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Thread: Typical Attack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    I havent had any extreme panic attacks much in the last year or so.
    Just once in a great while. But I went to visit the UP (I live in
    Michigan, USA, so I was in the michigan upper peninsula) I stayed with
    my cousin and her family. The first evening we went to a breast cancer
    benefit party and I hadnt eaten all day so I ate like 4 pieces of bread
    with cream cheese and pesto on them and other little random junk foods
    that were served, so that night my tummy HATED ME. I also dont think I
    reacted well to drinking dasani bottled water which is what I had
    brought with me. SO my gut hurt and my stomach hurt so I panicked when
    we went to bed. I dont know if anyone else is like this, but when I am
    in a panic I do NOT want to lay down.. which seems to frustrate other
    people to tears because everyone is convinced that you feel better if
    you lay down. Anyway their house is out in the woods so it is PITCH
    BLACK at night and no lights were on in the house so I was even more
    freaked out cause I couldnt see to get around. So basically I just
    wandered and panicked. What was neat is that they have huge
    windows/doors in the livingroom and I got to watch the yellow full moon
    rise. At some point my cousin woke up to check on her 2 year old
    daughter and I told her I was panicking.. by then I had taken a
    phenergen but she was trying to be helpful and offer me pepto and
    stuff. I Just asked her to turn the light in outside so I could go get
    a book from the car, so we did that and I sat up reading until I
    started to doze off and by then I felt better and went to bed. I just
    remember shaking so badly... I hate that. I was fine for the rest
    of the trip but that one night was really annoying. I havent had an
    actual stomach ache in a LONG time so I guess thats why I freaked out.
    I am very careful about what I eat and try not to overeat but now
    i learned my lesson.

    Just wanted to share the experience and partly to get it off my chest.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    massachussetts United States


    It's no surprise to me because you were out of your"comfort zone" I get like that too.It's like mild agoraphobia. I hope the rest of your trip was good. Sometimes that anxiety just has to get out of your system and then you adjust to your surroundings. Sometimes as emets, we automatically blame the food of lack of food we had instead of the anxiety we try to stop ourselves from feeling before we even figure out why we are feeling them.. Also I notice that alot of emets like myself have IBS and other tummy troubles.



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