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Thread: Minor freakout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Sorry guys, having a bit of a panic attack at the moment...need to get it out there.

    You know those moments where you're absolutely fine, happy, and feeling well, then suddenly something comes over you and you start to worry? Thats just happened to me. I don't even know what triggered it. I was in town today, and I get really fussy about handwashing when I'm out. I forget when I've washed them and when I haven't. I was sure I was pretty careful today, but then, I dunno, I ate a muffin after going in a public bathroom, so I'm paraoid I've touched something and picked up a bug of some kind, by touching the muffin. I always wash my hands, but public toilets gross me out...you never know what sort of germs are lurking around in them. I feel ok, just really worried and my stomach feels kinda weird. I hope its just anxiety.

    I'm just not thinking very rationally right now! >_< I'm scared to go to bed, which I really should, soon because I'm so overtired at the moment. Had the busiest, and most stressful week!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States


    I am SO SO sorry that i was not here at the time you needed help...anyway, i'm going through the same thing right now, except its not anxiety. I can tell you for sure that i've actuallynot washed my hands before i ate, and i was fine. a lot of people dont wash their hands in the bathroom, and they are fine also. It is kinda disgusting to think about the germs, but so many people eat right after being in a bathroom and are fine. I'm sure that its just the stress and nervousness, but you will (or probably are, now!) fine.

    <3 Anya--
    PM me for contact info such as skype, email, or facebook. Thanks!

  3. #3


    I've had panic attacks before, and it was so sudden where I can't even
    remember or think of what caused it. I know what you mean about the
    germs in the washroom, I always wash my hands and when I'm done I like to
    turn the tap off using a paper towel.. unless someone else is in there, I'm
    usually too embarrassed so I suck it up and touch those gross taps.



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