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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey all,

    Well, anymore lately it seems every other nite that I'm up with some stomach ache feelin sick. I used to get this a few years ago real bad, but then it let up for quite awhile (months) until now. Usually I'll go to bed fine, but then wake up anywhere between 1-3 am and feel sick and either have to go br or wait it out. Its getting real annoying! I think part of it is sometimes indigestion coupled with feelin nervous and such about work. I always feel worried I'll get or feel sick at work because I'm a cashier and its kinda hard to get away from the register! I don't think this is helping tho. Does anyone else get this from feelin nervous about the next day?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United States


    OH MY GOSH. I do this ALL the time. And yes, it goes in spurts. I'll just suddenly wake up in the night and UGH. I HATE that. Sometimes it's more intestinal like gurgly icky gassy, sometimes it's n*, and other times it's like heartburn. I had the heartburn Friday night because I didn't eat dinner until 10. Then I took a maalox tablet and ewwwww whata gross taste in my mouth in the morning. With the n*, I think I do tend to get that more when I am anxious

    I even have favorite movies I watch when I wake up in the middle of the night with this. When Harry Met Sally is my favorite. I say all the lines with the characters. I wore out my vhs and recently had to get the DVD. LOL! I have this thing where I'm afraid to go to bed too early (before midnight) 'cause that's when it tends to happen.
    <font color=BLUE>~Paula~</font>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey mommyof3, me too! It can be nausea, but then it can also be intestinal stuff, or something like heartburn. Heh, I always come on here when its like that. Usually this place helps me so the whatever is bothering me goes away and I can go back to sleep. If the OP sounded incoherent at all, it was due to it being written at 3am. Urgh. I hate how it happens on a night before work. It used to happen a lot the night before school or say a test, and man I would be sooooo tired. I would go thro half the days in a haze. I too tend to go to bed around midnight.



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