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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United Kingdom


    I feel like my fear of vomiting has been pushed to the max. I have always feared throwing up but it hasn't caused such a big problem in day to day life. Since feeling nauseous everyday for the past 2 months I've been talking about my fear to alot of people. I've never liked talking about vomiting as I always thought that if I did I would jinx myself and it would happen. I spoke to my mum about it alot. My nausea isn't caused by anxiety though, my doctor thinks that there is something going on inside as I have pain too.

    Anyway my mother told me that the other night she went out and that on the way home she felt dizzy all of a sudden, fell, hit her head and puked (she doesn't drink so she wasn't drunk). She hadn't been sick properly like that for over 10 years or more she told me. I was feeling so sorry for her not because she hit her head and suffered from a huge headache today as such, but because she threw up and not just that but she threw up IN PUBLIC. I was more embarassed for her than I think she felt for herself! Anyway I feel like because I have been talking about vomiting so much and fretting about it I've brought bad luck to my mum. Her and I are never sick, and isn't it abit of a coincidence that she pukes after not doing it for yearsand me feeling nauseous for 2 months both happening the same time? I find it strange!

    Don't you just hate it when everything happens at once? Do any of you believe that talking about or thinking about throwing up will mean that you will? I've always been like that and never liked talking about it. Only recently I have to try and make people understand why I worry so much about the pains in my stomach area.

    Who else feels like this? Please help with your stories.
    Whatever decreaseth fear increaseth courage.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    You won't get sick from tlaking about it. If that were the case all healthcare professionals would have every disease and illness they treat, right? I know how easy it is to associate things like that and i've done it myself but more like if I had a bad thought I thought a bad thing would happen but truly talking about it doesn't make it so. I hope this helps you.
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    *hugs* I do know how you feel helgio, sometimes it can feel like emet has the upper hand - but you shouldn't let it get to that stage. You've gotta be strong, gal! Stand above it, tell yourself that you are NOT going to let this thing get the better of you. If you get through something like this, then you'll feel twice as strong afterwards, like you can take on the world.

    There is a great thread in General Discussion which always puts a smile on my face when I'm feeling low about this phobia - its called "You know you're an emet when..." or something like that. Its great if you're having a hard time coping with it, makes everything seem alot lighter. I strongly suggest you go and take a look, it'll at least give you a bit of a giggle!

    Sometimes I think its good to laugh at fears like this. I really don't think you can make yourself sick by talking about it. True, you can worry yourself into a state where you might feel pretty close (thats me at the moment, actually. I'm having a tough day! But I'm not letting it get to me, because I know I'm fine...I'm just worrying about silly things, which lead onto sillier things...lol), but you've got to believe in the power of the mind. The mind controls the body...and if you have control over your mind, then you can deal with anything ^_^

    I hope whatever's giving you pain and n* can be sorted out and fixed, as soon as possible! You might feel pretty rotten, but that's definitely no guaruntee that you'll v*...so don't worry. Thats our problem, us emets...we can't distinguish between oncoming v* and just feeling a bit icky. My phobia has gotten worse these past few months, too, for unknown reasons, but as I said, I'm trying not to let it ruin my life.

    If you ever fancy a chat, you can catch me at [email protected]


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United States


    Just wanted to let you know I sympathize. Sometimes when my kids or hubby v* I have this irrational thought that I did something "bad" to deserve the stress it brings and then feel guilty like it's somehow my fault they are sick. Weird, huh? I guess this stinkin' thinkin' kinda goes with this phobia and underscores the importance of getting help.
    <font color=BLUE>~Paula~</font>

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I have superstitions, when I say something like, "Oh that's never happened to me" (when talking about something horrible), or "I've not been sick for &lt;however long&gt;" that I might be jinxing myself. I always have to touch wood afterwards, lol. We all have these little foibles, even people who don't suffer phobias.

    I hope you manage to sort out what is making you feel ill. How awful for you mum to have taken ill like that, but you absolutely had nothing to do with that. I hope she is feeling better soon, as I do you.

    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb



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