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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    hey guys...

    whenever we come on here, most of the time we;re talking about bad
    thigns, like v* and being afriad and all that. i think we should talk
    about something happy.


    what is it that makes you happy?

    for me, its art... painting, photography, drawing, music...
    (http://bexcelica.deviantart.com - let me know what you think, i need
    feedabck) and my kitty of course. my boyfriend makes me happy and so do
    my parents. so does the thought of things like a pill for no v* (jkjk)
    but for real, those are the things that make me

    what about you?

    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Ooo good thread!

    What makes me happy is my husband, our 2 pet rabbits (they are such cute little gals!), nature and going for walks in the woods on the trails, my faith, reading a good book, my (well partly in afamily way) 2 dogs that reside at my dad's.Also agreed on the thought of a pill for no v* lol or a pill to cure any aliement immidiately, (I wish lol!) Thats what makes me really happy. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United States


    Great idea. What makes me happy is just being at home with no responsibilities for the day having fun with my kids and husband. Driving somewhere together listening to a cd Iburned laughing at my kids actually liking "my" music. I guess I'm just happy when my kids are happy. I like scrapbooking when I have time and don't feel guilty that I should be doing something else.Getting a good night's sleep makesme veerrrryyyy happy.

    Oh, and I almost forgot, I really like your art bexcelica. Did youpaint/draw allof that?Edited by: mommyof3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Good topic!

    Let's see . .. the number one sure thing that makes me smile from morning to night is reading. Aside from that writing and cooking. Playing with my dog, trekking the mountains, drawing/sketching (got considerably good over the summer!) watching movies/talking or errands with my dad. Candles make me happy! I love fragrance. And of course my comfort items (stuffed monkeys; blanket).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    ...my anti-depressants! Seriously, art, crafts, photography, cooking, animals (don't you think it's magical how our pets have a knack of cheering us up however low we feel), being at the coast and gazing out to sea, eating a delicious meal, feeling merry from a drink or two, snuggling round the tv and watching a good film with my fiance with candles lit and incense burning, beautiful sunsets, snow, a countryside walk, listening to good music, whiling away the hours on the computer, catching up with friends, plants, reading a good book or magazine, watching spooky programmes, a lovely cup of freshly ground coffee, an open fire, being paid a compliment, laughing til your sides hurt. Ok I'll stop now, lol. Gosh I've never reallystopped to think before justhow many different things in life are just wonderful! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] Too much time thinking about what's wrong with the world.....

    Brill idea Bexcelica!


    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Your art is really cool, bexcelica! Your photography is awesome, brilliantly done. Great thread, too...lets see, what makes me happy...

    Drawing, writing,getting stuck intogood books, perfect sunny days, my pets (especially my cat Minty, she's like my best buddy!), my oldest friends, being at home, video games (yeah, I'm a nerd! lol), going to the cinemas, theatre, acting, chocolate, coffee/cappuccino, flavoured tea, candles and incense, listening to my favourite songs, having a good laugh, spending time with my parents, internetting, peaceful walks, sleeping in and knowing you don't have any plans...

    All that sort of thing! ^_^ I feel better just listing them all!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    My 3 cats make me very happy. When I've had a bad day, just cuddling with them makes me feel better. I also enjoy reading, exercising, and shopping. There are many other small things that bring pleasure, but I won't bother to list them all.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    What makes me happy ........ hummmmmmmm, my husband (when he's not being aggravating!!) my beautiful children (when they are not puking, lol!!!!) my family, even my mother in law (most of the time) my good friends, especially the ones Ive known forever!!!! my fur baby (my kittly Toodles) I love to shop, love to bake (hate the cleaning up) I love to write, someday I would love to publish a novel.

    Lots of things make me happy, its hard to believe I spend so much time worrying about vomit ............

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    its funyn how there are so many thing that make us happy, yet we dont ever talk about them,

    thanks for the compliments on the site... i need feedback from people other than my parents who think EVERYTHING i do is great
    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Most of my happiness comes from my daughter. I am so blessed to have had her, she changed my life! I like my job most of the time. I get to work independently for the most part, so that's nice for me. I am actually able to do homework at work sometimes, so I am chipping away at college at the same time, so that I think is cool. I also enjoy photography, working with stained and leaded glass, watching law and order and reading. I'm very excited that fall is here. I love the weather and scenery in the fall. I only wish it lasted longer! I love music, it has always been what has been there for me. I love Bad Religion, Social Distortion, Fugazi and The Beatles. Lately I have also been listening to White Zombie (old stuff), Bjork, Franz Ferdinand, Concrete Blonde and Sublime. I could go on and on about music, so I will just stop myself there.

    When I sit and think about it, I just feel blessed. I have experienced so much in the 28 years that I have been alive and I am trying my hardest to learn from everything and take something positive from each experience. I'm trying to become a positive person and forgive those who have hurt and abused me in the past. I am so lucky to have my health and to have had a healthy little girl to share this life with. When I really sit back and think about it, there is so much more to be grateful for. I wonder why it's so much easier to sit and complain than to acknowledge the good in life. Hmmm.. Nice thread, thanks.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Ooo I'd like to add a few more!

    Sitting warm and safe in the house watching the snow fall, cross country skiing in the moonlight (it is really beautiful with the moonlight reflected on the snow, it just lights up the woods), in the fall enjoying the leaves and going for walks picking up theparticularlypretty coloredleaves, taking the dogs fora walk in the woods (they love that!) Hmm...drawing, when I do draw I really enjoy it. I agree there is lots to be thankful for and to be happy about. Even though things get hard sometimes there are bright spots.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Alberta, Canada


    Ohhhhh, this is GOOD! Love it!

    Let's see, what makes me happy. My son, sometimes, getting AWAY from my son...lol! I love shopping, and movies, and Dean Koontz novels. I love snow, and sitting by the fire during a cold blizzardly day. I love x-mas lights, and the smell of a fresh rain. I love spring, when everything seems new and life feels like it can be renewed. My b/f makes me happy, when he hugs me, I am even happier. I am happy when I am having a good day. I am happy being with my mom. I'm happy that I only need to wait six more months to have my divorce finalized (lol), I am happy being around my two cats and my snuggly (yet loud) beagle. A few drinks makes me happy. My anti-depressants, (lol), my bcp, and the thought of having another child someday. I love camping and stinking of fire when I get home. I like to sit by the lake at night, when the lake is like glass and noone is around. I liketo travel through the mountains, and see how majestic it is. Seeing babies! Knowing one day I will be a midwife, these are the things I can think of right now (with my four year old talking to me)!!!![img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    That, which does not kill us, makes us stronger!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Music, I couldn't live without my music lol I listen to it everyday and it calms me so much. My kitty cat whom I just love lol I'm seriously some crazy cat lady but she's just adorable and very non judegmental Since being in Scotland I love that I am surrounded by hills and nature and go walking quite a lot. I love reading, I read all the time, books magazines etc. When my mum and my sister and I all manage to sit around and have a conversation without fights, thats always cool lol Watching TV is a BIG help. L word, Law and Order SVU, CSI etc etc lol
    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Music, I play guitar in a rock band (can't get the teenager out of
    me). I also love a good book but I now only read during the
    summer because I lack the time.

    Of course, myy wife and kids are sooo important [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] when they are not puking !

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Phil B! LOL @ last line

    \"This too shall pass\"



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