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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Don't usually get this personal with anyone, but I just needed to talk to someone about this!

    *sigh* Yep, I've had (and am still having) a really awful day. Concerning "that time of the month". I've never had pain this bad, and its worn me down into a horrible state, where I'm really shaky and weak, and have no appetite. Does anyone else get like this?

    It IS emet related, because I just feel n* because of all the stress. Pain does that to you, I think - especially when it lasts for hours on end, it really takes it out of you. I was too exhausted even to cry, god, it was awful! Now I'm just sort of numb, and trembling, and my mouth is as dry as a desert. Feel horrible.

    ughh, I've never been a big pill taker when it comes to ladies problems like this, but does anyone have any suggestions? For calming nerves, or pain relief, or anything?! lol, today has been terrible...I've got a uni essay due tomorrow, but I haven't been able to think straight to do it. I've been having whole days of anxiety lately, and this one has just been the worst yet.

    Any help or comfort would be REALLY appreciated, guys, if you have the time, or can be bothered...I don't have anyone to talk to at the moment! [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time. Yes I feel like that too when the cramps are really bad, to a T you described it. What I do when I have cramps is prop a pillow behind my knees and another behind my back (kind of sitting but not up straight) and put a heating pad on the small of my back. I also take Advil and try to sip water. A cool wet cloth on the back of your neck may help the n* and irritation a bit. I hope this helps. Know that you're not alone tho and that what youa re feeling is cramp related, you won't be sick from it. Also I'm iffy about pills too that is why I only take Advil but many months I have said "to hell w/ it, I wish I were on the pill or had something stronger" lol but I never have. Good luck and feel better soon!
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United Kingdom


    YES! I used to suffer bad with period pains, it would make me nearly faint I felt so weak and I used to get n as well. My daughter also suffers like that. Its awful and I know what you are going through. When I went on the pill my period pains stopped, and its rare for anyone to get n, while taking it, however, I had a look at your profile and you havnt said how old you are, if you are very young ie 14 then I wouldnt advise you to take it, there are lots of other drugs though that you can get from your G.P. to combat this monthly horror so dont lose heart, if you get a prescription from your G.P. ask if its likely to cause n, if so tell him you cant take it then he will prescribe something else. Also the chemist has many pain releivers and if you are concerned about taking them you can always try half of one to see how you feel then another half until you have took the recommended dose. I never vd when I had bad period pains and I dont get pain anymore because I am older. Good luck and there is a drug out their for you, just find the confidance to take it, it wont kill you and will make you feel better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Thankyou guys - its the next day and I'm still really weak and dizzy, and a little n*, and every so often I get the odd twinge...but generally I'm better than I was. God, it wears you out! xD Trying to take it easy.

    Suzy, I never really thought much about the pill, but I'm going on 19 so it is an option, and from what I've heard from my friends, it does stop pain and make things easier. I usually don't get this bad, but with the risk of it happening again (maybe when I'm out or something), its a worry...so maybe I'll look into pills of some sort.

    And thanks for those suggestions SimplyMe, I'll be sure to try them out ^_^ Its terrible timing too, because I've just started holidays, so I'm trying to enjoy myself! At least some consolation is it'll get better with each day. God I hate periods! Who invented them, seriously!!

    Edited by: angel13

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United States


    I just wanted to second the Pill motion (lol). I had horrible, horrible periods when I was growing up and I went on it when I was 16. It was a miracle.I had such bad cramps that when I was in labor for my first baby I actually had to ask the nurse if I really was having contractions because all they felt like were bad cramps to me!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Really! Wow, so that's what it feels like![img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]I'm quite curious about the pill, as many of my friends who were on it complained of feeling n* quite alot, of even v*ing...I'm not sure, was this the case for any of you who started taking it?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United States


    No, I never felt n*. They make them really low dose now. The only side effect I get are headaches with my period, but really I get them anyway. I'm not on the pill now and must have "outgrown" the bad cramps--heard that happens after you have a baby.
    <font color=BLUE>~Paula~</font>

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Sorry I'm late posting. What has always worked wonders for me is Midol Maximum Strength. THe trick is to take it from the beginning though, otherwise it just dulls the pain a little rather than completely taking it away.

