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Thread: why

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    earlier this week i posted about how i was worried about my first week as a student teacher.

    the first 4 days were great, i soon forgot about the sv at work. Tonight i went to the pub with some friends. I sat next to my friend who i havent seen for about 2 years, we sat very close laughing and joking and sharing stories. then about 2 hours later she said how she had a dreadful tummy and couldnt stop going to the toilet,

    im so scared now i will catch something from her, i just feel that someone somewhere just does not want me to be happy, there always has to be somehting to worry about

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    That's what us phobics are best at - worrying!

    It may be that your friend had eaten or drunk something that didn't agree with her. She must have just started feeling icky in the pub too, as I don't think you would go out knowing you'd probablybe running to the loo all the time. If she was coming down with a stomach bug I don't think it would have been at the contagious stage, so I'm positive you'll be fine. It may help you to have a bottle of Kaolin and morphine in at home - it's excellent for upset tums anddiarrhoea and helps relieve nausea caused by upset stomachs. I always have a bottle in at home just in case, although I've not had to take any for a few years, as my last dicky tummy was about three years ago (had the runs pretty bad!). It helps just knowing if you do pick something up, a few doses of kaolin will put you right.

    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb



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