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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    United Kingdom


    Hi all, I've been fine stomach wise for a month or so now and now its started again. I met a friend for coffee after work, had to run to the loo and it was just fairly runny but then felt desperate for the loo on the way home, just made it in time and it was the proper runs. I have had a nervous stomach for most of the week, that churny butterfly type feeling and on Tuesday I did go to the loo quite a few times at work but its wasn't exactly the runs, it was normal but soft if you know what I mean (sorry for being graphic). Today I have received the news that a good friend of mine might have breast cancer so I have been shocked about that. I am wondering if its that whats causing my stomach to be off but there are bugs going around at work, most people who are not well have got heavy colds but one fella today went home early because he felt sick and now I am panicking incase I V* Please help as I am alone here in my flat and don't know how to get through the night feeling like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    United States


    Puss, I had to chuckle at your title, The runs, I haven't heard that saying in years!! So so so sorry to hear of your friend. I hope she is doing ok and I'm sure she is a fighter!! You are emotionally upset which also causes physical symptoms so I wouldn't be too concerned. Try and eat a banana, it helps with d*. Hope you are feeling better soon. It feels weird to talk with someone on the other side of the world and it nighttime there. I live in Nevada and its snowing, damn it, hjate the snow, love the sun

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    United Kingdom


    Hi. thanks for your reply. I tend to call it the runs because I have difficulty spelling 'diarreah'

    I do feel calmer now. I haven't been to the loo since I got in from work and had to dash there, it must have been bad as I made rather a mess. I haven't had anything to eat tonight at all so am trying to starve myself. I'm going to have a bath now and a good nights sleep. Hopefully I will feel much much better in the morning. The fact that I have stopped running to the loo has calmed me down a bit. I always panic at the thoughts of it turning into a bug and V***ing which to me is a nightmare scenario as it is to most people on here.

    I live in England and its really warm here for February.



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