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Thread: Had Surgery!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey all!

    Well, just had the surgery done to remove the fibroadenoma in my
    one breast. It went fine, and I wasn't nauseaus at all afterwards. I
    did tell them that I was afraid of throwing up, and they can put great
    things into the IV to make you not feel sick. Man its something how
    fast that stuff kicks in its great! I'm glad its done. This time when I
    actually got there I was more nervous than with the wisdom teeth,
    because this was a hospital, not just a dentist office. I hadn't had to
    have the whole gown thing before (and the one strap that tied and
    fastened in front of my behind was broke!) or anything like just the
    whole hospital atmosphere. It was ok tho. The worst part was the lady
    who did the IV, sheesh, shes like "I'm going to put this numbing stuff
    on so it wont hurt", then its like yeeouch! She injected me with this
    stuff, then she went to do the IV and I was like "ok so this isn't
    going to hurt right?" and shes like "sure hope not!" and I'm like
    "what!?" and then she just did it, and well I'm thinkin that its gonna
    hurt like a you know what, but well thank God that stuff worked
    so that was good! Anyway yea Im just glad its thro! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    That's so awesome. You handled it like a champ. When I had an IV put in my for a camera being stuck down my throat when I was 15 I was scared during the whole thing. That is until I got knocked the f*** out hah.. =) Congrats. ...ummm by the way..what's a fibroadeneoma?
    AIM - r311dude (don\'t be shy, I love to chat)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Wow, Galadriel, that
    is one accomplishment. I know what you mean about the hospital
    enviroment, it does suck. When I was little I had many surgeries, and
    although it was a while ago I remember like it was yesterday. I also
    remember being scared, and on the way there, pretending to be asleep in
    the car so I didn't have to go in. My Dad saw right through that And
    same with me, I NEVER had the after word nausea, in the recovery room I
    would lay in my crib thingy or strecher or whatever and chat to
    whatever dude was beside me. Then I would go home and eat 8 bacon and
    tomato sandwhichs </font>

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Glad to hear that it went well. I had my first surgery 3 years ago and I was scared to death! But, it was a breeze and I didn't feel one bit nauseated afterwards. The gowns really suck, but that is part of being at the hospital!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Heh, r311, thanks!
    Yeah I was nervous, but not like insanely scared as I would have been
    like say a year ago. Yeah being knocked out rocks. A fibroadenoma
    is like a fancy doc word for solid lump in the breast (non cancer tho!
    Its pretty common in gals my age they said).

    When I came to, I was in what must have been the recovery room (kinda a
    long room with space for many other beds, sound right?) and I was
    wrapped in like 4 blankets that were toasty warm, and man I was
    haaaaaaaappy. I coulda just laid there in like a half asleep stupor
    forever. Man talk about a peaceful easy feelin! [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

    Lol Laura, wow thats a lot to eat! I felt fine after, but just had like
    an english muffin and gingerale. Man, its rough when your a kid to get
    surgery like that, cause your scared and all this stuff is going on,
    and being poked and all that. Well, at any age you can be scared, but
    yea things tend to seem worse as a kid. I'm amazed I was able to handle
    it all so well, I mean just like a year ago wild horses couldn't drag
    me into a hospital, let alone me be in one of those gowns going in for
    surgery! [img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img] The day before I was like
    "yea this is like gonna be nothin" then I got in there and saw all the
    like "weird-looking-scary-hospital-equipment" and started to get rather
    nerved. Heh, the bed having like bars on either side didn't help at
    first, like aaahhh Im trapped!! Lol it was ok tho.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Contrats!!! You made it through with no problems. Good for you!! I'm happy. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Wow, congratulations!

    You handled that exceptionally! I'm deathly afraid of hospitals. That's my second most feared thing, besides illness. Honestly, I just can't tolerate the smell of sickness and medicines in hospitals. My first panic-attack was in one when my grandmother was getting sick in the room and I lost it.

    Anyhow, getting off topic. [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]Good job! Glad there wasn't any complications. You're definitely an inspiration!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    well done babe! thats really good - im so pleased it went ok and u didnt feel sick. At least its been removed now and u can get on!!

    ems xx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Ill tell ya, Galadriel only had to take a couple lorezapam for a visit or two.

    Shes faced this fear so well I can believe that less than 90 days ago
    she was grabbing her chest and shaking her head ''no'' with a look a
    terror on her face whenever wed talk about her seeeing the doc.

    Ive never seen anyone so determined as she has been once she had the
    appointments made and it came down to actaully going and getting things

    I really do think that her control issue is at the root of many of her fears.

    Once she is made to feel like she can stop them at any point, she really seems to relax a lot more.

    it seems to be when she feels that soemone is going to do something against her will that the fear really kicks in.

    But I guess none of us wants someone poking and prodding around on us against our will, so that makes sense.

    Anyway, she is such a strong person.

    I know she doesnt believe it, but she really is.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Awww, man well I honestly could NOT have done any of this if William did not help me. Lol, or else this would have been done with a year or so ago! [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]I have to say I am VERY glad I am marrying him!

    Yes that long, fear is a horrible thing as you very well know.

    -Peachfeet, you know I really was horrified of hospitals too. I mean I still am not the keenest on them, but liek I would have to go in one for just to see someone else, I mean I wasn't even in there for me, and its like I'm lookin around all wide eyed like omg theyre gonna commit me!! Its weird tho, but like I had about 3 visits there including the surgery, and on this last visit, I was actually used to it. It didn't hardly bother me, it was like familiar, and when I left it was almost like geez so I won't be going back. Lol well not that I want to really! I mean certain things they can do to you I most surely would not be saying that! But well its odd cause I'm not really that scared anymore, well at least with this type of thing. Now watch, something involving pain and needles and such and yea i dont think so!!! Well this did a little involve those (just the after surgery and IV). I mean I am not totally over all this stuffby a long shot, but like say I get another one of these lump thingys again, I know that I could handle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I am glad that it wentgreat for you, I am proud of you girl!!



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