    I was on the pill for about 7 years - just got off a few months ago - and I loved it! It really decreased my cramping and everything. I was never n* with it at all. I took them at night though, right before bed. I never worried about having anything in my stomach either and never had a problem. I did have a couple of friends that did, but they seem to be the types of people with weak stomaches. I would definitely talk to your doctor about it. When I started taking them, I had no idea that they could cause n* or v* so I didn't ask, but I'm sure if you tell your doctor about your concern they can recommend one with lower cases of side effects.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I used to suffer terribly with bad period pain (once it was so bad I almost fainted - I just collapsed in the kitchen doubled over and crawled to bed with painkillers). A hot water bottle held on your tum or back can help. My periods used to be very heavy too, which was a real pain. I went on the pillquite a fewyears ago and whilst I've been on that I hardly know I'm having a period - they are very light and there is no pain, some months I have no symptoms whatsoever, apart from the (slight)bleeding of course.

    The pill has never made me feel nauseous, not even when I first started it. There are a few concerns about being on the pill highering your chances of getting breast cancer (and since my mum died of this I'm in a higher risk category too, so was a bit concerned). I talked it through with my doctor and he said although it can increase your chances of getting breast cancer, it lowers your chance of getting cervical cancer (also inmy family - my cousin died of this when she was 27) and cervical cancer is the most dangerous one as it's harder to spot.

    Another good thing about the pill is you can predict when you will start your period more accurately and if you are due on during a week that you would rather not be, say for a holiday or something, you can change the dates of your period.


    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United Kingdom


    The pill doesnt lower your chance of getting cervical cancer, it lowers your chance of getting ovarian cancer, I know, all these gynecolgical pros and cons can be confusing, cant they. Ovarian cancer has been also known as the silent killer as the symptoms only appear when the cancer has spread too far, cervical cancer though is thought to be higher in pill users, not because of the chemicals in it but because(as medical research says) it can lead to promiscuity, in other words having more sexual partners as the pill takes away the risk of pregnancy, some researchers suggest it is the mans sperm that triggers off C.I.N, (pre cancerous cells) and others blame it on the papilloma (wart)virus which is also sexually obtained. Women that havnt had babies first or are young when taking the pill do have a slightly higher risk of getting breast cancer but these are minimal. Think of Linda McCartney, she had every reason not to get breast cancer as she had none of the risk factors, ie, being apple shaped, eating red meat, family history of breast cancer, not having children, smoking and drinking! she had none of those risks yet she still got it.Wierd! Edited by: suzy.o

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I love the pill. too! I used to have the worst cramps, too! I would be writhing in pain on the floor every month....it was unbearable! On the pill, I can hardly feel it! And, I had no unpleasant side effects either!

    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Ah, sorry about that, I stand corrected Suzy.O. I could have sworn my doctor said cervical cancer, but it was a long time ago, so it's obviouslymy memory letting me down again (

    You are right what you say about Linda McCartney -sometimes it's just the look of the draw who gets cancer and who doesn't. All the people that I know who have died from cancer and have cancer, have leadhealthy lifestyles, eaten a good diet and never smoked (although my friend who has lung cancer right now probably has it because of passive smoking) and been the right weight andfit people. That's not to say you should go about not looking after your health with a bad diet, being unfit, drinking heavily, smoking etc, cos obviously that will higher your chances of getting a serious illness.

    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United Kingdom


    Agreed Tcsarah, saying that though you die if you drink and smoke and you die if you dont, I say make your life as comfortable for yourselves and your families as best you can then at least we canenjoy what comes to us instead of worrying. Anyone can get mixed up about medical facts and figures, the reason I know about the cervical cancer bit is because I had pre cancerous cells when I had my first baby, now aged 17. I got cured of it but readall the books about it, I wouldnt have known all this if Iwasnt affected by it so im no professor. tee hee. Anyway there are always RUBBER JOHNNIES! I had to say that one, lol.tut tut, shame on me. Edited by: suzy.o

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    the appetite thing is normal cause its an up and down thing when its the
    period "period". &lt;---- wow look 3 periods in a row!
    either way don't you worry just relax and dont be afraid
    you're a woman and now u can bitch with an excuse!



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