View Full Version : Help and Support
- Morningstar/veggie burgers food safety?
- List of emet behaviors?
- anyone else have this problem?
- Flying tomorrow - so scared!
- Therapy?
- sick as a dog?
- Contagious Question; new here
- How do you fly on an airplane?
- Probiotics
- Animals and/or Humans?
- Worried about getting sick...
- Do you have a hard time eating out?
- Why in the winter?
- Kidney infection?
- Quite a few questions.
- How can you tell...When your over it?
- i'm new here :) please read?
- Norovirus immunity?
- Hand Sanitizer
- Why Some & Not Others?
- Question, please help
- vting & IQ
- Please help me
- At the restaurant...
- who here has never v* due to alcohol/or been drunk?
- Norovirus in the hospital I work in..Help!!
- what is the relation to having a weak stomach and being emet?
- why do women v more than men?
- losing it!
- Do other peoples habit/behaviour disgust you?
- the repercussions of anesthesia...
- Illness and canker sores?
- morning sickness
- What do you do when you feel REALLY n*?
- why do humans v more than other species
- Hunger and v*
- Fainting and v*ing
- Rituals or things you feel you HAVE to do..
- what do you think about the "Living with Emetophobia" book?
- I'm so scared :(
- Is it possible to have a SV and not V?
- I was thinking..
- New Member - Emet and Bipolar Meds?
- how many times does the average person v ?
- how many times does the average person v ?
- What does v*feel like?
- Help!!!!!!
- More Frequent Bowel Movements and Gas
- Loosing weight?
- motion sickness
- What anti-emtics have you had success with?
- New member and I've never been this paranoid before
- Swimming pools?
- would you rather be a "normal" person?
- Does it Run in the family
- reading on the bus
- A range of different anxiety symptoms?
- Hi ya allll !! w000wwwooooo
- noro immunity
- Do I have emetophobia? Please help, I'm going back to school in 5 days.. :(
- well here I am: a newbie :D
- Scared
- Purell may skew alcohol tests
- real nausea and anxiety nausea...
- so hungry and/or thirsty you feel sick?
- Car rides? :(
- What are you coping methods?
- graphic scenes on tv
- Terrified to try for baby number 2
- lying with my back to the fire
- Need help!
- Concussion or stomach virus? Puzzled.
- Doing jogging today then felt nauseous
- summer + sickness
- Freaking out please help!
- IBS anyone? SOOOO scared of V!
- Do you skip meals because of emetophobia?
- Nauseous All Day?
- 7 year old with intense fear..need help
- Vomit droplet radius
- What are some of your healthy habits?
- Laughing gas (nitrous oxide) and nausea?
- How Selfish is too Selfish?
- Would anyone want to???
- After a good period, feeling like I'm back to square one
- Could this be me?
- Teens with Emetophobia-HELP
- Wisdom Teeth HELP
- do normal people ever randomly feel sick?
- Do I have emetophobia?
- Germs??
- Help and advice about throat nausea from the people who know best.
- Ginger supplements vs. candied ginger
- People sick on a plane.
- Dealing with Morning Sickness
- mystery illness..scared! D:
- Overdose?
- Scared I'm sick
- im done
- scared please answer
- Please help! Will I throw up??
- Worst College Fear
- Help Me Please :(
- lots of questions-advice and answers please ?
- IBS out of control :-(
- Emetaphobia VS Eating Disorder
- It's exhausting. Please help.
- I need help urgently!
- Serious case of the runs tonight... does this sound like IBS!?
- Scared today is the day, please help! :(
- Omg it happened. My son v*
- Roommate's sick??
- Been very OFF the past week.
- Carsickness??
- didn't know there was a word for it...
- beside myself; need treatment (uk)
- Out of nowhere
- Night time panic D:
- PLEASE HELP! I need advice
- Help and support needed please
- Ways to cope in a social setting?
- I know I really need help.
- Being around sick family and/or friends.
