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Thread: emergency

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    i am on my period. i had horrible cramps and took two midol complete about one hour ago. doing nothng for cramps and now im having bad REAL nausea. is it still safe to take a damamine? omg. its like reliving that one night not too long ago when i had BAD BAD nausea. and i got soft poop but i always do on my period. WHATS WRONG.. im me crazeeashesssss. thats aol. PLAEASE. im shaky too. cold. OMG
    <font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes&lt;br&gt;

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hmm. try having a nice warm bath. that might do the trick.

  3. #3
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    United States


    I already typed this once and then got booted so now I gotta type it ALL again.

    I dont know what went wrong last night. I had started my period and was battling the worst cramps ever. I took two Midol Complete which I have never taken before. About an hour later I started getting very shaky and warm (no temperature though), my mouth went dry and then a huge wave of nausea came and I jumped up and got a bag ready. Then I started pacing my room carrying a bible in my arms praying as I pounded on myself. My arm is all bruised today from that. I was thinking about taking a Dramamine but didnt want to add anymore medicine in me since this Midol stuff was screwing with me. I had irregular-soft bowel movements which I usually do with my period but not a couple times in a row. I finally managed to fall asleep around 3:00 AM because I was feeling a little better. I woke up at about 8:00 AM and was still feeling weakened so I slept again until 10:00 and here I am now. I got cramps now but I'll take the cramps instead of the nausea. And I won't ever take Midol Complete.

    I told my mom what happened and we looked at the ingredients and it has a painkiller, caffeine (I dont need caffeine with all the pop I drank earlier). On the package it said it has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. It also had a diuretic. So my mom told me to never take that again and that I should have waken her. I tell you something else- my mom said to never take medicine unless I tell her first. Last night I did take medicine but didnt tell her because it was Midol and I always take it without tellin (not the "Complete" kind--just regular Midol) and whileI was taking it it kept popping in my mind to tell my mom because something might happen. And something did.

    This has never happened on my period and I just find it weird it happened about one hour after taking a new medicine I've never taken before. What could have happened? And it didnt help the cramps ONE BIT. Was it an allergic reaction? Or maybe too much caffeine? Each tablet had 60MG of caffeine and I took two tablets.

    Now I got to work at 4:00 and I'm scared to death. I'm scared to eat. Its going to be a long day with cramps, last nights memory and being hungry and tired.Edited by: mystikal star
    <font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes&lt;br&gt;

  4. #4
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    Apr 2004
    United States


    I'm back to where I was awhile back. I'm so nervous about work today. I used to think of my periods as my "safe time." I don't know why. But now they are the same as any other day. I can't eat. I won't be able to sleep. My mom asked me to ride with her to pay a bill andI wanted to go but was so scared. This is ruining my life. I dont know why last night happend. Am I sick? Or what? I can't stop cryig. I was doing so good and now I'm back where I was. Scared of everything.
    <font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes&lt;br&gt;

  5. #5
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    United States


    Hey, i IMed you. I am going for a while now but should be on later tongiht. I hope your'e feeling better. It probably was the caffiene in fact I've read caffiene is bad for cramps so how odd is that? Stick w/ regular Midol from now on and tell your Mom before new meds. Caffiene has made me nauseous before too and shaky and just plain awful feeling, and that's just if I drink too much coffee, you poor thing, you got a whammy of a dose. I hope your'e feeling better!
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    awww poor you. I'l im you in a minute. I hate nights like that when you ill and dont sleep! Believe me i've spent hours pacing up down before now. What medication do you normally take for pain?? Have you ever taken midol before and not got a reaction? how are you feeling now?

  7. #7
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    Apr 2004
    United States


    You might just be losing alot of blood. That can make you feel nauseated sometimes. My husband donates blood and he says that usually right after he is done he feels sick. You should lie down and watch tv for a while. Keep your head still, that helps too. Call a pharmacy and ask if it's okay to take dramimine with the midol.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2004


    Usually when girls/women have their period they don't lose THAT much blood. It varies from girl to girl though.

