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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United States


    [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]Last night, I was supposed to go to this expensive steak house with my boyfriend's mom (she leaves for retirement in FL in 2 weeks). Anyways, we called ahead ( so we wouldn't have to wait in a mob of people) and we get there and there is still a 40 minute wait! Let me tell you all that IT WAS A FRIGGIN ZOO!! There were people pressed up against me, it was loud, and I just flipped out. NO REASON, I couldn't breath, I thought I was going to get S*, I started hyperventilating... and I had to run out.. (leaving my kid with Mike's mom.. and just crashed into people trying to get out) The feeling never left for most of the night. We ended up just getting salads and what not at Smokey Bones.

    Later Mike andI were meeting up with friends at a pool hall (smoke-free thank god) and for the first time I felt fine.. ( no difficulty in breathing or any chest pain ) until the very end and I started getting a massive headache. SOmetimes I think that I really am sick.. or something's wrong with me. Breathing should never be difficult.. and it usually is for me for the past two weeks. This stinks so bad.
    Friendship is like pee in your pants.... everyone can see it.... but only YOU can feel it\'s true warmth...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004


    I can understand
    where you're coming from. I hate being in cramped spaces, it feels like
    I can't breathe. I can totally understand what you did, you shouldn't
    feel bad, its something you had to do, to get out. I don't mind eating
    at resturants, but if there busy, no way.</font>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Yeah, I just hate huge crowds like that! Sometimes you can handle it, sometimes you can't - don't feel bad about it, you're definitely not alone. I've had the same thing - panic attacks, hyperventilation, at really inappropriate times too - last time it was when we were in a theatre (a really small theatre - like, a room), and me and my friends were in the front row. I suddenly flipped out - the whole room was so crowded, and we were so close to the stage. It was awful, I couldn't get out, so I had to force myself to be calm. And it worked, eventually.

    Don't worry about it ^_^ It is possible to settle yourself down in those sorts of situations.



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