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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    So far it seems like everyone has trouble eating due to this phobia, I actually besides this phobia, have issues with food and overeating. I don't worry so much about myself being sick, maybe because it has been 28 years, knock on wood, and I do avoid eating out and I cook our own meat and make my own salads. I am pretty OCD about exp. dates, hand washing etc. But I am about 30 lbs overweight. Is anyone else out there overweight or is it just me. I have 3 kids and am a stay at home mom, I exercise all the time and am very active. I just love to eat. Mainly carbs because they are safer, that is probably mostly my problem. I took Paxil a few years ago and gained 35 lbs from it and haven't been able to lose it. Can anyone else relate or are you all underweight because you are too afraid to eat. Just to let you know, if someone around me has an sv or I know it is going around, I always lose weight because I don't eat then. Although last year, I got an sv from an airplane trip back home, ate a lot that day, woke up with stomach cramps, nausea, the whole nine yards, never V* but had diarrhea, like I usually do when I have a sv. Then one month later, my son got sick in the middle of the night and I ate the next day because I wasn't worried about getting sick since I already had it a month before, but I woke up that night with stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea and I burped and hiccuped and came so close, the closest in 28 years and freaked out that I had gotten an sv again. Never v* because I work really hard to control it. That is my story for now, sorry to go on and on.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Wendy, I am about 40 lbs overweight myself. I am a stay at home mom and I like to eat, and my food choices arent always the greatest. I know I dont exercise like I should either. I am working on that, I am hoping that now that I am in school and so are all of the children, that it will help my eating/exercising habits.

    We shall see ...............

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    i guess I am not overweight, maybe a little, but high metabolism runs in my family. I can see where u are coming from about carbs being safe, I eat a lot of processed crap because there's little chance of getting food poisening from it. I have gained about 10 lbs becuase I mostly eat lunch at work from the vending machine instead of the deli where everyone else gets pizza and salads and stuff that I really want, but CAN'T bring myself to eat. I started walking a lot at night to drop the lbs off and still allow myself to eat chips cuz they are "safe"!! Isn't that a weird reason......sorry I could not be of more help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I can relate also. I eat mostly carbs (the bad ones), too. Since last week I have been on a new eating plan with lots more veggies and protein. It's been hard because I had to start eating meat again, and I hadn't in like a year. I still won't touch red meat, but I do eat chicken and turkey most days. Anyway.. I just wanted you to know you are not alone. I am 40 lbs. overweight right now. I put it all on since last year Paxil did that to me last time I was overweight, and this time it was seroquel. That mixed with my diet... Not good. I would like to say though that even though the carbs are "safe foods" I have had sooo much more energy this past week after adding some protein and veggies.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United States


    I'm not really overweight, but I could stand to lose a few pounds and I have always battled my weight. You sound like me; I always lose weight when a sv* goes around and fight it like the dickens like you!
    <font color=BLUE>~Paula~</font>

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Yep, overweight emet here! Sometimes I am jealous of you underweight emets! I would like to lose about 20 pounds, but I think 10 would put me back at a healthy weight for my height.

    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    I first became emet two years ago. For the first year I did lose a lot of weight and weighed as much as I did in high school. Then I started taking Lexapro and gained about 20 lbs. I'm off the Lexapro now and losing slowly.

    I don't have food issues, either. I'm very careful about what I eat, but I'm not scared to eat at a restaurant, to eat red meat, or any of those other things that worry emets. I DO cook the hell out of porkand chicken. I wash all fruits and vegetables.

    I wash my hands constantly.

    I ,too, rarely v* because I work so hard not to.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I've just lost 45 lbs on Weight Watchers and have another 30 or so to go....it's quite common, I think, for us emets to be overweight, not only because of bad eating habits but because we think that if we eat, we must not be sick.
    <font size=\"4\"><font color=MAGENTA><font face=\"Times New Roman, Times, serif\">It can, and does, get better with time.</font></font></font>

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    wow 45 lbs!!! and Ive been battling just to loose 15! thats amazing, congratulations!

    Im only about 5 feet ( very tiny gal, witht he tiniest hands and feet youve ever seen) and Im about 115 lbs. I'd like to be about 100 lbs, which would be ideal for my height. Actually 95 would be awesome. I know it doesnt sound like alot of weight, but when your as tiny as me ( with tiny bones) I can tell the weight is there.

    I've tried crash diets, which are a BAD idea and I will never do again. I lost 5 pounds in about 3 weeks, but then I couldnt take the hunger anymore and gained about 10 back. I know its not healthy but I was desperate and I won't do it again.

    I LOVE food. what can I say? I LOVE pizza and hamburgers and french fries and I'm not really afraid to eat anything unless its expired, smells or looks funny, which I think it totally common sence. so, Id like to loose about 20, and while Im not overweight, I think it would be healthy for me.
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Yeah, I did Weight Watchers, too, but stopped because I can't afford it. I lost 20 pounds and gained about 10 back, I am trying to do it on my own and not having luck. I have stayed the same weight for 5 weeks in a row!!
    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    I would love to lose about 30 lbs....I am 5 ' 2" and weigh about 140.....so it would by awesome to lose that 30 lbs and be a nice slender person again!!!!!!!! I love food....any kind of food....my down falls are mint ch. chip icecream...doritos....and basically anything with cheese....i love it...it's amazing that i go on eating all this junk when I am an emet...doesn't make alot of sense to me really.
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