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Thread: Plane fear

  1. #1

    Default Plane fear

    I have never been on a plane before because I am afraid of getting motion sickness. But I REALLY want to take a trip to New York with my friend this summer to see my favorite talk show host!! I have been on long car rides and boats and I have never gotten motion sickness. So do you think I would on a plane?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Washington State

    Default Re: Plane fear

    I honestly don't think you will get motion sick if you've been on a boat and not gotten sick. I've flown on planes quite frequently, and DO occasionally feel ill in cars (if the roads are very winding) and have never felt any motion sickness in a plane, even with turbulence. For me what prevents any feeling icky is if I can look out the window, and orient myself (oh, that sensation is the plane turning, okay, I'm fine, etc). If you're really concerned, take ginger!! My friend bought ginger snaps (with real ginger in them) and she normally gets motion sick quite easily, and this prevented motion sickness on the plane for her, and I know it helps me too when I get anxious about motion sickness!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Plane fear

    Took my first flight last year and I was fine. I chewed gum the whole time. I felt a little anxious but that was more out of the fact I'd never flown before. I've now taken a few trips and find that I feel better if I eat about an hour or so before take off.
    "It doesn't matter where you come from, it matters where you go, and no-one gets remembered things they didn't do." Frank Turner

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Plane fear

    Definitely eat before you fly. Commercial flights are usually quite smooth. You may find, as I have, that it is actually quite boring. If you can handle boats (which I cannot), you can definitely handle flying. It doesn't even feel like you are moving most of the time.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Plane fear

    Thanks so much everyone!!! =D

  6. #6

    Default Re: Plane fear

    Planes are the safest, and smoothest ways of transportation. I've been on a few, and they have there ups and downs. But for the most part they are excellent. I placed a cup of pop on my table, it didn't move... as if we were parked on the grouned. Incredible!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Plane fear

    I pop a Dramamine about 10 minutes before boarding, and that sets in nicely by the time the plane begins to taxi the runway. Make sure you have headphones so you can drown out ambient noise. I chew mint gum when taking off, try to sleep during flight time, and pop another piece of gum when descending. For me the worst part of the whole thing is waiting to get off the plane once we've landed! (that's because I'm a smoker, and I need my FIX!!!!) You'll do great!



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