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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Well on my last post I told you about my sister waking up and being sick with the runs and how I was stranded. Her boys had the diarrhea and that was it. Tyler and I have been around them off and on since then.
    Well this morning at 3am Tyler wakes me up and says he puked in the kitchen. Well he sure did. On the floor and a bit on the counter, the bottom cupboard doors and a little inside the fridge when he first thought he was thirsty and than it came!!!! Last night when I was at my parents my stomach wasn't feeling right and especially when mom drove us home. My stomach is still feeling off. Tyler last puked at 8am just a bit and now he has the runs the same as my sister!! He has all the symptoms has my sister!!!! So the 3 day waiting period to me just flew out the window, this one is 4 days, more like 5 days. So now it is 8:18am and I am getting dressed to go downtown to buy more Lysol spray, Lysol cleaner, a pail since he using the only one that I own, drop in at the office to get more gloves from my nurse practitioner. Now I am nervous!!!!!!
    He goes to his dads later on today. I am suppose to help my friend at the pizza place but I don't think that will happen at all, I am way too friging nervous.
    I think all my logic went out the window to.[img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Despite everything that's going on, you seem to be handling yourself pretty well. How are you feeling mentally? How is Tyler doing? Do you think that's the end of the vomiting? How long did the sickness last with your sister?

    Just try really hard to relax and hang in there. Just remember good hygeine (and it definitely sounds like you are). Also, remember that there is a strong and capable person inside of you and no matter what happens you will come out on top. In order to beat the emet, it must be faced. I know that is scary as hell, but I think you are going to be just fine. Sounds like you're already doing a great job holding it all together.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    United States


    Rhonda, I hope this passes quickly, and I hope that you remain well!!!! I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. I am not so sure about some of the icubation periods of some of these sv's myself. My little one once got one 5 days after her cousin had it, and she wasnt even around her for 24 hours before she first got sick.

    Keep us posted Rhonda, we are here for you!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Rhonda..I am so sorry you are going through this...it must be terrifying...I would be and I know that you are scared but just remember that it will pass...it has to. You are keeping yourself clean and protected....and that's really all you can do now....and pray...i will be thinking of you and your family and praying for you to stay well and safe....Kate
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    \"I Wish I Was Still In Aruba\"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Well he was sick again and has the diarrhea. I hate this s***. I phoned over to my parents and told mom that Ty is sick, my sister got on the phone and said how sorry she was and if I need anything she will come over. I finished the kitchen, cleaned it with straight Lysol and then water. He was in the bathroom and almost gag with the smell so I sprayed that with Lysol and waiting for the smell to go away. I have been up since 8 and I haven't used the bathroom so I will clean that next so I can pee. I bought gloves until Janie calls me so I can get some of hers. I keep thinking and thinking if Tyler and I shared anything and I have to stop doing that because I become so agitated and ball. last night my stomach felt off and today well it is really off.
    I should have bought 2 bottles of Lysol instead of one but the way I am feeling I am not leaving this house.
    I am freaking out so bad inside right now, this isn't fun. His father hasn't called me but I think he will be getting him around 3. I want to make sure that he has done the puking. He last puked at 10:30 and it was just bile. I am hoping this is it.
    Thanks for the encourging words, I just wish I could snap out of this phobia.[img]smileys/smilies_16.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Rhonda, could you get some kind of anti-emetic for him, would your NP prescribe something for him? Does she know whats going on? Was your sister sick this long? Could he have gotten in from school, has he started school yet? Gosh Rhonda, I am so sorry. Keep us updated.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Leigh he hasn't started school yet, he starts on Tuesday. He was sick axactly the same as my sister. First started at 3am and last puke was 10:30, it is now 2pm, he has had 2 1/2 glasses of gingerale and is fine, he is watching tv and laughing at whatever he is watching. My NP hasn't called yet she is the only one in the office today so she is quite busy. When I walk down to the pizza place I will leave her a letter and ask her to drop in there to see me, she is really cool that way. Ty's dad called and told him what happened, he kind of chuckled about Ty puking a bit in the fridge, he is going to pick him up at 4. I wasn't going to go and help out at the pizza place but now that I am thinking about it I think I will, it will take my mind off of this. So he basically had the 7 hour flu if there is such a thing. Same as my sister. I cleaned the kitchen with my lysol cleaner and than went over it again, sprayed the lysol everywhere, using the purell like a mad woman.
    Just to think this is just the beginning. I am so afraid of getting this. I don't want to do this but i have no choice, to put myself on the water and cracker diet this time for 5 days. I just don't want to wake up and feeling sick like he did and my sister. I want to thank you Leigh for keeping in touch with me.
    It helps so much when you can write down your worst fears and you get help and concern.
    I will come back on later tonight tell update.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    He is fine, he is back to his normal self......... what the hell? Never heard of this stomach bug!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    Rhonda -

    !#$T&&^*!! I feel so bad for you. What has happened is an emet parent's worst nightmare - at least mine. I guess the only good news is that the illness is short-lived. Also, I really think that if you had caught it from you sister's house, you would already be sick. Of course, Tyler is still contagious, but just use your normal hygiene,and he is going to his dad's house. That means less exposure for you. It sounds like Tyler handled it well - I wish I/we could take take our cues from our kids.

