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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hi everyone. I am going to have some wisdom teeth removed under general anaesthetic on Wednesday and I am absolutely terrified that the anaesthetic will make me sick. I had a GA in November of last year for the same thing and I was fine but I just feel so scared. Lately this phobia has been getting much worse for me and I seem to feel nauseous at the slightest thing. I might have to stay overnight this time and I am scared that if I feel slightly sick I will have a massive panic attack and there won't be anyone there to help me who understands. My boyfriend won't be able to stay the night with me so I am hoping that it will be a day case but we have to travel to the hospital so I am also worrying about getting home in the car without V'ing. Oh this is doing my head in. All this worrying will probably make me V when it is totally not necessary. HELP!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hmmm. Well I've never had my wisdom teeth out. BUT i did have a surgery to get 4 teeth pulled, and they put me under.

    I didn't expierience any V*. When I woke up I was quite woozy, but nothing to the point of V*. I just felt kinda drunk. lol!

    You might want to talk to the doctors and let them know your concerns, and they can do their best to make sure you are well looked after (not that you wouldn't be!).

    Good luck! Update!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Aww hun. BIG HUGS. I wish I could tell you that it is 100% you won't but I can't. Though if you had a GA last year and were ok with it, it could be that you are not sensitive enough to it for it ot make you ill. My mom has had it quite a few times now and has never even felt queasy.

    I had my wisdom teeth out, I felt really sick but personally I think it was from the medications. I can't handle codine Even in Tylenol 3. I was fine after till I took those so I am not sure which.

    I am sure you will do awsome. You will feeel quite dopey for a long time too You wou certainly won't be worried. You can see maybe about getting something to calm your nerves before you head in.

    Of course you can also keep in mind that (at least here) you are not suppose to eat anything the day before you go in or the day of SOOO there won't be anything in your stomach to make you sick anyways.
    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    I had 4 wisdom teeth out at one time under general and i just felt woozy!!!!!! U can ask the nurse for a tablet to calm your nerve's before u have your op,it's normally called a pr-med.........And u could also ask for an anti-sickness tablet.......If u are up front and explain that u don't get sick from the general but u suffer with pannic attacks the will be aware and keep an eye on u............I have had 4 lots of sessions of teeth being pulled or fillings since december and i had them done at a specialist dentist under sedation............I have an anti-sickness tablet and it really helps,when u come around if u just make sure u sleep it off because the only reason why people normally get sick is because they try to come around to quickly............Hope it goes ok and keep us up dated !!!!! will be thinking of u!!!!!!!

    Vicky x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by trickyvicky

    people normally get sick is because they try to come around to quickly............Hope it goes ok and keep us up dated !!!!! will be thinking of u!!!!!!!

    BEST OF LUCK[img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    My brother had his wisdom teeth out last year and he actually ENJOYED it!! He was so high and doped out from the drugs that he was just running around and acting all weird. The only time he came close to v*ing was when he called his friend to tell him about the effects of the drugs and he got so worked up that he inhaled and started gagging on one of the pieces of gauze! I'm pretty sure that won't be a problem for you!! Also, I've never heard of anyone who has stayed overnight at the hospital after having wisdom teeth pulled - my brother was in the car and on his way home (not driving, obviously) within an hour of waking up. I think you'll be just fine, and we'll all be thinking about you! Best of luck, and let us know how it goes!
    No life is wasted; the only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    I had my wisdom teeth out 16 years ago under a general - all four were impacted and it took the surgeon half an hour to get them out - apparently he normally does 4 in 10 minutes under general!! I was in hospital over night so they could make sure I didn't bleed and give me morphine ( 4 fully impacted are quite painful!), but I NEVER felt nauseous - I know they put an anti-emetic in the morphine injection I had as I came round, but I had no further anti-sickness meds and I was fine. Tell the doctor/nurse caring for you that you have panic attacks and are anxious about getting sick and they will make sure you are OK - the last thing they want you doing after oral surgery is v*ing - think about it!

    You will be fine - Best wishes - Jill xxx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    AW!! You'll be fine!!!!

    I had mine pulled on March 20 and really it was no big deal at all. I had four of them, all impacted and the surgery took about 45 minutes to an hour. The only thing that made me even remotely queasy was the laughing gas and it just made me feel like I was going to pass out... they turned it off and a few seconds later I felt fine. When I woke up I was freezing and couldn't walk a straight line, but I was never nauseated from the anesthetic at all.

    As for meds, I took 2-3 advil every four hoursand it worked perfectly. It's not easy to take them when you're still numb because all the water just pours back out of your mouth, but try your very best to take some pain meds. as soon as you get home so when the numbness wears off you'll be good. Other than that, stick to soft foods. Mashed potatoes and jello, applesauce, and creamed soups were all I ate for almost a week, then I progressed a little each day after that. Don't suck through a straw for a week, or play with the sites with your tongue at all and if you smoke, def. don't do it for at least 4 days as you don't want dry sockets. Theygenerally suggestice cream but I'd recommend not having any dairy (Ice cream, yougurt, milkshakes, etc...) for at least24 hours as having blood in your stomach mixing with dairy can upset your tummy faster than anything. Trust me there... I learned my lesson seeing as I've had 12 baby teeth and 9 permanent teeth pulled for braces!

    Other than that... you might have a bit of swelling, use ice on your face and you'll be okay. I really didn't have much pain at all and the stitches fell out after a couple of days and they were fine


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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hi Guys

    Thanks for your support. I have my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday and also my jaw manipulated. I asked for all the usual anti-sickness stuff and I was fine when I came round. Had some food and felt fine afterwards. I am feeling really tired today and have slept loads. I am having trouble seeing this email as for some reason my vision is very blurred today. Anyone knoiw what that's about or anyone had that before? Feels a bit wierd and scarey. I am sure it will pass but it is annoying me as I cannot real use my computer today. Feeling a bit uncomfortable at the moment, but so far the pain is not as bad as I would have thought it was going to be.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


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    <TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNABLE="off">I've had my wisdom theeth pulled and my biggest fear wasn't the pain, it was the chance of v* after I woke up!!! But let me tell you what I did: I told my doctor about my fear and he told the anesthesiologist (the doctor who puts you out) whoadministered a special drug that they put in your IV to take away the nausea from the anesthesia. I didn't feel sick, I didn't feel any pain, I just felt so relaxed! You'll be fine [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]. Just remember that your dentist/doctor is there to make you comfortable! I know everyone reacts differently to everything, but they do have an anti-nausea medicine that they can give you. Good luck and let us know[img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]</TD></TR>
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