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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    hi, this is going to sound really weird and probably really gross. i have found something that (i think) is helping me on my journey to overcoming this phobia. my cat. she has a really weird stomach and v*s every day. she is just really greedy and doesn't chew her food properly. anyways in the beginning of course i really freaked out,but now cos she does it all the time, i am like 'here she goes again'...do people out there have a problem with animal v* or just humans?? oh, and is anyone else from australia??

    take it easy and god bless


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    I don't have a problem with animal vomit. I have a pekingnese that vomits almost daily between 330 pm and 400 pm. its really weird, but he does it so much I know the look in his eyes he gets when he has to vomit and 94 percent of the time I am able to put him outside so he doesn't do it in the house.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    hey harry i have both a dog and cat but its my dog ellie that V* quite a bit and it doesn't bother me at all...i can clear it up as if it was just anything on the ground...its strange really how i can detach myself from being scared with animal V* ...Althou i would rather her not!!! But it doesn't bother me at all.....AS for coming from OZ i don't of course as it says i'm from the UK but i lived there for 6mths when i travelled about 8-9 yrs ago, its a beautiful country.....

    Anyway take care vicky x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    (Little Graphic this post is)

    My sister's cat V*s like ALL the time. The only thing that bothers me about it is the noises he makes before he does it...I've seen him do it quite a few times and it never really bothered me. Also we used to have a dog that would V* a lot as she got older. It only bothered me once because one time I saw her V* with so much force it like SPLATTERED everywhere...and that bothered me. Other then that I'm fine with Animals V*ing.

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I think that animal V* isn't a problem since we know we can't catch it and it won't happen to us. I have a lot of pets and it does make me a little nervous to watch them V*, but I am fine cleaning it up. It's not nearly as nasty as humans

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    I don't have a problem with animals throwing up. I have two dogs and two cats. One of my dogs and one of my cats throws up all the time from over eating or just hair balls. I can sit there and watch and hear them be sick and it doesn't phase, nor does it bother me to clean it up. I guess it's because I don't have a huge likely hood of getting sick from cat or dog when they are getting to sick for non medical reasons??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    United States


    I think with me I don't have a problem with animals doing it because I know what I am about to see.....Kibbles and bits!! With humans I feel as though I am not prepared to see what they ate....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I truly think that our issues are fear of us getting s* and we know that we can't from the animals. Also, I agree that the unknown of what will come from a human verses knowing what the animals ate, helps a lot with the animals.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by gubba
    I think that animal V* isn't a problem since we know we can't catch it and it won't happen to us. I have a lot of pets and it does make me a little nervous to watch them V*, but I am fine cleaning it up. It's not nearly as nasty as humans

    hi everyone again! okay i have another question for you...gubba said animal v* isn't a prob cos we can't catch it. so what about drunk v*. hehhe. when a friend drinks too much a v*s, do you freak out? i think i've been getting a bit better about this one, although it is still reeally scary. i know i cant catch it, but i am scared i will smell it and v* myself, although that has never happened to me before. i used to leave highschool parties before 10pm so i wouldn't see anyone do it!

    nice to meet you all by the way! i'm harry (harriet)...

    take care and god bless


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United Kingdom


    meh.. i dont really like animal v", back when i used to live in FL - we used to have two dogs, and they used to V" a fair bit (i dunno why :S) - and normaly wakeing up in the morning for school, going into the living room to grab the house key and lunch money, to smell and see v" on the ground - was kinda problematic :P... seeing cat and dealing with cat v" is not though, strangly enough.. i've grown up with cats, and they like to eat grass and bugs it seems.. and seeing as the current cat hangs out in my room alot near my desk, i normaly gotta catch the v" with a tissue so it does not stain my carpet ..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    I can't stand anything - man or beast - v* i totally freak out. Yesterday i went out into the garden and my husband had left a paint pot which was full of water and paste mix by the wall. I noticed a spider had fallen in it and curiously poked it with a stick. It was a huge spider - the biggest i've ever seen and when i poked it, it moved. Feeling like i should save it, i got it out (not with hands! LOL) and it immediately climbed the wall. I watched it curiously as i had never been that close to such a huge spider before. All off a sudden it kind of arched itselfand v* - or what i thought was v* - just water. I had never in a million years thought spiders could v*, but whatever it was it totally freaked me out and my first reaction was to smash it to pieces. However, i got a grip and went in doors with immediate diarrhea (!).

