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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    United Kingdom


    I have no idea what it is, yeah i really need to take a trip to the doctors, i just hate going around this time of year. About 3 weeks ago, i got a cough, it wasnt bad to start with, saturday, i started to feel really rough, and my cough has got worse and worse, to the the point now im rethcing to be sick, my stomach feels really bruised and sore and i feel sick now, like i need to be sick, i have a lot (and i mean a lot) of mucas, so i dont know if its that mixed with the cough thats making me feel sick, i had a temp the other night, had chills, body aches, felt unwell, and headache. Can chest infections make you v*? im really not sure what it is, or is just a really nasty cold and because my immune system is so weak i can't fit it off. Thanks, hope everyone is good.

    Taylor/ruth lol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Hartlepool, United Kingdom


    I had a really severe chest infection this week and felt exactly the same.... and as much as I thought it may happen, it never did, so don't worry. Everybody I know here in the UK is going through this kinda thing... God knows why lol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    United Kingdom


    Hey, aww sorry you are going through it too, hope you feel better. Yeah exactly! everyone i know has come down with something like this in england.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    United Kingdom


    There are plenty of viruses going around at the moment. I don't know anyone who has not been ill with a cold - I've just finished having tonsillitus and now I think I have laryngitis. It can get you down.

    I don't think you will vomit. You're coughing a lot and that can make you retch, so try getting some kind of medicine from the pharmacist to ease the cough and that should help. It must be awful for you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States


    I live in the U.S my husband and I are currently fighting this although it is a bit better I still have what i call coughing fits that will gag me Be sure to use a cough medicine with expectorant in it if you get just suppressant it will cause you to retch when you cough because suppressant wants to stop your body from pushing air. So instead you push with your gut causing a bad reaction for people like us.
    I\'m so tired but I can\'t sleep, standing on the edge of something much too deep, funny how you feel so much but can

    not say a word, We are screaming inside but can\'t be heard.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    United States


    I would go to the doctor if you can, because once I had a cough that lasted a long time, and it turned out I had (mild) pneumonia. it could also be the flu, though I think it's a bit early for that to be going around. I hope you feel better!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    United States


    oh, i'm so sorry you feel so sick! sounds like you need antibiotics! i'm
    sure once you start them, you'll feel much better. do you have mucinex
    in the UK? it's OTC and it works WONDERS! i really don't think you'll v*,
    people rarely do from chest colds and flus, especially emets. hope
    you're feeling better soon!



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