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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008


    If you've read any of my other posts, I keep mentioning that my exams start in three weeks. I have my German oral first, then eight days later, THE BIG ONE, English. Our English scores come first when they work out our final ENTER scores (the scores that determine whether you make your tertiary courses or not). The exam goes for three hours and we have to write three essays. It will probably come as no surprise that I have a problem with this because I tend to write too much and therefore can't do anything within a time limit. The German oral is terrible for everyone, and although I have a bit of an advantage in that my German is a lot better than most people in the state, I keep imagining myself v*ing all over the examiner and then failing. I never used to get n* during panic attacks or when extremely stressed, but I had to go home before the second last English essay SAC (test) because I was practically lying on the floor hyperventilating and trying not to v*, and felt really n* before the last one.

    My English teacher also told us about how when she was doing her VCE English exam, the person behind her v*ed all over the desk. It was a really detailed account and I couldn't believe she told us because I'd told her about my emet when she asked me why I'd had to skip the SAC! Inconsiderate!

    Anyway...that was some background info (see what I mean about writing too much?) What can I do before those two exams so that I don't v*. Of course, ideally I don't want to panic at all, but the worst thing would be to v*, because I'd get kicked out and fail the exam and humiliate myself in front of all 300 Year 12s. Naturally all this adds to my anxiety and it's a vicious circle...

    I looked up Rescue Remedy and read that its effectiveness is largely a placebo effect, so surely if I know it doesn't work I won't even benefit from that? Oh, and apparently it contains brandy...would I then be slightly intoxicated in the exam, lol?

    Apart from RR I don't know what else to try...I haven't time to go to the doctor or anything now; I have to rely on quick fixes. My dad suggested meditation, but I'd rather not do breathing exercises, etc. in front of everyone at school...

    Any advice? I'm so preoccupied with this that I'm barely even studying for the exams, which means more stress! Help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    OK, take a deep breathe. You have a lot on your plate and are worrying about both the exams and this phobia. For starters, have you ever v from an exam before? I'm thinking not. There is NO reason for you to be sick. Your teachers a doofus for sharing that story. The person who was sick in her class could have been sick for a million reasons. Also people who v from nerves usually have ALWAYS had that problem. And aren't emets. Its natural to feel nervous about important exams and with nerves can come n, especially when thats one of our trigger fears ... but that DOES NOT mean you will be sick. It means your anxiety is taking you for a ride with or without your permission. I think if you can calm your nerves you will also calm your fears of v-ing.

    There are otc antiemetics. This says you're in Austrailia so I don't know what brand names are there but ask your pharmacist about something over the counter. I don't think you will need them though. If you can just regulate your breathing and remind yourself that you've taken tests before and its anxiety doing this, once you get into the test taking you will start feeling better.

    Start studying, you still have a reasonable amount of time. Practice shorter essay writing to try honing that skill. And remember that you either know the stuff or you don't. Since you're going to study then you will know this stuff. And if you know it and can remind yourself of that then there isn't anything to fear, no failing and no v-ing because you will have nothing to be nervous about.

    I know its stressful but I'd bet you do just fine, both stomach wise and test wise.
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Okay, thanks SimplyMe [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] - I'll look into OTC anti-emetics - but I still have a question:
    What should I eat on the mornings of the exams? I definitely don't want to do them on an empty stomach, but all the same, I don't want to have anything in there that I can v*! Does anyone know any "gentle" foods that won't upset my stomach any further and that are also nutritious/energy rich, etc.?

    Oh, and sorry, but the person who t*u* behind my teacher definitely did it because of stress, as she was telling us the story in the context of exam anxiety. Well, even then, it could have been anything...but still, if they were ill with, for example, an SV, they could have gone to the doctor and got special consideration. Only if you don't have a written excuse beforehand...then you're in trouble and you fail.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    If you like eggs they are gentle on your stomach and packed with protien for the morning of. You're definitely right not to go in on an empty stomach.

    Even IF the person behind her was from nerves it doesn't mean you will from nerves. Many people get nervous and dont v. Theres a few that do but they arent emets. Sage has said many times that our fear overrides that. If we are nervous and feel sick we are more scared of v that whatever it is making us nervous .. does that make sense?

    Anyhow, good luck! Once its over you're going to feel so much better!
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Yup just take a big old deep breath.

    Firstly, definitely eat something before your exam, this will stop you from getting hungry and make it so you can concentrate, it will also make it so your stomach doesn't rumble and echo around the room like mine did in ALL my exams haha. Have toast or cereal or something, you could take a banana in with you (that's what i always did, no wrappers to make noise, full of energy too)

    How nervous are you right now? As nervous as can be? Did you V*?? No you didn't and you won't. Yes some people throw up from stress but that's not you, you never have.

    In the exams, just take a big deep breath, when you feel ll the anxiety and you are doing those shallow breathes and everything is too much, just say stop in your mind, take some big breathes, know that you can do this andd that we support you. I like to take in something that smells good like lavender or something and i breathe that in for a minute.

    I tried the elastic band thing too, where you have an elastic band round your wrist and ping it to break you out of negative thoughts.....but i just wound up with a bruised wrist haha might work for you though.

    Good luck, know that we are with you.
    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    United States


    I usually take L-Theanine that I got from a health food store.

    It helped my anxiety before I went to bed when I had to work in the mornin..and I am not a mind over matter kind of girl.I trip on crap until I feel better!

    Actually, I need to take it now since I am anxious as hell!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Okay, thanks everyone! I had a practice exam today and didn't panic at all, but I didn't finish one of the essays.[img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]I have to write an expository one rather than an imaginative one; they're quicker to do. Oh, and hippychick, I hear you about having your stomach rumble in exams![img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img] Happens to me all the time, even though I do eat before most of them. I've always assumed we aren't allowed food in the exams, but now that I think of it, I've seen lots of people with apples and things on the dirty school desks...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    I you are allowed to eat then i say take a banana (if you like them) they are the best fruit ever because they come in their own protection AND you don't have to touch what you eat!!

    Btw if you were thinking drinking a lot would make your stomach shut up, then it will but you'll also have to pee like a maniac haha [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img] Edited by: hippychick
    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    United Kingdom


    I don't think an emet would ever v* through anxiety so I wouldn't worry
    about that. I always found I would worry about getting s* during an exam
    before it started but once the exam itself had started I was too engrossed
    in scribbling the answers. I always had your trouble to and would write
    too much for the first few essays and not leave enough time. If that
    happens you can always make a list of the most important points and you
    will get marks for that.
    Now if I was doing exams I would definitely take an anti emetic
    beforehand - just to be completely safe. You can take them on an empty
    stomach but obviously for the exam it would be better to eat some bland
    beforehand and take some mints in with you as they will stop your
    stomach growling.
    If you are really in a state then most institutions will provide an
    alternative venue where very nervous people or people with disabilities
    can take the exam. When I took my A levels I had broken my thumb so I
    was in a room by myself with just someone to take down the dictation
    which was much less stressful and I know several people at university
    who went into a much smaller room with others who were suffering.
    Good luck!



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