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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Hi Everyone, my introduction...

    Hi Everyone!

    I just wanted to give a little intro on myself, and, well, a thank you! Basically, until yesterday, I have been living my life, for 28 years, with this phobia, without knowing it. It has been awful.

    When I was about 9 years old, I can remember having the stomach bug for 2 days straight. It was awful. After that, I was never the same. I developed a profound and life changing fear of being sick. I was hysterical at the thought of getting sick. I would cry non stop to my parents scared to death, begging them not to let me get sick.

    I spent my formative years with this fear of getting sick. Ironically, I didn't get the stomach flu again until I was 16 years old. Was sick one time, and thankfully my mother was with me. Since then, and I'm 28, soon to be 29, I've been sick 5 more times.

    But, here's my PROBLEM...and I need HELP...this phobia has crippled me. I somehow survived my teen years. Looking back, this phobia was nothing compared what it is now. About two years ago, out of nowhere, I developed severe GI issues, IBS, gastroparesis, hypervisceral sensitivity, and acid reflux. To sum it up, I was nauseaous all of the time. This fueled my anxiety about being sick.

    This phobia is ruining my life and any public event I attend I hate it, and I don't know how to stop it. And until yesterday, when I was desperate and googled "fear of vommiting" I thought I was the only one on earth scared to death to be sick. I thought I was alone. Not one person knows about my fear.

    I have full blown panic attacks whenever I'm in public, or in a situation where I can't easily leave. If I'm far away from a bathroom, it's sheer terror. I literally make myself almost sick. I struggle to get through concerts, ball games, plane rides, anything other than the comfort of my couch. I am so deathly afraid of being sick in public, and just being sick in general, I can't put into words how awful it is.

    I can't stand it anymore, I just wish I didn't have to deal with this. I would love to have kids someday, but I don't know if I can even deal with the thought of potential morning sickness...I can't imagine, the anxiety...

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. I'm enjoying browsing the forums so far.

    Thank you for making me feel not so alone...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Hi Everyone, my introduction...

    Hey laura!
    I am the same age as you and I also have many GI problems! I have had them since i was twelve which has been a big factor in developing emet. I have acid reflux, gastroparesis and celiac...which causes nasty nausea!I also have panic disorder... When I have flare ups I live in utter fear! I am constantly worried about food because I have such a weak stomach. I struggled my way through college and anxiety at work..! I have unfortunatly kept myself from doing many things because of this phobia. Anyway I know how you feel and how hard it gets.

    The only thing that has helped me so far is a strict diet with enzymes and probiotics. I also take prozac and xanax when needed which has helped so much. I whish i could have been able to get this under control without medication but when I finally accepted to try I was so relieved. Prozac makes me less obssessive over this phobia. I know other members mention this also (olchesky ). feel free to ask any questions or PM me if you want me email or IM I will gladly give you advice!

    Stay strong you are not alone

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    north carolina, usa

    Default Re: Hi Everyone, my introduction...

    welcome to the forum. i had the same feeling of relief in january when i found this site and the fact that i wasn't alone or crazy.

    i've had this since 4th grade......i am now 58.......i did have several years where it really wasn't much of an issue.....but has been back strong for the last 20 years. i've had lots of tests run....even had my gall bladder removed......nothing helped..........until the dr put me on prozac..........it really helps with me not obsessing so much on v..........dont get me wrong i still have panic attacks......but not nearly as much and i'm able to function pretty normally. i also have a prescritpion for valium for the really tough times.

    don't let this phobia rob you of your life..........i see that you've been on a plane.......that is the one thing that i just cannot do........i panic just thinking about it. i know i've missed out on alot because of this stupid phobia........be strong......push yourself a little further each day out of your comfort zone.......

    we're here if you need us
    how i feel about emet
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Re: Hi Everyone, my introduction...

    Welcome Laura!

    First off, I'm so happy that you've found the forum. This place has gotten me through some really tough emet times including the last 3 months of a pregnancy (which by the way I did not ever V* during!). The people on this site are so great and helpful. Never be embarassed or ashamed to ask or say anything. We've all heard it and said it ourselves!

    I can definitely relate to you on being anxious whenever I'm in public. I haven't been able to enjoy so many of the things you've listed in I don't know how long! I'm slowly getting better but each day is still a challange. One of the things I have the biggest problem with is attending school. My college is 6 floors and my classes are all on the top floor. I'm so far away from my car that I just get freaked out! Anyways, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone!

    Welcome again and I look forward to sharing more stories, giving advice when needed and just chatting!
    "there's a light at the end of this tunnel" you shout, 'cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out. these mistakes you make, you'll just make them again if you only try turning around.. and breathe. just breathe <3

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