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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    AGH!! This weekend my kids and husband and I went with some friends of our's and their kids to their lake house. Well, on Friday night, my friend, Kim drank ALOT!! Then got up the next day and did the deed for the entire day!!! She would come downstairs to the kitchen, then look at me and say, "I have to go back up." THen she would spend 30 minutes in the toilet! She was sweet, and said that she was trying to do it quietly so I wouldn't have to hear her.

    Then, on Sunday, my husband got trashed (and passed out in a chair, haha). Then woke up yesterday while I was trying to get the kids out the door to come home, when HE started barfing--LOUDLY!! I turned a movie on upstairs so the girls and I wouldn't hear him whils he was sick downstairs, but that didn't work. Then i had to drive 3 hours with him, as he belched and moaned and groaned, I thought we were going to have to pull over and let him barf, but he waited until we stopped for lunch at Burger King--that was awful. those bathrooms echo!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]That sounds terrible! You'd think they'd tone down the drinking around kids!!
    No life is wasted; the only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Ugh that is horrible. I am glad to hear that you kept your cool. I am not sure how well I would have. Especially knowing that it COULD have been prevented. At least I would be a little more at ease knowing it wasn't something I could catch. Its too bad the kids had to be witness to it.
    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.

  4. #4
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    United States


    Ok, am I the only one who gets pissed when people "ruin" a fun weekend like that?
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Jo - you are definitely not the only one who gets pissed about the weekend being ruined. I mean, I do have fun drinking a little sometimes, but who wants to ruin everything bydrinking enough to getsick? Once you get past that point, it's disgusting, and you feel bad for the rest of the trip. What's the point in even going?

  6. #6
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    Apr 2004
    United States


    We had an "incident" last Easter like that. Easter is my absolutely favorite holiday, it's spring, toward the end of sick season, etc. My family all know this. My husband decides to get loaded the night before (I wasn't with him) and he meets me and my parents at church looking green. I tell him to leave. He goes to my parent's house to rest, stops on the way there and v*s on the side of the road (he told us after). We were going out to eat after church, my dad goes to get my husband and wake him up. They meet us all at the restaurant and my husband proceeds to sit there during the meal looking like he's going to v* all over the table. It was a buffet, so we paid $18 for him to eat like a tablespoon of jello. We had a 5 hour drive home from my parents' house and there was silence the whole way back. I was furious. This is all before he knew about my emet, so I guarantee this wouldn't have happened had he known, but I still don't get why he did it.

    Drinking like that just ruins the entire next day, and for what? I mean is it that good? Urgh. I'd be pissed, esp. in front of the kids. What does that teach them? I agree with Mica, it's fun to have a little sometimes, but getting so wasted you are sick the whole next day? What is the point???

    I'm done ranting.Edited by: 2jo2
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  7. #7
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    Apr 2004
    United States


    I agree whole-heartedly. I used to be avidly against drinking because that's the way I thought it was everytime someone drank... because that's all you'd hear about. Then I had a girlfriend who drank on occasion, and was fine, so I decided to give it a try and actually enjoyed it! I never got drunk, just a little tipsy, and always felt fine the day after. However, my emet has been really bad lately, and I'm getting back into my no-drinking state of mind. I don't mind when other people do, as long as they're not dumb about it. I've heard my brother tell stories of times he drank so much he was sick, and all I do is shake my head and ask "why?" *sigh* I just don't understand. Especially since everytime I drank, I was very very cautious to watch how much I was drinking and how I was feeling. I guess non-emets just don't care....

    <center><font face=\"Times New Roman, Times, serif\"><font size=\"2\">Bach gave us God\'s word,
    Mozart gave us God\'s laughter,
    Beethoven gave us God\'s fire,
    God gave us music that we may pray without words.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2004


    I'm an emet who has gotten sick from drinking before... i'veprobably done iton about 3 separate occasions. I think that by the time I had reached my limit, I was a little too drunk to realize it, if that makes sense. When I realized I was going to be sick, I was terrified, but it was too late. That was horrible because my boyfriend at the time got mad because I didn't want to get in the car to go home- I was scared I'd get sick when we started moving. When we got home, he made me sleep on the floor! So, Jo, I guess it's not just us emets who get mad at people for drinking to the point of sickness.... [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I only ever did it twice. Once I had no idea. My first bf kept filling my glass with home made red wine. He thought it was funny because he had never seen me drunk. I don't like red wone anymore.The second time I had had a little because I don't mind having a little nip here and there. ( I HATE when people get sooooo drunk and ruin it) Anyways the second time someone gave me a shot and I didn't know how strong it was. Stupid me should have asked. The first one wasnn't bad it didn't seem to do anything but so they bet me to do another (girl against the men) so I did and still nothing well at least not until a little later i don't remember a whole lot of the rest of the evening but I know I paid for it the next morning.

    I have NEVER done that again. I only take what I know and only a little bit. Just enough for the relaxing feeling and it has been like a year since I had my last drink anyways
    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.

  10. #10
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    United States


    Ya know... I don't mind people having a good bit of fun sometimes... in fact, it's perfectly fine with me if you want to drink every single day, as long as you can do it responsibly!

    My parents have never been terribly strict on us about drinking and while I think it's made us all more responsible (knowing that we could always call, anytime for a ride no matter what and not get in trouble), but in a way it's made my brother's a little more wild.

    My younger brother (he's 20 now, was 17 then)got so drunk one night that he threw up on the front porch and honestly didn't know if he was the one who'd done it the next morning. He still swears he didn't... he says that a "communist followed him home and threw up on the porch"... my mom candidly asked him if it was the that same communist who managed to get puke on his shirt and shoes!

    Then my older brother has done it on several occasions. Nothing is more annoying to me than waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of my brother tossing his cookies over such nonsense.

    In our dorm the girl across the hall used to get drunk EVERY Thursday night and throw up RIGHT in front of our door. It was terrible... to the point where I would try my best to be home by Thursday nights.

    My question to them, and to anyone who drinks is why the hell, if you've done it once gotten ill, and didn't enjoy it, do you continue to do so??? Is it that much fun??? Can you not have fun WITHOUT getting drunk... because I know I can and I think anyone who can't has far deeper issues! But anyways... it just annoys me... once is one thing, repeatedly is a whole new issue... learn your limits and stick to them!!

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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by kentuckygalrk

    My question to them, and to anyone who drinks is why the hell, if you've done it once gotten ill, and didn't enjoy it, do you continue to do so??? Is it that much fun??? Can you not have fun WITHOUT getting drunk... because I know I can and I think anyone who can't has far deeper issues! But anyways... it just annoys me... once is one thing, repeatedly is a whole new issue... learn your limits and stick to them!!


    Rachel, I couldn't have said it any better!!!
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I am so glad all of you agree!! I had to not be mad at my friend, it's her house and everything, and her husband was soooo mad at her and wasn't very nice about it!! But my idiot husband, i can be mad at, but I guess they paid their dues!!

    My friend didn't really drink in front of the kids, she had a couple of beers in front of them, but they were in bed when she got hammered. The kids were up when Greg got trashed, but they were playing all day and didn't see him except for when we were eating dinner and he wasn't acting bad then. I think that for the kids, especially my daughter who hates throw up almost as much as I do, it's a lesson. I told my daughter that that's what happens when you drink too much beer and other grown up drinks, it makes you sick. So, hopefully, it's a lesson!!! I know it was for me when I wsa little and I knew my dad had goten sick from too much beer!! I still don't like beer because of that!!



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