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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    Well i had a bit of a triumph. The day before yesterday i went to a party at my husband's friend's house with my husband. The friends of his we were hanging out with never v* from drinking so i usually feel pretty comfortable with them. Well the night went on and my husband was very very drunk so we had to spend the night since he couldnt drive home.

    ***slightly graphic** All of a sudden his friend starting V*ing in the bathroom with the door open very loud and just horrible sounding. I ran upstairs and hid in his other friend's room since the guy was in the shower lol. I insisted i slept in this guy's room since he had a loud fan and such and i was worried i would hear stuff if i slept downstairs with the others. I bet you are waiting for the triumph part lol. Usually after situations like that i cannot sleep and panic and feel sick but i didnt. I just went right to sleep and some guy who probably think i am crazy's room! lol. I slept well though and even managed to pee in the bathroom that was v"ed in the next morning!

    Sorry this was so long. [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    That's the sort of thing I like to hear! ^_^ Nice triumph! It feels so good when you can dismiss situations like that so easily!

    The guy v*ing probably didn't give it a second thought!



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