then one said 'i feel like im going to puke'
    and i said 'i hate v*'... so he stands up walks over to me and v* all
    over me... i was trying to get away but two of my other friends were
    holding me down and they all started v* everywhere.. trying to get it
    all over me... it was the most horrible nightmare iv ever had i thnk!!
    i coudlnt get away and was pinned down wit three of my best mates v* on
    me... i woke up terrified and the next time i saw those mates i felt
    damn scared!! i sort of de-coded it as me feeling like i was stuck in
    life and cudnt get where i wanted to be, like sumtin was holding me
    bak... and it was as im battling anxiety and depression and it sure is
    a fight to find happiness sometimes... so yer i guess our emet just
    attacks us in our dreams especially when we;'r going through different
    life experiences as its such a huge part of our lives! <!--
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    stef - everything happens for a reason

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by bexcelica
    Wow what a dream. I hate dreams that involve v*. I've had many dreams where I woul dhave a mouthful of v* and I would just be spitting it out. I could taste it, I could feel it coming out. Just gross... So I know how you feel.

    Me too, exactly!! In mine its usuallyall up aroundmy gums too, and I keep spitting it out but its not getting any less, it just keeps coming!

    Sorry to had to endure such a horrible dream! V* dreams are the worst...I occasionally will have a recurring scary one where either my mum or my dad has an SV, and they keep v*ing, and I'm trying to run away from them. Like, I'm absolutely petrified, and run around the house and garden, hiding, but they just keep finding me! Its awful...I suppose there are alot of ways that could be decoded...I found a good dream dictionary website a while ago, with every dream meaning you could imagine...if I find the link, I'll post it up for you guys to have a look.

    If its still freaking you out, just remember its only a dream ^_^



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