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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Sorry for putting the v* word in the title but I want to make sure everyone knows what I'm talking about. I was at my wits end lastnight after work, so I came home and contacted Decision Power. My work, Health Net contracts with them to have 24/7 hotline and internet services manned by nurses to get information on medical conditions and medical managment of conditions. I looked through the symptoms and this cyclic v* that I never heard of came up.

    It's described as a condition of having an abdominal migraine. It's a sudden onset of n* and most of the time v* if the person doesn't take adequate measures to stop it. The worst cases seems to last for days up to 7 in some cases where the indivdual can v* 25 times a day!! They are pale, lethargic and extremely fatigued. D* is a symptom too as well as severe stomach pain, and excessive salvia. There are more but I'm giving the abridged version. Individuals with a family history of migranes or car sickness are more apt to develop it. Heat, stress, surprises,chocolate, dairy products can all be triggers

    The email I sent asked me to call them directly, so I did she said her symptoms seem to match this. Her bouts with unexplained one time v* episodes in the past see to verify that it may be this. The condition develops between 2 and 6 but can onset after puberty or into adult hood. People may go years without a flare up, months, but worst case scenario is they suffer every few months.

    They treat it with ibuprofen sometimes if stomach pain is involved or anti-emetics such Zofran. I don't think she's that bad yet, seeing that laying down in a dark, cool, quiet room seems to have been staving off the episodes the past few days.

    I just hope I'm not grasping at something widely out of context here to explain what has been going on the past few days, but she's had a twitchy stomach and has v* since infancy. For the first two months of her life, she would have to sit upright in a bouncy chair for 20 minutes after having a bottle or she would v*. Then at age one the carsickness started, so much so she needs to sit in the front seat of the car. Then there were the mornings she would wake up out of dead sleep s* and stop after one or two times.

    All of it seems to add up. This morning when she told me she felt ill, I handled it much better. I didn't have a panic attack, cause I felt more in control because I felt I had a better idea of what it might be. I have no appetite though, but could stand to lose 10 pounds, so far five are gone.

    Thanks again, this rant is putting everything in perspective.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United Kingdom



    at least if it is that you know its that so it wont always play on your mind if she's ill again.

    hope it all sorts itself out soon.


    <font color=MAGENTA><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"><font size=\"1\">Courage doesn’t always roar sometimes it’s the little voice at the end of the night saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow’</font></font></font>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Now that you mention it, I have heard of it! My daughter had many health problemsand that was one they mentioned in passing.

    Hopefully you will have an answer. I think it is hard to diagnose though...through process of elimination?

    Wishing you and her better days ahead!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Thanks, guys. I feel better but to hyper to really eat but at least it's not anxiety. We shall see what happens.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom


    thinking of you all x

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I have never heard of this particular illness, and up until a few months ago, I would have never given anything like this a second thought ............ which brings me to my point. Migraines and seizures can affect different parts of the body. My oldest daughter had a seizure back in April. Her Neuro doc said that her type typically begin at the onset of puberty and usually disapear once they are through puberty. Through this experience, I learned that there is actually such a thing as abdominal seizures ............ not to mention several other areas of the body it can affect. Before she was diagnosed as being epileptic, she would often complain of her stomach hurting, there wasnt hardly a day that went by that I didnt here "My tummy is hurting, AGAIN!!!!" Her Neuro doc said that its possible that her stomach hurting like that could be could be seizure related. I dont know this for sure, but it has made me think .............. and since she has been on her seizure medicine, I hardly ever hear her complain about her tummy hurting.

    Are you gonna go to your Pediatrician/Family doc and see if he/she gives you this diagnosis? Are there any tests they can do to give you a sure diagnosis of this disorder? I am sorry you all are having to go thru this, but I am glad you are able to get to the bottom of what is going on with your daughter.

    Keep us posted.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    HI Jennyleigh, I'm going to make an appointment to talk to her doctor. She doesn't go to the doctor often, maybe once a year well, once for flu shot, and maybe once sick. I'm writing down the history of episodes, because as emet of course I remember all the times she has v* like they were yesterday. There is no test to diagnosis it, they will do other tests to rule out other problems (maybe) but what they'll look at most is if there is a pattern. Yes so far she's had triggers with heat and humdity and when she was younger she would v* at least once the start of a cold. Then there's the car sickness she experiences. I printed out the information I got on CVS to give to them, plus my history notes and we'll see what she says..I'll let you all know how it goes. I'm going to call on Monday. My son has a well visit on Weds. I'm hoping maybe they can squeeze her in the same day..Thanks again to everyone. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]



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