- Phobia Getting Worse
- Stomach Flu + Phobia = Disaster!
- It just happened to me. In public.
- IBS Aaargh!
- Starting therapy again,
- Was making I hit a wall (long-help!)
- Feeling really anxious - HELP
- Please help. Sister is sick. I have to take care of her.
- Anyone??
- Panic - duplicate post - sorry
- Dont know what to do
- the dreaded nausea
- Going on vacation! Scared!
- Seeing girlfriend tonight after she was sick?
- not again.... :-(
- non-noro] going to be a rough year i think!
- PANIC! need advice
- HELP, feeling sick panicking a lot
- Metallic taste after eating, now panicking
- very concerned
- Is it safe?
- Wisdom Teeth Extraction!
- How to avoid catching the DREADED SV
- 2 year old daughter sick? can't go home help
- Help please again!
- Does this happen to anyone else??
- ooh, sorry about the rant
- feeling scared....
- Help me please
- My son drank possibly sour milk!!
- Going on holiday, advice?
- 24 hour panic, dont see how I can escape this one.. HELP PLEASE!
- Helpp pleaseee
- New and need encouragement!
- Panic :(
- Vomiting Bug Making Its Way Around My Family...
- are u like me?
- Please help!
- Have hit rock bottom for a long time now.
- Feeling Scared...
- very scared anyone around?
- Please give me some POSITIVE reinforcement BUT BE HONEST
- Losing weight, help.
- not getting much sleep, makes me groggy and anxious
- I need a diagnosis ! lol
- HELP PLEASE. panic, can't let this happen.
- feeling scared and panicky.......
- Up at 2am and anxious
- Panicking about panic attacks :(
- Should I be here?
- Fed up...
- My sister has a bug!
- Now my sister just V'd, major panic attack!
- Really struggling at the moment...
- Sore stomach, will I
- university
- Well I was having a good emet day.... Ugh
- Please please please help!!
- New Here and Trying to Control My Anxiety
- Terrible week.
- Again?! Away at school- really worried
- How do you get rid of anxiety?
- hungry or sick?? please help!
- Nervous, please help!
- How do you controll anxiety???
- What's with my tummy recently? :(
- Flying!!
- Sad & Discouraged
- Worried!
- How do I help boyfriend understand phobia? Help please!
- had a nightmare about V
- Waves
- sick co-worker! sooo scared!
- D*.... I never get d*
- help!
- How long to wait to eat after being sick?
- article
- article about Emetophobia
- Not feeling too fab.
- People just don't understand my fear.
- HELP! I need some advice / insight / honesty
- Help :(
- Desperately need help- graphic.
- PLEASE HELP. Nightmares about this fear.
- Need help, work in a restaurant (graphic)
- feeling fragile
- Feeling rubbish :(
- moldy broccolli??
- Going to band concert!!! Sooooo scared!!!
- Really struggling...
- Very bad day....
- Why do i feel this way ):
- Feeling bad need some advice
- Terrified of exposure....
- Aspartame allergy
- am i sick?? im getting anxious/scared :/
- What am i supposed to do?
- General Winter Help and Advice
- I thought I had it beat..
- Bf started v******* and I started freaking out.
- Upper Stomach bloating/ pain ??
- Chatroom Please! scared!
- Here again!! Need some support.
- New Job. Super nervous
- So scared before bed... Please help!
- I was doing so well :'(
- Scared of current travel plans
- Urgh! :(
- A bit worried...
- On the verge of tears...
- Have D** am so upset I will
- Not coping with stuff at work
- Help...
- Need Help desperately!
- I'm sorry to post but I'm breaking down
- Someone sick! Freaking out
- Tired of being an Emet
- boyfriend is sick :/ what do i do! please help!
- Never going to make it...
- expired hotdogs (july 31st 2011)!!! D:
- Feel so sick
- sick or not?
- Tryin to stay calm
- My stomach hurts! ):
- Afraid to leave my home...
- Really nervous and worried.
- Really discouraged :(
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