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Thread: Marijuana

  1. #1
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    I don't know whether or not this is the right section to post this that is if I should of posted this at all.
    But i'm going to Amsterdam next week and I'm thinking of smoking marijuana while i'm there.
    I was wondering whether anyone has done this and what the likelihood of v*. is.

  2. #2
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    Marijuana itself is an anti-emetic and an appetite stimulant, so it's generally pretty safe for emetophobes (certainly better than alcohol and tobacco). You don't want to smoke any though if you're currently taking prescribed SSRI (which is most anxiety meds), because doing so can cause Serotonin Syndrome. I found out about that the hard way a few years ago. If you're not on any meds or anything, your risk of v* from smoking marijuana is very, very low.

    I've also recently figured out that high levels of dopamine gives me anxiety attacks, even if I don't feel n*. Marijuana does increase dopamine, so I have to be careful when I'm smoking to not go overboard and give myself anxiety. Most people's anxiety isn't aggravated by dopamine like mine is, though. I think my dopamine-sensitivity is a result of being on SSRIs for a few years, it started when I was still on them (I've been off for almost two years).
    ~ Natalie

  3. #3
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    That article you have doesn't mention THC as a potential cause for serotonin syndrome. I've often wondered how it would affect anxiety and emet but have avoided it because I'vbe been on SSRIs of one kind or another since early 1996, my parents are pretty anti-drug(less of an issue now) and I didn't want to set a bad example for my brother(big laugh-stoner of the year for a couple years he was!) plus in my state its treated very harshly especially if you have more than 20g. This serotonin syndrome sounds very interesting though, I almsot think I may have had a mild version when switching from prozac to luvox. I was really not myself then, go from depressed to giddy, hugely dilated pupils, LOTS of nausea and loss of appetite, thankfully no v*. I NEVER wanna do that again. Do you know for sure THC can cause serrotonin poisoning?? Thanks for sharing.

  4. #4
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    It's not the THC that causes it, it's another substance in the plant that affects the way the serotonin receptors work or something like that. I talked to my psychiatrist about the experience afterward and she said the way the substances interact can cause Serotonin Syndrome. I actually wasn't smoking marijuana when it happened, it was hash and honey oil (both exponentially more potent than marijuana) while I was taking 15mg of Lexapro. The symptoms came on quickly, within 20 minutes of smoking, and they were as follows:

    - uncontrollable tremors/spasms in my arms and legs
    - irregular heartbeat (it would go about 200bpm for a few seconds and then like 60bpm for a few seconds, kept going back and forth)
    - felt extremely cold but was covered in sweat
    - tunnel vision
    - impaired hearing
    - nausea and dry heaving (if I wasn't emetophobic I would have been v*ing nonstop)
    - panic attack
    - couldn't stand up or walk
    - couldn't speak besides barely intelligible mumbling
    - kept repeating the word "formica" to myself for some reason

    I should have been hospitalized for this, but at the time I didn't know about Serotonin Syndrome and that it can kill by causing cardiac arrest. It was the worst night of my life (I didn't get a minute of sleep), and the effects took about two days to wear off completely. Ever since then I've been much more careful about my actions, and I abstained from smoking marijuana completely while I was still on SSRIs.
    ~ Natalie

  5. #5
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    I can see why you'd not risk another episode of that...but are you sure you didn't get something that was laced with another drug of some type? Again I have no experience, but "I hear" you have to be real careful what you get and where it comes from and that most people who have a bad reaction to weed get "laced" stuff.

  6. #6
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    No, it was definitely "just" hash and honey oil. Some good friends of mine make their own from scratch, and the stuff I had that night was something they had made earlier that day. Everyone else who smoked it was fine, because I was the only one on SSRIs. Since I live in an area that's populated by large numbers of hippies (Northern California), all the marijuana is grown locally and you don't really have to worry about it being laced with other chemicals like you do in big cities and stuff.
    ~ Natalie

  7. #7
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    Hmm, its at least worth worrying about then, did you find MJ to be helpful for your emetophobia when you used it other times or to make things worse? Its probably a moot point, cause in Florida we have a lock em up and throw away the key mentality for even relatively minor drug offenses, no decriminalization...yet. I guess maybe they hid or locked this thread since we're describing stuff that is illegal in many places. Not so much where you live though from what I hear.