    As far as the 3-day theory, didn't your sister's kids have this too? After she did, right? Is it possible that Tyler caught it from one of his cousins?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    how are you feeling now? i hope everything is okay and im glad he's feeling better
    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Tyler is at his dads, I called him around 9 and he is fine he said that he slept for a bit. My sisters kids just had the diarrhea and that was it. I am glad that he is at his dads, I am not being harsh but it is the truth and I even told his dad that. His father knows about phobia and its pretty cool that he understands in a way. I would love to be like my kids, they don't have a problem being sick, my oldest cleaned up Tyler the last time but now he is gone off to college.
    I went and saw my NP and she gave me a box of masks (the good ones) and gloves, she also knows that I won't eat properly so she gave me the ensure to drink although I won't try them, she also told me to call her if I need her. I was afraid to sleep last night but did. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and thats it.
    I want to thank you all for helping me out. You are the best!!!

  12. #12
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    Jul 2004
    United States


    So Tyler is feeling fine now? If he is atleast it is a short lived thing. I am glad he is at his dads, I know that makes you feel better, and less exposed, so to speak.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    For sure Leigh!!! His father delivers the pizza's where I help out and I kept asking how is Tyler? Was he sick anymore? He kept on saying he is fine and no he wasn't. Gotta love being a nut some of the time!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    You did good ! Yup, the sv don't necessarily last a long time.

    When my 3 kids had theirs, 2 were sick for 2-3 hours while my oldest was

    sick for 5 hours. Then, they got better and they got back to their normal self.

    The key is to clean it up with a bit of bleach to kill whatever remians.

    If he drank from a bottle, don't use it ! throw it away and keep washing your hands.

    Edited by: PhilB

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Thanks PhilB, I can't use bleach I take a reaction just smelling it, I used lysol straight from the bottle... Don't have to worry about bottles my son is 12!!! I think I will be fine but somehow I have picked up one hell of a sore throat and headache.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    LOL! I meant water bottle, sorry...

    Anyway, take care of yourself.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Rhonda, I hope you are feeling well. I hope that you didnt catch Ty's stomach bug. How is Ty doing? His sickness is probally long forgotten to him. Let us know how you are doing.
    Edited by: jennyleigh1975

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    You just described my worst nightmare,Your sonis back to normal, meanwhile I take an extra week before I can eat solid food without panic. I fear visiting anyone with children for this very reason. Even if I am speaking with someone on the phone and they mention being sick, I start calculating the days, possible contact, my need to remain germ free and isolated for several more days. What did I touch that could have been contaminated etc.. lots of handwashing going on!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Tyler is fine, he felt better that night. That night I started with a sore throat thinking its nothing, Saturday my throat was sore but through the night was hell. I woke up just a swallowing I felt sick, its from the sore throat; everytime I have a sore throat I feel sick. I am going to see if I can get into seeing my NP.
    I feel blah, I was at my parents today hemming Tylers pants for school and my mother said that my dad isn't feeling well, he has the diarrhea, but is now on the mend.
    I hate how this is just the beginning.
    Isabel I know what you are saying, I cleaned like mad that day. My NP gave me a box of masks and gloves, she was looking for a anti viral shot for me but they ran out, she said it won't stop from catchinga bug but will not make it last as long. If I were a scientist I would be making a vaccine so you DON"T get the stomach bug!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by ontariogirl
    Well on my last post I told you about my sister waking up and being sick with the runs and how I was stranded. Her boys had the diarrhea and that was it. Tyler and I have been around them off and on since then.
    Well this morning at 3am Tyler wakes me up and says he puked in the kitchen. Well he sure did. On the floor and a bit on the counter, the bottom cupboard doors and a little inside the fridge when he first thought he was thirsty and than it came!!!! Last night when I was at my parents my stomach wasn't feeling right and especially when mom drove us home. My stomach is still feeling off. Tyler last puked at 8am just a bit and now he has the runs the same as my sister!! He has all the symptoms has my sister!!!! So the 3 day waiting period to me just flew out the window, this one is 4 days, more like 5 days. So now it is 8:18am and I am getting dressed to go downtown to buy more Lysol spray, Lysol cleaner, a pail since he using the only one that I own, drop in at the office to get more gloves from my nurse practitioner. Now I am nervous!!!!!!
    He goes to his dads later on today. I am suppose to help my friend at the pizza place but I don't think that will happen at all, I am way too friging nervous.
    I think all my logic went out the window to.[img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]

    I think that Tyler contracted the virus a couple of days after your sister and her kids had it, because they were still contagious then. (you said you were around them off and on since then) So the incubation period was probably still 2-3 days.More than likely your son contracted the bug a couple of days later. Hope you stay well! Oh, and with your sore throat??...I get one everytime I use harsh cleaning chemicals. Maybe that's it? Take care! [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img] Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    How are you doing Rhonda?