    Mystical, LEt us know how your day at work went k?

  9. #9
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    United States


    I hope you're feeling better! Hang in there.

    I used to take regular Midol and I found that it made me feel awful and weak and puny but then I started taking "Midol Teen" and it does wonders so you might try that. Other than that, a lot of women get hot flashes and nausea when they are cramping... it is a side effect of the cramps.

    As for blood loss... the blood that you lose during your period is not technically losing blood at all. It's not like getting a cut, or donating blood because part of the menstrual cycle is the build up of bloodor liningof the uterus and that is what you bleed. It is not blood that is circulating throughout your body keeping you alive. I've actually donated blood before while I was on my period...

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  10. #10
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    Apr 2004


    I hope your feeling better! I just wanted to say that I took excedrine one time and it made me feel wicked shakey for the same reason, both medicines have a LOT of caffine in them and can make you feel jittery inside. Plus i sometimes get nausious when i have my period, and i learn it gets SO MUCH WORSE when i don't eat. i found that if i eat little bits throught the day I don't get nausious. Keep in mind that It's only nausea from your period, and so you won't v* thinking that always helps me! anyways, I hope you feel better!!


  11. #11
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    United States


    Work went well and I enjoyed it. Thanks for all the responses.

    This was not my first time taking a Midol product. I took the one before that has Ibuprofen in it but the one I took yesterday for the first time as Midol Complete.I didn't know 120MG of caffeine was a lot but on top of the many glasses of pop I drank that dayI guess I had a lot.

    I didnt eat anything at all today until 9:30 PM. I was so afraid.

    Hopefully tonight is a better night. I'm off to get some information on aquarium set ups. Its my goal to know as much or MORE than the most knowledgable girl at work. LOL.Edited by: mystikal star
    <font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes&lt;br&gt;

  12. #12
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    Apr 2004
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by confused
    Keep in mind that It's only nausea from your period, and so you won't v* thinking that always helps me! anyways, I hope you feel better!

    My friend gets sick from her cramps sometimes. Believe me--something was trying to make me sick last night. I thought it was going to happen. This wasn't panic nausea at all- it was real and scary. I knew the pills werent agreeing with me. I thought I was going to die and v.
    <font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes&lt;br&gt;

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004


    When I have my period I always get nauseous my 2nd day, so your not alone. I dont know about the blood loss thing though. Hope everything is going ok now.

  14. #14
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    Apr 2004


    A lot of ppl feel sick from period cramps, its pretty common, like the way guys can feel sick from being punched in the balls. Its a lil bit to do with where the pain is n a lil bit to do with the kind of pain I guess, n periods mess ya up a bit anyway, so youre gonna be more sensitive to feeling even a lil bit sick. Have ya thought about goin on the pill ? Its good for stopping ya cramps gettin so bad, n ya shouldnt have a reaction to it the way ya would painkillers.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    mmm, i also get really nauseous on my second day of my period ... which is 2morro

    i said to myself last time ( i nearly actually v*ed) that if it happens again this month im gonig to the doc and getting the pill or smthing, cos i wont b able to live konwing that every month i have to fight to not get sick =|

    anyway, hope ur feeling better and glad to hear ur day at wrk went well!!

    Jen xxxxxx
    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

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  16. #16
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    it doesn't happen to me every month, but sometimes the day before I get my period, I get the most awful nausea - it won't go away no matter what I do. Taking Motilium (domperidone, an anti-emetic) does nothing for it at all - it's horrible! It's not related to cramps as I usually get the nausea before I get the cramps. I guess it must be to do with hormonal changes- pregnancy, the pill, emergency contraception can all make you feel sick so I suppose it's no surprise that around the time of your period, you can feel sick too. Just out of interest, for those of you that drink - I find that the day before and first day or so of my period, I can't tolerate alcohol anywhere near as well as I can normally, and it makes me feel sick and headachey quite quickly. Does anyone else have that? Also, vitamin B6 can sometimes be helpful for period-related nausea if taken daily around the time of your period.

    love esther xx



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