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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Gettysburg PA

    Default Pumpkin Pie Question

    Okay, I LOVE pumpkin pie, but it always makes me nervous. In the stores, it is never refrigerated, but they always say that you need to refrigerate them when you get home. They'll say "refrigerate after opening" or something like that, but they aren't in air tight containers so there is no difference between before or after you open them. Any pumpkin pie that you make at home needs to be kept in a refrigerator.

    I know that the ones at the store are safe, I've eaten them before. I prefer to make my own, but that is just because they taste better. I've just always wondered about it, and the store bought ones left sitting out do make me nervous.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Nebraska, USA

    Default Re: Pumpkin Pie Question

    Yes, the canned stuff will be fine. It's completely sealed up while it's on the shelves, and you need to refrigerate it after you open it because then it will have been exposed to the air. Just check it over before using it if it makes you feel better, but as long as it's within the expiration date you're good. ^-^

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Nebraska, USA

    Default Re: Pumpkin Pie Question

    Whoops, I don't have my glasses on and I misread that! Just replace "canned" with "store-bought" lol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Gettysburg PA

    Default Re: Pumpkin Pie Question

    No, not the cans. The pies that are pre-made and sitting out on the counter at the store. I understand how canning works, but I don't get how something in a non-air tight container can go from being fine sitting on the shelf to needing to be refrigerated.



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