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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default TOO much panic, not enough help!

    I am new to this forum, but stopped logging in for a week or so, as I noticed everyone on here is panicking (which we all do being emets!) and we all swap stories about how we stop V* but there does ents seem to be any HELP!!! Yes there is the emets Anxiety Revoution ad, but that's mega bucks, i would like to see more NON emets on here who understand how we feel and give us some help on how to cope! I have 2 kids and hardly sleep when I know the noro is rife, but I don't avoid eating out, don't avoid buses, trains, I don't avoid eating with friends, but I do panic if I see on Fbook my friends have been sick...but we can't protect ourselves by taking anti emets, I certainly wouldn't give my kids them to save myself from having to help them, I am sorry if this is unfair as I do appreciate how awful this phobia is, but please can we have more HELP!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: TOO much panic, not enough help!

    For me this is more of a place to get comfort and be told to calm down and be rational, when non-emets in our entourage just can't help me anymore ( I know when my parents tell me it's fine, I tell them that no they don't know or understand that it's not fine). When posting here when we're in a panic, it helps to have replies from people who really understand and tell us it's gonna be alright. That's part of recovery as well, because if the panic attacks are stopped before we overthink the issue, we can try to be a bit more rational the next time. Even just posting and ranting about feeling ill is a sort of therapy for some. It makes me feel better, at any rate, and helps me feel better and by re-reading my posts I realize how silly I am being sometimes. There is a board on treatment options on here, that you can take a look at. If you go through the posts there are also people who post about what they do or take to combat emet (someone recently posted about hypnotherapy). I know I feel calmer when I can come here and read that others got through situations like mine without being sick, whereas before I found this board I spent hours searching on v* online whenever I felt bad, trying to figure out what the chances were I'd be sick in a given situation. It all depends on the person, I suppose, the constant panic posts can be counterproductive for you, but for some it's useful.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States

    Default Re: TOO much panic, not enough help!

    Nobody can help us but ourselves. People can comfort us but ultimately the ability to get over our phobia falls to us and us alone.

    There are a wide range of people who frequent this site, and everybody is at a different stage of recovery and thus everybody gets something different out of it. For instance, I use it for support rather than recovery. I don't have a support system where I live as I just moved, and so I use the website if I am scared and need some comfort. I also like to reply to others who are scared. However, for my own recovery I go to a therapist. That is what I get out of this board. Some people, on the other hand, cannot look at the panic posts because it makes them more scared. That is ok too. Like AoD said, there is a treatment section here, and often people do post about things other than panic. The forum is a place for everyone to get what they need, and if there is something that I don't want to read then I don't read it. I manipulate my usage of the forum to get what I want out of it.

    Also in my experience non-emets don't understand how we feel. How can they, never having felt it or gone through it? Maybe that is just the non emets in my life, they can try and support me and calm me down but they don't understand it, and we can't expect them to.
    PM me for contact info such as skype, email, or facebook. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: TOO much panic, not enough help!

    I see this site as a sort of social club, A bit like facebook, but with people who are like me in that they know how it is to be deathly scared of you know what.



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