  8. #8
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    Yeah besides that one time it's been fine. In fact, when I was a freshman in high school my emetophobia was at its height, and pretty much the only time I could eat anything was after I smoked.
    ~ Natalie

  9. #9
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    I wouldn't mix alcohol and marijuana because that has the potential to not be pretty.

  10. #10
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    Yeah, definitely. That's a big no-no, makes a lot of people v*.
    ~ Natalie

  11. #11
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    Hey, guys I am afraid to admit that I am an avid smoker and have NEVER EVER EVER had a bad experience. In fact, it relaxes me and helps increase my appetite. It is a minor infraction in my state and I'm willing to take that risk.

    Besides in my opinion (stress MY OPINION) it is far less harmful than alcohol with less severe side effects. Have any of you ever heard of someone smoking and driving and killing anyone?

    I see absolutly nothing wrong with a world full of people watching tv and eating twinkies - LOL


  12. #12
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    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by kellygirl

    I see absolutly nothing wrong with a world full of people watching tv and eating twinkies - LOL

    Right On!

    I've never v* from smoking. I DO get a strange feeling in my throat, almost an upward motion, that freaks me out. It usually passes within 10-15 minutes and life is good.

    Have you seen the Katt Williams set about MJ? It is freakin hilarious!

    A few weeks ago the police raided 3 huge growhouses in my town. I've not eaten a twinkie since... dang.

  13. #13
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    jamie77 -- you are too funny.

    Haven't seen Katt Williams in fact don't know who he is...will look it up though.

    Heard Cheech and Chong and touring again -- looking foward to that in a BIG way!!!

    PS: Always eat Twinkies in moderation - LOL!!!

  14. #14
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    The first time I smoked (ironically with Dutch people lol)
    I almost got a panic attack.This was even before I had panic attacks and emetophobia.

    I felt like I was in a dream..my head felt "foggy" and I felt like I was floating.After a while it was alright..and funny haha..but didn't make my tum feel weird or anything.

    One time my brother smoked weed (perhaps it was laced with something?)ate a pizza and then got sick.But hes a druggie so who knows. [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]

    If you do smoke it or eat it Do just a lil at a time to make sure you don't have some crazy reaction..and if you are prone for panic attacks careful because it might bring them on.
    have fun [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img] Edited by: xmdslatx

  15. #15
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    Smoking lowers your resistance to norovirus. That has to be bad news for an emet. And if you hold the smoke in too long, your body will react as if you have carbon monoxide poisoning and you will vomit instantly.

    And... I have heard of someone smoking and killing. She dropped the cigarette between her legs and lost control of the car and crashed into someone.

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  16. #16
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    Although I appreciate your kindness I have only had norovirus twice in 16 years (knock on wood) but thanks for using the scare tactic (didn't work with my parents either).

    And I have been an avid smoker for over 25 years and have NEVER, EVER, EVER v* from holding my toke too long.

    We obviously do not see eye to eye on this issue so therefore I would appreicate that this thread be closed to avoid any possible confrontation or harsh words.

  17. #17
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    It is completely possible to respectfully disagree without confrontation or harsh words. It doesn't need to turn into a drama thread. That being said just a quick reminder to ALL that this site doesn't condone discussion of any illegal activities although what the original poster was saying is NOT illegal.

