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Thread: questions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005


    I am new to the site and I have a few questions. I am I guess what you would call an emetophobe, although I only just heard of the term tonight, as I did not know it was so common because people who hear about my phobia seem to think it's really strange. Anyways, to start off with my question about the posts themselves, is there a reason we are saying "v*" instead of "vomit"? I am terrified of vomiting, but the word doesn't bother me so much. I apologize if this is the case with everyone else. In case it IS the case, I will use "v*" for the remainder of my post this time.

    So anyhow, does anyone else panic so bad when they feel sick that they black out when the time comes to actually v*? I have found myself in that situation a few times, as I get so stressed, and try to hold it off for as long as possible, and then I black out and then there it is, the v*. And I have no recollection of the incident itself. Granted, if I have to do it more than once, I only black out the first time, but I wonder if this is common with emetophobes or if it is a health issue I may need to look into.

    I used to be a lot worse with the phobia, and actually what I've found is the only thing that has helped is actually doing the deed. I am a smaller girl, (about a size 3 and 5'8) and I have tried several birth controls with estrogen, and most of them tend to make me v*. The patch (ortho-evra) in particular. It got to the point where I knew which day it was going to make me sick. So my advice to those who are smaller girls is DO NOT TRY ORTHO EVRA. I have heard of several other girls with the same problem. Has anyone else had this problem? It's been really hard for me to find a birth contorl that I am happy with due to this. I am on depo-provera now (the shot) but it has made me gain weight, lose my sex drive, and made my hair thin, but I still continue to be on it because itdoes not make me v*!!! Anyways, my phobia has decreased quite a bit due to v*ing regularly from that. Also, I have a boyfriend who has bad anxiety and a weak stomach, so I have had to endure being around him while he v*s a few times, although I don't think i could tolerate it from anyone else.

    I am 22 years old, and I like to have a few drinks at times, and my emetophobia is so bad that I have created a "no v*ing club" where no one I hang out with is allowed to v* when they are drinking. If I even HEAR about them v*ing at a party I wasn't even attending,I put them on "probation". Everyone thinks it's really funny, and they try to be in good graces with the "club", but I don't think they realize how serious I am about it.

    Then one more thing, I have a friend who has bulimia, and it scares me sometimes to eat meals with her, because I am afraid that she will go v* afterwards. Also, the same friend gets sick on planes, and we were considering going to Vegas for her 21st birthday, but I was so afraid of being next to her while she v*ed on a plane, that I was considering backing out. I was a little (okay, a LOT) thankful when she decided she couldn't afford the trip.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States



    Welcome to the site! A lot of people on this site do not like to type out the word vomit, so they use *v* or some other abbreviation. It doesn't bother me to see the entire word, but I respect other people's feelings and abbreviate it.

    I'm not sure about the blacking out issue before you *v*. I'm certain that it is possible and unless you are blacking out at other times, you probably do not need to seek medical attention for it.

    As far as the birth control issue, I have had a lot of the same problems. I was on several different types of pills all of which made me nauseated. I never did try the patch, but I did use the Nuvaring for over a year. It did not make me nauseated at all and only gave me occasional headaches. It was a great form of birth control and worked very well for me. My OB/GYN told me that anything you DO NOT take orally has less risk of making you nauseated. I went off the Nuvaring due to some bleeding problems and now I'm trying to get pregnant. It may be worth looking into and trying it out to see if it helps.

    I know that there are many others (including myself) that fear flying due to emetophobia. I have only flown once and was OK, but I already dread the next time I have to fly.

    You will get some great advice and support from this site!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005


    I like your idea about the no v* drinking club. I think it's a great idea. I'm always worried when I go out with people and end up leavig when tey dtart getting drunk and then they start treating me like I did something wrong, or was being a pussy or whatever.



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