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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Unhappy I don't know how to deal with my friends

    Whenever I go to a party where there's alcohol being consumed, I'm the one watching to see how much everyone has had and I get paranoid when I think somebody has had too much. I try to stay away from said person as much as possible, but I feel horrible about it, because these people are my best friends. I've been in the situation a few times where my friends have gotten sick and needed help, but I haven't been able to do anything more than hide in the farthest corner of the house and try not to hyperventilate. Even when my own boyfriend was getting sick all over his floor, I couldn't bring myself to help him or even go near him to say goodbye when I left. It isn't fair that my other friends are always stuck with janitor duty while I don't have to do anything. I've tried to explain my phobia to them, and they tell me they understand and not to worry about it, but I can't help worrying that they think I'm just being a priss and trying to get out of cleaning.
    I'm going to college next year and this is going to be a huge problem.

    Anyone have any advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States

    Smile Re: I don't know how to deal with my friends

    Quote Originally Posted by mers9 View Post
    Whenever I go to a party where there's alcohol being consumed, I'm the one watching to see how much everyone has had and I get paranoid when I think somebody has had too much. I try to stay away from said person as much as possible, but I feel horrible about it, because these people are my best friends. I've been in the situation a few times where my friends have gotten sick and needed help, but I haven't been able to do anything more than hide in the farthest corner of the house and try not to hyperventilate. Even when my own boyfriend was getting sick all over his floor, I couldn't bring myself to help him or even go near him to say goodbye when I left. It isn't fair that my other friends are always stuck with janitor duty while I don't have to do anything. I've tried to explain my phobia to them, and they tell me they understand and not to worry about it, but I can't help worrying that they think I'm just being a priss and trying to get out of cleaning.
    I'm going to college next year and this is going to be a huge problem.

    Anyone have any advice?
    Explain that you have a very powerful phobia of vomit. Explain that you get afraid when people drink a lot and just need space.
    Be aware that when I did this, some started to try getting sick in front of me for the lols. You though may have more sympathetic friends. I suggest making sure your friends are nice before telling them.
    As for helping people, they got themselves drunk not you. You are not responsible. If they do not want to be sick they shouldn’t drink so much.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: I don't know how to deal with my friends

    I don't think they would purposefully try to get sick in front of me, the farthest they go is to fake like they are going to vomit on me or something. But that is never when they are drinking, so I know that they aren't actually feeling nauseous. It is always for the lols for them, they find it hilarious when I freak out and try to run away-they don't really understand that it's not a joke for emetophobes.

    I have explained it to them and they say that they understand, but it's getting to the point where I am just useless in a crisis. I am nervous using the toilets at my boyfriend's house because I know the horrible things that have gone on in the bathrooms. I worry that at some point, I will be the only one available to help, and I won't be prepared.

    PS: I know it's not my job or anything because I didn't force them to drink, but when it comes down to it, when somebody needs help, they need help. Just leaving them to their own devices could end up with them choking or something

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States

    Smile Re: I don't know how to deal with my friends

    Quote Originally Posted by mers9 View Post
    I don't think they would purposefully try to get sick in front of me, the farthest they go is to fake like they are going to vomit on me or something. But that is never when they are drinking, so I know that they aren't actually feeling nauseous. It is always for the lols for them, they find it hilarious when I freak out and try to run away-they don't really understand that it's not a joke for emetophobes.

    I have explained it to them and they say that they understand, but it's getting to the point where I am just useless in a crisis. I am nervous using the toilets at my boyfriend's house because I know the horrible things that have gone on in the bathrooms. I worry that at some point, I will be the only one available to help, and I won't be prepared.

    PS: I know it's not my job or anything because I didn't force them to drink, but when it comes down to it, when somebody needs help, they need help. Just leaving them to their own devices could end up with them choking or something
    Hmm, well everyone has weaknesses. I don't look at many people as being ready for a crisis. Many people fear things like blood / gore and just freak out and make things worse when crud goes down. Not many would be as hard on them as they would be on a person who feared vomit. The fear of vomit, although common, is just not as understood. We all have things wrong with us that in the right circumstance could turn into a tragedy. It is just life, and the best thing you can do is be forgiving to others and hope that if something bad ever happen because of your phobia they would be forgiving to you. I wish you the best, dealing with the phobia is hard and sometimes there are no easy answers. I refused to leave my house for anything less than emergencies / years for a few years. I know the feeling, but you may get over the phobia. Have you ever tried professional help? It helped me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: I don't know how to deal with my friends

    I agree with the person who said it was their choice. If they don't want to accidentally choke or make a huge mess, then they shouldn't drink in the first place. It's their choice. Of course, to be nice you would want to help them, but with this phobia it's just too hard! Hopefully they would understand.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: I don't know how to deal with my friends

    My mum told me she has never gotten sick from alcohol, ever. She says this is because you know when you have had enough, and you know when to stop so you won't get sick. If they want to be idiots, and drink until they v*, that's their problem, not yours. You shouldn't have to worry about this, because they're not your responsibility.



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