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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default I'm SURROUNDED!

    So yesterday I posted on the forums about my roommate coming down with something and me evacuating to my boyfriends house to avoid getting sick. (here http://www.emetophobia.org/showthrea...se-NEED-ADVICE!) Today, a co-worker who spent the entire day yesterday v* so badly he burst capillaries around his eyes came into work! He said he felt fine, no more fever and no more vomiting so he came in!! I was SO MAD!!! spent the entire day in my cube, using purell (I know it doesn't work on SV, but I needed something to clean my hands with). I also happened to have gloves (because I was going home to clean my house with diluted bleach post roommate sickness) so I wore them anytime I ventured out of my cube and only used one hand to touch anything (the door handles, the microwave etc...) and then washed my hands obsessively.

    I also forbade him to come anywhere near me or my cube. He was gone most of the day in meetings and someone else was using his computer (who I also forbade coming into my cube). What are the chances I got something from this guy??? AHHHHH!!! SO NERVOUS! PLEASE HELP!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: I'm SURROUNDED!

    You don't know if he even has a sv. We automatically assume that's the case because of our emet, but their are numerous reasons he could have v. Maybe he drank too much?

    My daughter v yesterday and I automatically went into panic mode. But I don't think it's a sv, no d, just v once in over 24 hours.

    Dont get yourself all worked up, just make sure you wash your hands. As long as you do that, you are limiting the chances greatly.

    Youll be fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: I'm SURROUNDED!

    Well I forgot to mention he went home early on Friday because his wife was vomiting so I'm pretty sure he's had an SV



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