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Thread: Uh Oh...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    I didn't get my period last month...and I don't know what's up with that. I know that I can't be pregnant because I don't have sex...and even if I did I would ALWAYS use protection. I've been eating as normally as possible but I don't know if that could be the cause of it or not. It's weird cause I usually get my period like clock work, at the end of every month...What should I do? Should I call my doctor? Should I wait another few days and see if it comes? What if there's something wrong with me...ARRG! HELP!!

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United Kingdom


    First of all, don't worry; there are so many reasons for missing a period.

    Recently have you been any more stressed than usual? Have you been dieting or unintentionally lost weight? If you don't think it's one of those, then it could be due to some sort of infection.

    Go see your doctor, they will be able to reassure you that it is unlikely to be serious and possibly give you a diagnosis. If it's an infection, it's probably nothing that a course of antibiotics can't clear up.

    Good luck! I'm sure things will turn out fine for you!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004



    I've missed my period for months at a time several times but at least the first time I guess I wasn't regular yet anyway. I missed it for a few months when I had pneumonia. I don't know if that could've caused it or not. Then I missed it like 6 months I assume due to extreme depression. I guess now that I do get it every month although it's still not regular I might be worried too if I didn't get it. Anyway my point is pneumonia and depression seemed to cause me to miss my period and if those can then I would think anything can.

    By the way may I ask you why you "hate" Tea Leoni? I saw you talking about it in another thread and I was like "huh?". Is she married to David Duchovny? If she is why is that a bad thing? I'm just asking cause I'm curious so don't be offended.




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