    In conclusion, don't say things that may encourage illegal activities when there are minors on the site, do be aware of incriminating yourself and don't get involved in drama or it will be locked and deleted without discussion.
    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by gumdropper1
    And if you hold the smoke in too long, your body will react as if you have carbon monoxide poisoning and you will vomit instantly.
    [img]smileys/smilies_29.gif[/img] Where did you hear this? I've never heard this before. I asked my parents who were once avid smokers and they had also never heard of this. Haha, I know that doesn't say much but I couldn't find anything about it online and that does. Maybe I'll buy an 1/8 at school tomorrow and try it out. [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img] Only kidding of course.
    \"Don\'t mistake innocence for ignorance. Don\'t mistake purity for inexperience. Don\'t mistake humility for weakness.\"

  19. #19
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    I tried it a few times...and didn't have a very good reaction.

    First time, maybe I did too much or something, but I blacked out for a few seconds walking to the couch, then got this really loud ringing in my ears...every sound seemed really really far away, very dizzy, I couldn't stand up. When I lay down then started to get really cold...then really n*. I didn't v* and my stomach didn't hurt. I felt n* until I went to sleep.

    The second and third time I slowed down, did much less...and I didn't get n* but still didn't find it very enjoyable. Maybe it was the kind I was smoking but it just made me very sleepy and cold.

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  20. #20
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    I think we can conclude that the worst thing about MJ is the legal ramifications, close behind is
    mixing various drugs, legal or illegal can be extremely dangerous. It sounds like some people get away with MJ and SSRIs and some not. Last anything you get on the street may not be pure.

  21. #21
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    So I did it I thought I might as well seeing I was In Amsterdam. I was fine my throat felt a little sore but I didn't feel the slightest bit n* just giddy.
    I'm sorry my post caused such drama I really didn't want to start arguments so I'm really sorry.

  22. #22
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    Congrats are in order I suppose because you challenged your emet. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]
    \"Don\'t mistake innocence for ignorance. Don\'t mistake purity for inexperience. Don\'t mistake humility for weakness.\"

  23. #23
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    pot just isn't for me (i guess i wouldn't really know, i've never tried it,
    but i have NO desire to), but i don't lose respect for people who
    it (unless of course, that's all they do... smoke pot, eat, and sleep). i
    don't try to stop them. that's their choice. (cigarette smoking is
    story... oh i have a lot to say about that lol.) the only thing that
    me about mj is that you never know what it could be laced with (like
    said) if you're buying it from someone off the streets. and, it's a
    considered a gateway drug, but i know lots of people who've never
    any other drugs, so i don't know how much i believe that...

    oh, and to add about serotonin syndrome... it's VERY dangerous... if
    you're taking any sort of SSRI, NEVER EVER take ecstasy!! it will kill
    you!!Edited by: prncesspnk

  24. #24
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    Okay, this is going off-topic, but hear me out. I accept that it helps some people with their anxiety, but my brother is an alcoholic now and has used pot for over ten years and we're about to have the police come and kick him out of the house because he's become so verbally abusive and I've been having panic attacks because I worry he's going to hurt me. He always had mild anxiety problems, but they're exacerbated once he's been smoking. He stole $80 from my room when I was overseas and one night he burst into my room out of nowhere to ask me if he'd given me a joint. When he was still a teenager (and I was about five or six) my parents took him to several clinics because they thought he was schizophrenic (I don't know if anyone ever drew any conclusions). He certainly has a very paranoid personality now and I've just resigned myself to the fact that if he doesn't choke to death on his own v* or die of hypothermia in a gutter somewhere, he's going to commit suicide - of course I'll be sad about it but he was never much of a brother and he won't let us help him - he just calls us "f***wits" - over and over. I don't want to preach (and I do realise that's exactly what I'm doing), but I really don't think it's worth it. Find something else to help with your anxiety, if that's the only reason you are smoking. Statistically, heroin, cocaine and ice might be worse but in my eyes marijuana will be the worst thing in the world. If you are already susceptible to mental health problems I would not recommend it.

