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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I have to share this just incase there is one other person who can be helped by this situation. I have always had extremely bad PMS.. I get very moody and I am probably extremely hard to tolerate. I also developed a uterine fibroid and didn't want to try to become pregnant until I got rid of it. After talking with a nurse practitioner that I was seeing, we decided we would use natural hormones to shrink the fibroid rather than embolization or surgery. So, I had my hormones tested by a compounding pharmacist. The results came back that I had no progesterone and very low levels of DHEA (progesterone keeps you happy and DHEA gives you energy) So now wonder I was always feeling like s***. Plus, low progesterone accounts for anxiety as well. So I began using natural progesterone cream on my thigh and a DHEA spray. It didn't take long at all for me to notice a huge difference in my mood. I am happy now. I laugh. I never used to really laugh much. I have tons more energy, my anxiety is better than any other anti anxiety medication ever made me feel, AND the fibroid is gone. I had an ultrasound a few weeks ago and they could see no sign of it anywhere.

    I am now a huge believer in hormonal balance. I think when women become hormonally unbalanced, our emotions and physical selves go to hell. I think it can add to unbearable anxiety and depression. Imagine instead of having to take medications that screw with your neurotransmitters, just fixing the problem where the problem is. I am not saying that all of my issues are hormonal, I still have a phobia, but it helps when I have energy and am feeling good about life, you know? There is also a test that can be done in order to test neurotransmitters to see if you really need anti depressant medication, that way people can find out what is going on before they start poisoning their bodies with all of this crap.

    Just thought I would share because it made such a huge difference in my life.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    WOW...I always think that my hormones have a lot to do with my feeling yuck. I get D* before my period and I feel S* for days in the middle and I do have awful PMS too. I told my OBGyn about all of this and how it was all same time each month and she told me it was just part of being a woman. I need to look into the natural hormone thing...it sounds great. I have never had meds or therapy for anything, so it would be a safe good start.

    Kep me posted on how this works for you.
    TRY to live each day like it were your last

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Thanks so much for posting, Shiva! I'm yet again having one of those days where I'm just fed up to the back teeth with periods and hormones and everything that comes with it!

    I actually rarely go to the doctor (...can't remember the last time I went...I'm generally a very healthy person, which I'm thankful for), so I've never given much thought to meds or anything to help control my moodiness and generally icky feeling I get at that time of the month. If there are natural solutions out there that target the problem where it is, then I would happily look into them. The cream sounds like a great idea - painless, easy...

    Yeah, keep us posted!



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