    I can't have pets that vomit. I keep pet rats as they cannot vomit. I am happy with this and i never have to worry about going near them, holding them etc., The very sad thing is because rats can't v* they are more susceptable to poisoning. Thats why they are easy to poison. Because they can't v* they die a most horrid, painful death. Don't get me wrong i don't think much of wild rats at all, but to think of my 'boys' suffering (not that they would) is beyond belief!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    Harry...nice to meet you!

    I do freak out with drunk v* also, but sometimes I get scared thinking maybe it was more than just being drunk. I also just get scared seeing anyone v* or even look like they might. I get nervous when someone coughs, gets chocked, makes a funny face and even slightly looks like they might v*.

    I have no idea how this all got started for me, but I found this sight a few days ago and what arelief it is to finally meet people that understand this odd feeling that we all have.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    My kitty sadly died 5 years ago, but during the first few years of getting her (this was 20 years ago), i could not handle when she would "v". I would steer clear of her and the "v" itself, leaving someone else in the house to clean it up. After some time, when i was living on my own (just my cat and I), when she would "v" or cough up a hairball, i could deal with it a little better. It was obvious when she would, i could hear that awful noise they make even if i were in a different room from her, but i knew i had to take care of it...i certainly couldn't just leave it there. Over the years (i've had her 15) i was able to clean it without a problem and i would even hold and comfort her right after (as if she were my child, which in my eyes, she was hehe). The only thing i could NOT do, was to actually watch her doing it. I could be in the same room with her while she did it, i just could not SEE her until she was done, then i'd clean it up. I think some of you are correct in feeling that we can handle it better with animals, cuz we wouldn't catch anything from them. But as for a drunk person...oh noooooo!! I can NOT be around someone who is "v'ing" from that! Even knowing full well it was simply from the alchohol they drank. The only humans i can handle "v'ing" are newborn infants, who you have to burp after a feeding...cuz i know in my mind it's only formula, and it's usually a small amount,.. go figure!

    I have to add one thing yet. It's only been less than a week that i discovered my phobia has a name, this website, and the fact that this is a fairly common phobia...not to mention how glad i was to see how many people share this. I was and still am amazed, and just knowing i am not alone (i truthfully thought i was some freak of nature and totally alone in this). This has actually helped me to some point, when i feel an anxiety attack coming on. I just think to myself..."Hey, someone else who shares your phobia may be going through this very thing, right now, with you...I am not alone, someone understands!!" How comforting is that??

    Thanks for reading all my babble hehe! God bless you all!! Especially you Sage, for giving us this gift :-)

    Meercat (Paula)
    For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hi to all the newbies!

    I am not bothered by animal v* at all. I can watch our dog v* and clean up with out any problems. Yet any human v* - no way! Apart from little babies, that's not so bad when all they have to bring up is milk.

    Trixie, that's weird about the spider - never heard of that before! Good on you for rescuing it though- I really don't like spiders but can't stand the thought of anything suffering. I have rats too, two males, an agouti and a brown and white hooded! They make fab little pets don't they.


    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    I have cleaned up my cats V* more times than I want to remember lol but I'd rather do it. My sister can't clean well and my mum would V* herself so I do it and it doesn't bother me. When I was helping with my friends baby all the time she would bring up milk and it was cool though scary at first and its like...as she moved onto solid foods my exposure was gradual so, from milk V* to slightly more solid V* to real V* and by the time she was old enough to V* real food I coped. One time she got sick and was so sad I was hugging her and making sure she was ok because I loved her and it overcame that fear. This gives me hope for when I have my own kid one day lol although I loved Lauren like my own little girl.