  25. #25
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    That's very sad about your brother Wallflower. It seems mj has some weird effects on some people, that's true of all drugs legal illegal or otherwise. I'm not a mj user but the biggest problems I see people have with it are related to the legal system and the fact its illegal in my state and often prosecuted very harshly. I know a few smokers that are pretty normal people and then one guy who's off his rocker. I don't advocate abusing any drugs legal or otherwise but I don't like to see paranoia over it cause I just think its a waste of prison space and a shame to lock up otherwise law abiding people for mj use. IMO jails and prisons need to be conserved for very violent people or those who steal etc. My 2 bits.

  26. #26
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    Maddy, I've seen it happen in person. I've also seen it on the Howard Stern show. There were two guys who held the smoke in (forget what they were trying to do ... blow smoke rings?) and they puked right on camera. Separate incidents. Smoking is very bad for you for a lot of reasons.

    And marijuana is a very dangerous drug. There are people who have developed mental disorders that might have stayed below the surface if their use of marijuana didn't bring them out. I've never known anyone who got turned into a better person by using marijuana.

    To learn more about emetophobia, see
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  27. #27
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    There is no harm in trying something..everyone reacts differently. experiment, its how we learn.
    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

  28. #28
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    I was waiting to see if this post got out of control before responding lol. I'm glad to see its remained respectful.

    Anyhow, I've personally never done it but know many people who have. For me, it was never something I wanted to try, smoke (from anything) irritates my throat, sinuses and head so I avoid it.

    I've known people that were such big pot heads that that's all they did ... ever! I know others that are professional and are high functioning and smoke occassionally.

    As for health risks, I'm not convinced that pot is any worse than alcohol. Like cigarettes its not good for your lungs but it also helps people with cancer (and other illnesses) to be able to function. So, I'm actually torn on this subject. I believe its an individual thing, your personality, your physiology, your vulnerability to addiction, curiosity about other drugs and mental illness. Like has been said I would worry about the purity of it as well. Because it isn't legal in the US it isn't regulated.

    OK, not sure I added much of anything lol. I guess my point is, its not for me and has its negative effects but its helped some people and its not my place to say anything other than be careful.
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by gumdropper1
    Maddy, I've seen it happen in person. I've also seen it on the Howard Stern show. There were two guys who held the smoke in (forget what they were trying to do ... blow smoke rings?) and they puked right on camera. Separate incidents. Smoking is very bad for you for a lot of reasons.
    It's true if you read marijuana forums, there are people that have had puking experiences. Usually it's a one time thing with no explaination. You have to wonder if they didn't get something other than marijuana and didn't know it.

    I didn't have a good experience with it when I tried it, but I still think it's safer than alcohol. I think it should be legalized so there can be some regulations on it...that way a person would know exactly what they are getting and it would make it safer. Making it illegal doesn't stop people from smoking it, obviously. I think legalizing it would make it safer.

    I think the reason my experience was not positive was because I have low blood pressure. While your smoking it usually makes your blood pressure higher, but once your high it usually lowers it. Mine was probably way too low which would explain why I was so cold, dizzy, had the visual problems, sleepiness...and why I fainted.

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  30. #30
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    You really have to wonder what's up with cannabis being classed as a schedule I substance when alcohol and tobacco are perfectly legal. It seems other agendas are at play. We just need to stop locking people up for putting things THEY choose to into their own bodies and try to educate them to make smart choices. Again I'm not a user and not telling people to go get stoned, because in many jurisdictions the legal consequences can be severe and like all other drugs(legal or not) cannabis has its drawbacks and benefits each person has to weigh in the balance. Any drug can harm you and probably kill you given the right circumstances and most including cannabis have their benefits as well. Back to your topic...I've also heard of many bad experiences with cannabis being attributed to low blood pressure, so you may be spot on about your own experience. Any idea why yours is like that? It seems strange that someone with anxiety and phobias would have low blood pressure. Mine has always been either normal or a bit high...on the whole its probably a good thing for your health and may allow your body to absorb some extra stress without causing as much damage.



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