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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Freaking out a bit

    Hi guys! I'm a new member here. Ive been an emetephobic for many years...seems the older I get the worse it gets. Needless to say...my partner had the norovirus at the first of February. She had the whole works. I bleached everything and did end up having d* and stomach cramps for about a week but never v*. Not sure if I had the bug or not, but even so, I've still be extremely paranoid.

    Had my sons 5th birthday party yesterday. My niece was there and came home with us after the party for awhile. She was feeling fine and showed no symptoms while at my house. Woke up this morning and saw on my sister's fb that my niece started v* at 12 a.m. this morning and was sick til this morning at 8 a.m. She is having the exact same symptoms as my partner did, so I'm assuming its the noro bug.

    I'm freaking out a bit because she was at our house yesterday and played with my son and his toys. From what I've read, it doesn't look like someone is actually contagious until the moment they start showing symptoms of the noro. Should I be worried or do you guys think we will be ok??? Trying not to totally freak out but I'm really worried!! Please help!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Warner Robins GA

    Default Re: Freaking out a bit

    I would def be freaking out! Clean everything with either bleach or Lysol. Make sure you are washing your hands. I have heard also that people are not contagious until they start showing symptoms so you should be in the clear. I would boost my immune system too just in case. You should be alright though, just hang in there

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Freaking out a bit

    It is my understanding that noro is only contagious from the time the person begins feeling ill until 48 hours after symptoms end. Furthermore it is only contagious through the v or fecal particles of the infected person.
    I think you will be okay, truly. In your shoes, would be nervous too but I really think your chances of getting it are pretty minimal.
    I hope your neice feels better soon.



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