    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Hi Tracey

    So lovely to hear somebody else loves rats! i have 5 boys - an agouti (blue) variegated, havanah, 2 x chocolate browns and one hooded fawn.

    Where abouts do you live in UK?

    Love Trixie x

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hi Trixie. I'm in Chesterfield (about ten miles from Sheffield), Derbyshire. Where are you?

    Your rats sound gorgeous - I used to have four but lost two last year, that's the main drawback with rats they don't live long enough. My agouti is on three different types of meds right now for respiratory problems, I hope he'll pull through as he's only one and a half so I don't want to lose him yet.

    Tracey x

    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Hmm, pets that v*! I'm in the same boat, harrystar, my cat does it all the time too! As soon as she has had her dinner, I put her straight outside...I've learnt from experience that having her in the house after she's eaten is not a good idea! I've cleaned it up several times, and not given it a second thought...also I don't care about having contact with her after she's done it. I'll still cuddle her and stroke her...unlike when I'm around people who've done it, I avoid them like the plague!

    I wonder why animal v* is just generally not a big deal for emets?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    I can't deal with my cats when they are v* but once they are done I can clean it up okay. When I know that they are going to v* I go into another room and plug my ears becuz it is the sound that upsets me the most I think. My poor little kitties lol I leave them all alone but I comfort them once they are done.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Yuk, I hate animal vomit. But not as much as human vomit!

    I'm from Australia - Bathurst NSW originally but now I live in Sydney. Where are you living??
    \"What are you gonna do today, Napoleon?\"
    \"Whatever I FEEL like I wanna do, GOSH!\"
    (Napoleon Dynamite the movie)

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Alberta, Canada


    Hi Harry,,,,animal v* doesn't really bother me all that much. My dog does it all the time b/c she drinks/eats too fast. I get kinda "gaggy" when I clean it up though. Don't do well at ALL with human v*, although I used to work in a place where one of the 'clients' could v* whenever she felt like it. It was her behaviour. At first, totally lost it, but after a few months I got used to it, I think though b/c I knew it wasn't something I could catch either.

    That, which does not kill us, makes us stronger!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Hi Sarah, Sorry for late reply - been busy at work (for a change!!) - i live in Ipswich Suffolk. My rats are also often ill with respiratory infections and i have had many 'put to sleep' for infections. Last year when i had Twiggy put to sleep i sat in the vets totally inconsolable and people just looked at me like i was stupid, then this woman came in whose dog had to be put to sleep and she too was crying. Everyone in the vets comforted her and when she looked at me, she said 'why are you crying..?' i told her my rat had just been put to sleep and she just said 'eeeerrr a rat! well thats hardly a pet, they should all be put down...' i just looked at her and couldn't believe me ears - so insensitive.

    I have 2 cats as well and these cats are happy to only come in on occassions - usually when there are no children about! I get to clear up any v* whether its in the house or garden - on more than one occassion i've had to clear up v* after a mouse or mice have been eaten and my stomach really turns, maybe its because i'm a rodent lover - maybe its the sight of mouse parts (i won't be graphic!).

    Love Trixie x

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Oh yes, I've come across that attitude many a time before, especially whilst I've been sitting waitingat the vets. Some people are so utterly rude. I'm sorry you had to experience that at such a sad time as just after losing Twiggy, it must have been awful - if I'd been there and heard her say that I would have felt like slapping the insensitive so-and-so. I've cried buckets over my rats that have passed away - until you've kept rats I don't think you realise what a strong bond you can build with these amazing little creatures. People who know little about rats tend to think of the pet ones as the same as wild ones -that's like comparing your average family pet dog to a wolf!


    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb



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