    Thinking of you!!!!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Hey Leigh I am fine I see my NP at 2:30 today, if she thinks I need a throat swab I am going to try and do it, probably not though just thinking about it makes me sweat. I feel really comfortabe around her. How are you doing Leigh?
    Char I was thinking the same thing. Michelle was sick on Monday morning with the diarrhea and vomiting, stayed there until around 7pm or so, on Wednesday we were there and her son had the diarrhea and not eating much, her baby had it that night on Thurday she picked us up in the afternoon because Brandon was still a little looseand we spent time there. Around 7 my stomach wasn't feeling right at all and I didn't eat my sub and than Tyler was up puking at 3am Friday. My father had the diarrhea and feeling sick Sunday, he didn't puke.
    I don't know, he could have picked it up from somewhere else. It is really hard to say. It sounds like he may have got it from her but now that he is fine, at his dads for the week and today is the first day of school.
    Where I got this sore throat, swallon glands and a low grade fever from who knows, obviously I didn't wash my hands properly. Thank godI don't have what they had.

  23. #23
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    Nov 2004


    Well I did it!! I went and saw my NP and she looked at my throat and said wow its red! She asked me how my nose was and I said a few sneezes here and there. She asked about a cough and I said only when I get the tickles from the sore throat. She looked at my throat again and said would you let me do a throat swab? I looked at her and said I will try. This woman has helped me out so much, taking me for my dentist appt's when I was so scared and being with me when I had the upper GI done, so hell why not I thought she will be gentle, she won't get mad at me if I fight her with the swab, hell yeah I can do this. I opened my mouth and she said put your tongue down, did it and she tried but I closed my mouth! I won't let her use a tongue depr. After so many years I have become a pro of putting my tongue down so they use no depressor. So she said put your tongue down and try to touch you chin, I did it and she swabbed my throat, I did a little gag and was fine. She said very good and I said yeah, I don't think I will do that again!
    She is asking that they fax the results by11:30am Wed, because she is done at noon, so in a way I am hoping that it is positive only because I finally had one done and than I hope its neg. and its just a viral infection.

  24. #24
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    United States


    Hey Rhonda...just wondering how you were.....better I hope...I have been sick a few days myself...with a sv I think....and so I know I have felt very bad but never v...just awful D and weak and just feel like pukey!!!!! Hope you are feeling better...K
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    \"I Wish I Was Still In Aruba\"

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Kate I hope you feel better soon. I am ok, just the headache, coughing, sore throat and the sneezing.
    What a awful few days you are having... I hope you are drinking. I am going to PM you.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Rhonda, I am so sorry I wasn't here through your time of need, but you handled it soooooooo well!!! Way to go!! I hope you are feeling better!!! (I wilsh I could get on more often, but my kids are wearing me ragged!!)

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    That is understandable Donna, you have your hands full.

  28. #28
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    United States


    Rhonda--Sorry to hear about Tyler being sick and you not feeling well. Sounds like you did great with the swab. I hate those too and usually refuse them. When I worked at the doctor's office, I would swab my own throat if I needed to do so. I remember being a very small child and crying my eyes out at the doctor's office because I was so afraid of the tongue depressor. My dad was with me and he could not figure out why I was crying!

    Hope you are feeling better!


  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Hey Jess, I am feeling like crap. My swab hasn't come back yet, my stomach doesn't feel the greatest right now.
    Justin was down on Friday at my parents place and then on Sunday he went back with my sister to Ottawa. Guess what Justin came down with the flu same one that my sister, her kids, Tyler and my father had. He was puking on Monday and didn't go to school today. His first day that he missed his college class.
    I go back to see my NP tomorrow at 4.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Blah--it is just making the rounds!!!! That happened to us, but from church-3 Sundays ago, a kid that had been in the nursery at church got sick when he got home, then the next night, Logan, and 2 other kids from the nursery got it--it must have had a long incubation, because the next Sunday, Haley and another kid from the nursery got it, then on Tuesday another one got it, then Friday night his sister got it!!! Hopefully it is gone and another one does not come to take it's place--I am not too hopeful, since it is not even WINTER yet--it's still almost 90 degrees here!!



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