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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Durban South africa

    Exclamation Pregnant and afraid of vomiting!

    I just found out I am pregnant and I have been having panic attacks ever since

    I am suffering from indigestion and I am afraid to eat because if I eat I might vomit! Trying to eat only dry crackers or biscuits and drink cold ginger tea

    What can I do? Can anyone help I am desperate!!!!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pregnant and afraid of vomiting!

    See your doctor. They can give you medicines for it. I got syringes filled with some kind of cream that I rubbed into my wrist. It helped =)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pregnant and afraid of vomiting!

    I to was so afraid when i got pregnant with both of my girls that i would get sick! I found that if i ate something small every so often during the day I never got sick! I stress the something small part because i didn't eat small amounts with the first one and really packed on the pounds but with the second one i ate a small snack like a few crackers or a apple something little every 4 hrs that i was awake and i never got sick!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Re: Pregnant and afraid of vomiting!

    Hey congrats to you! I have 2 daughters i found if i didn't eat i felt worse. If you don't want to feel bad you need to keep some food in your tummy. You don't have to eat a ton just some crackers every now and then when your not feeling well. Have you been n* or just scared you will feel bad? Not everyone gets morning sickness. I have a friend who is having her second baby and with both all she felt was tired and heart burn. You will be ok just think of the end result.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Pregnant and afraid of vomiting!

    Congrats! I have two kids, and had very bad acid reflux, but i never got sick, i found as long as i kept some food in my belly i felt so much better. And also if it gets to bad, the dr can give you zofran, it works really good!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    In Recovery

    Default Re: Pregnant and afraid of vomiting!

    I was terried I'd have morning sickness when I was pregnant - natural for an emetophobic woman. I did have chronic nausea for the first two months, but no vomiting. What helped was eatin a little but often throughout the day instead of 3 big meals. As long as I had a little something in my tummy, it was better. An empty stomach was much worse.

    After the first two months, it went away and I was FINE. Not only was the nausea gone, but my panic attacks, emetophobia.... all of it was GONE. It all came back after I gave birth but for the duration of the pregnancy it was as if I was perfectly normal.

    You have to eat, you and your baby need nutrition now more than ever. And you have to take prenatal vitamins. So go talk to your doctor and s/he can give you some prescription antiemetics that are safe during pregnancy should you need them. But please, as tempting as it is, don't take anything as a preventative measure... keep in mind you have a brand new life growing in there and evem "safe" drugs should be avoided unless they're absolutely needed. Anyway... talk with your doctor. And congratulations! This can be the best time of your life!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Alberta, Canada

    Default Re: Pregnant and afraid of vomiting!

    You can get medications for morning sickness, that ROCK! Also, I was a mess with number one and yes, I did alot of V*ing. I found out with number 2 that if I ate and kept rested, I felt so much better. I also got the meds asap. CONGRATS! It is worth it, I promise!
    That, which does not kill us, makes us stronger!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Pregnant and afraid of vomiting!

    I got some m/s when I was pregnant with my twins. I didn't vomit though, probably because I was so fearful of it. Some of the things that helped me were nibbling on crystallized ginger (which you can get at a health food store), sipping ginger ale or sweetened hot ginger tea, nibbling on Nilla Wafers, and toast with grape jam. The sweetness seems to help take the edge off the nausea. And never, ever go anywhere without snacks in your purse!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Austin, Texas

    Default Re: Pregnant and afraid of vomiting!

    Congrats! I am a mother myself and I was okay until I found out I was preggers and suddenly felt sick of just the thought. I think I would have been okay not knowing...but that's not possible. Try to keep you mind occupied on something else if you can. I know it's easier said then done. I know it's a day to day thing waking up asking yourself "how am I going to feel today?" I agree with all the others who posted, you need to have small snacks if you can and drink plenty of water. Prenatal vitamins are very important at this early stage especially folic acid. I can tell you I never v* while pregnant nor did I going into labor. Just get through the first trimester which I think is like 12 weeks then it gets better. The second trimester is the most fun...the baby bump starts to show, you feel better, glowing and everyone seems to smile at you. Good luck and you'll be fine!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast... USA

    Default Re: Pregnant and afraid of vomiting!

    First of all.. Congrats!! Let me tell you...I also recently found out I am pregnant...and I have been VERY lucky! I am 14 weeks along and NO morning sickness what so ever.
    In the very beginning..I had "aversions" to certain foods and craved fruit and veggies a lot.
    I could not bear the thoughts of cheese or stuff like that..it would make me feel gaggy. LOL
    But I have gotten over that. There was one or two times I felt dizzy... AGAIN no sickness.
    I am taking good chewable prenatals... called Belly Bar ..I take chewables..because I read the others you just swallow can make you feel sick. These are great..the ones I take.
    I will be honest though, the one thing I am terrified about is....whenever my child gets sick. I HATE the thought of it. How am I gonna cope if I hid away from my boyfriend 2 weeks ago when he was sick??
    This pregnancy for me was unplanned...and I WAS on the pill. SOMETHING got messed up. But I am 38 years old and I am going to have to deal. some days I am excited...other days I am not.
    Anyway..dont worry too much about morning sickness..I did not have it!
    My stomach just felt like I lifted a thousand pounds...but that is due to round ligament pain I read. Your uterus stretching.



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