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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    For the last 10 days or so I have had this "wet" cough that seems to be
    going around EVERYWHERE - the office, clients, friends, family, etc. I
    usually don't freak out about colds but this one is making me swallow a
    lot of phlegm (I am able to cough it up, but not spit it out - never
    have been able to) and I am scared that this is going to collect in my
    stomach and make me v*. It also is giving me a terrible headache (from
    all of the coughing?) that is contributing to my panic.

    When I was very little I had bronchitis and v* from all the phlegm I swallowed. I do NOT want that to happen again (obviously.)

    So I'm falling into a panic attack right now because I am scared that
    all the phlegm that accumulated from the past few days is going to make
    me sick.

    I don't know what to do... any advice would really be appreciated.

    Thanks as always,


    P.s. I am so sorry to not be using the new appropriate topics.. I promise to do so moving forward.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    Hey, i can understand what you're feeling. I too get scared when i have a phlegm related cough or bronchitis which makes it drain constantly into my stomach.

    I don't know if you or anyone else on here has heard of activated charcoal capsules. I take them fairly regularly. All they consist of is a plain gel capsule, filled with activated charcoal powder. I was introduced to them by a co-worker many years ago when i had very bad N*, so i took 2 of them, and (no lie) in less than a half hour it was gone!!

    After researching them and using them for many years, i've come to find that they help with almost any digestive disorders, from severe N*, to indigestion, diahrrea, hearburn, etc.

    I used to practicall live on pepto bismol (ICK!!), but since i've found the char-caps, i use nothing but that, for everything stomach related.

    My reason for telling you this? Well, charcoal adheres to the fluids and foods, and excess acids in the stomach, and safely passes it through the intestines. So when i have extra acid (reflux), diahrrea, or excess phlegm in my belly (like you're describing above), i take the char-caps, and my stomach feels so much better and it seems to pass the phlegm into the intestines and it's on it's way out! hehe!

    ONE PERCAUTION!!! DO NOT take char-caps at the same time as any other type of medication, because it will bind to the medication and not let it absorb into the bloodstream as it should, it'll just pass it right out of your body. You should take the char-caps 2 hours before or after taking any other medication.

    It is safe and natural, and it works great for gas too! lol!
    For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Thanks for your response. I do have CharcoCaps at home, bought them for
    IBS-related gas (sorry) and haven't found them to be spectacular (for
    that particular symptom) but I am excited to hear about the success you
    have had with them for phlegm-related n*.

    I am not on any prescription meds, I am however taking
    echinecia/goldenseal (to try to get rid of this cough) as well as
    ginger and occasionally pepto (for emet) - would they prevent those
    herbals from working you think?

    Thanks again, I will definitely give it a shot.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hey lweis i don't know if u have tried an inhalent,but that could help,try to break up the mucas before it gets to your chest,this will make it easier to either down through the system or to cough it up,the only time i have known anyone to V* from phylem is when they have had the flu or a really bad chest infection,like umonia,sorry don't know how to spell it....yours sounds like a typical change of weather virus that has given u a mild cough....i know its really hard not to worry but by worrying, only makes your immune system lower,which will the be harder to fight off this virus....if the phylem is more on the chest now,rather then the nose,u need to get a cough medicine to help....I hope u feel better soon....and i know i'm not a nurse but i will be shocked if u are sick from your Phylem...

    take care and keep positive

    vicky x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    You're very welcome :-)

    Yes i think they would prevent the herbals from working but ONLY if you take them too close together. If you space them, like i said, about 2 hours apart from eachother, that will give your herbal meds time to get into your bloodstream.

    To me, the char-caps are a God-send!! I am n* a LOT!! and they are so reliable for that, they actually work (for me) at least 99% of the time. As the saying goes..."I never leave home without em'!" They are in my purse wherever i go hehe!

    I too, have IBS and for me, nothing works for that!! I just have to ride it through when i get an episode of it, the pain can be unbearable!! So no, i pretty much know char-caps wouldn't do me any good when it comes to the IBS, so i wasn't surprised when you said it didn't help for you. Have you tried the char-caps for any other digestive issues, like n* or indigestion, etc.?

    I am so happy to have them because i really hated over-using other products with chemicals as their base (like pepto, and the like). I love the fact that charcoal is completely natural and free of chemicals.

    Beware though, i don't know the brand of char-caps you have, but look at the ingredients, are yours 100% activated charcoal? Because you can get some that have added fillers and such. It should just be the charcoal and the gelatin (from the capsules they're in). I feel that has a lot to do with the effectiveness of them.

    For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    hey, i worry about the same thing. i cant spit it out either, it
    reminds me too much of v*, so i swallow it. my friend lauren once got
    sick from too much phlemn (sp?) in her stomach,and ever since then ive
    worried about it. come to find out, shes always been like that, and its
    not a new thing. and its never happened to you or i (knock on wood) so
    i dont think it will (knock on wood again ahaha)
    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    `Edited by: ChippedAway

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by ChippedAway

    Our tummy lining IS mucus that replaces itself every hour or so so that our stomach does not digest itself.

    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    how you doing lewis
    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Hi lewis!

    I had the same type of cough for a couple weeks last month, and it was super weird for me because I NEVER get a cough! I can't even remember the last time I had a cold that included a cough - it must have been over 10 years ago. Anyway, I swallowed nearly ALL my phlegm (unless I happened to be at home and close to my bathroom sink!) and I never felt n* at all. It might help to have food in your stomach most of the time though - it's probably harder for your stomach to handle lots of phlegm with nothing else there. Good luck with your cough - I really hope it goes away soon!!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    o wow I had that cough for 3 weeks! I am finally at a point where I
    don't need medicine anymore, but I'm still coughing, it's so gross. But
    anyways, being sick for 3 weeks I swallowed a lot.. and it didn't make
    me n* I worried it would, but I was fine, except I did get dizzy.. and
    I'm really short/small, so I assume I even have a smaller stomache then
    most people, so less room for that stuff to go.. but anyways, if I was
    fine you should be too don't worry. And I found robutessen (sp?)
    medicine for cough and chest congestion to be Very helpful/effective (I
    went through a whole thing of it, and had to get a 2nd one ^^; ). But
    anyway, good luck, I hope you get over this cough quickly! ^_^

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Thanks everyone for your kind responses.

    The cough continues. Going on two weeks now.

    I've found that the chest cold I have has lowered my panic attack
    threshold dramatically. I'm having like 3-4 a DAY now. It's awful. It's
    hell. I am just so scared that I am going to V* it is literally killing

    I surprised my wife for her birthday with a trip to Toronto this
    weekend - I was so excited about planning it and didn't think of my
    fears. Now today that it seems more real I am so scared of v* on the
    plane (it's a small "regional jet") from motion s*kness or sv* this

    I also don't want to ruin my wife's birthday weekend with my emet and/or a panic attack.

    Very scared, at the edge of a panic attack and have been like this for
    the past week. Every "twinge" I get in my tummy and I begin to panic
    "this is it"....

    Oh boy,


  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    lewis... relax, its a cold. ive had one for 2+ weeks, with the same kind of cough. seriously, relax. you will be fine. and ill even pm you my phone nuber in case you panic. so call me if you panic, dont let it ruin your trip haha i know that might be weird, but its an option that might make you feel a little more at ease. good luck

    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.



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