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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    My dad and grandpa are in town and we decided to go out to eat. I am doing all right emet wise lately and restaurants are ok for me. We were going to go to a restaurant in the mall and as we walked in the doors, there was a huge wet spot on the rug and then right inside the next doors there were two custodians wiping something up that looked like a trail of something about 4 feet long. I am so afraid that it was v, and I'm afraid that the person who v'd was at the restaurant, and I'm afraid that the person v'd and there was still particles or aerosol or whatever in the air when we walked thru. I don't know why this is bothering me, as I haven't heard of anything having a sv lately, not since like February. So I told my husband what I thought and I think he tried to calm me down and he said no, it was probably just someone spilled a smoothy or something. I don't know. I hate thinking the worst. I'm just afraid I breathed something in. What do you guys think?
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    it probably was a smoothy or something, but you see our twisted emet minds wont let us think that, ya know...i saw the same thing the other day at the mall..and the custodian had lgloves on and some kind of spray,,so i was sure it was v* and i was all distracted, ignoring my kids the whole time windering if it was v* and what store was that person in touching stuff, so the freak i am, i told my kids lets go now...stupid huh?..don't worry..i mean...you won't get sick...try not to worry about it..easy for me to say huh?..but i totally know how you feel...it's like i'm reading my own posts..you will be fine..Take Care!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    The custodian in the mall tonight had spray too!!!! I really think it was v.... I hate thinking about it. I may have to take an ativan to stop the obsessing..... [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img] I answered your other post about Zoloft and said I haven't had to take one in a while..... And you know what? Every time now that I go in that entrance I will think about it. I wish these sorts of thoughts would go away. Why do we do this???
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    It probably was a smoothy or something. I know when I was a kid I always mad emy parents buy me an Orange Julius at the mall. And I always spilled it somewhere in the mall. I'm sure there are other kids like me out there too!

    How far was the restaurant from the doors? If it was v*, the person most likely wasn't in the restaurant anyway.

    Try not to worry - I know it's hard not to though. I drove by what looked like v* the other day on the road and I panicked. And just like you, I didn't even know if it was v* or not!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    what was the "spray" for? most people would think deoderizer or cleaner..but us emets are sure it's some kind of sanitizer..actually, i don't think most people even give a rat's a**!Okay, now you gotta really think, you can't catch an sv from vomit on the floor in the mall, right?...i know these thought are hard to kill..especially reading each others posts, huh?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Yes, Sheri is correct. This is where logic needs to outweigh fear. Even if it was vomit, it doesn't matter because you are not going to catch anything by walking past it. I have walked past vomit plenty of times, and nothing ever happened to me.

    But the odds are it was a spill. I worked in a mall for two years;countless numbers of spills happened in my store. No one ever did vomit. Then the store went out of business, oh well.

    There is no reason to worry about this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Who knows what it was. But it was gone when you got there and
    chances of you getting sick from it, even if it was v***, is about a
    gazillion to one. You have more chance of catching something from
    someone giving you change in a store.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    yes it might have possibly been vomit. likely, no.

    so what if it was. It has no affect on whether you will get sick or not.you have do try to rationilize this in a mind that has trouble rationalizing.

    the fact is you will never know it it was vomit or not.. the question is, how will you react to the situation. You can drive yourself crazy with the what ifs, or accept that it has happened and there is nothing that will happen to you regardless and you can move on.

    Im not going to tell you again that it wasnt vomit. that would just give you a momentarily sence of relief. what you really have to do is ask yourself what will happen the next time you see a wet spot in the carpet. I know what it is like to panic. your mind races and nothing makes any sence.

    the best thing you can do is stay grounded when your body wants to run away next time. not an easy task by any means, but it will help you emensley ( sp)
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh



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