View Full Version : General Discussion
- terrified of sending DS to preschool!
- Boyfriend is sick am I safe???
- Fluoxetine 20mg
- What is YOUR distraction?
- Found out that my friend is BULIMIC?!
- Do 'Normal' infections make you succeptable to noro?
- Medication
- For those that worry about medications with v* as a side effect.
- Question about endoscopy.
- Probiotics....
- my emet blog
- How long is your "puke free" streak?
- Freaking out! Went out with my sick boyfriend still safe??
- Omg just KILL ME NOW! Ate powdered pasta after USE BY date ;(
- Emetophobic Men
- Anyone in exposure therapy?
- Valium
- For you verteran moms...does it get easier?
- Major exposure :(
- Flying tomorrow. Any tips?
- Tomatoes?
- Anxiety Help
- My Friends Festival Birthday Party
- Signs it's about to happen?
- Really, really, REALLY need help.
- Why?????
- V* dream
- Anxiety has been so good lately.... But it's back!
- I hate worrying
- Does anyone else have this problem?
- mirtazapine
- Week 10 of CBT: exposure continues
- Other members mad at my post.
- Norovirus can be transmitted by dogs
- Stomach Pain Question
- Antibiotics, terrified of taking them
- stomach pain... anxiety is back... help please!
- Hello. New here. (warning: contains graphic content)
- Peer Support and Interaction
- A new guy, a new story (Well, maybe)
- Travelling for six months.
- My fear :(
- Starting to become desensitized to non-sv* v*.
- Wierd new fear..
- Sort off topic, (are these movies safe?)
- Blah. Feeling sick. :/
- New here, recently exposed
- Any chance im exposed?
- Am I the only one who does this?
- Just started going out with this guy
- 2 Questions that I have always wondered...
- Not Feeling Good At All
- Just when I was feeling confident... Boo!
- Having major panic :(
- What are my chances of getting sick? :(
- nervous and at work
- Haven't been on in a while, so update on a triumph and a really stupid panic attack.
- I'm a nervous wreck :( :( :(
- If you can offer POSITIVE words, please do...
- People with emet and OCD
- Unclean!?
- New Here & Curious
- Traveling soon - scared that it is still going around!
- anyone ever experience vertigo?
- Extremely Stressful Day!!!!!
- Phobia categories
- Wanted to share some new discoveries!
- Have you tried..?
- Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Do you have an epiphany moment?
- My tummy hurts :( help meeeee
- Emetrol?
- New job, viruses, venting, etc.
- Anyone out there?? Need help!!!!
- Sudden phobia and scared to sleep...can you guys relate?
- I hate being an Emet...
- Positive Affirmations -- Breaking Free
- please help. panicking.
- What to do for reflux?
- cant describe how nausea feels?
- Germophobe or Emetophobe?
- Scared of my baby!!!
- Have you had it this season?
- I was doing so well.
- Is there anything over the counter that is similar to zofran?
- nerves, sv, something I ate?
- Nerves... HELP
- New chat room
- ibs.
- Lack Of Sleep
- Chat
- Short Little Panic Moment
- Everywhere I look it seems to be lurking! Argh
- Newbie Needing Support
- Quitting smoking and super anxious! Advice?
- YAY! Original Username Works Again!
- Question about how it spreads..
- Almost v*ed, feel like sh*t
- 2 People at Work Sick
- Anyone from southwest Florida??
- Need a quick answer about mixing laundry...
- noroclear
- Just a quick introduction
- Too much stress. SV*s are STILL going around!
- A such thing as harmless vomiting?
- Wrong information???
- Been Doing Well
- Off topic, neighbour died
- Keep a record?
- I have the sv* but without v*...I have a quesiton...
- Anyone every grow tired of living like this?
- feeling ill :(
- It happpened (might be graphic)
- Am I the only one who can handle it when...
- The same rant that 95% of you have posted before.
- "Married to Jonas" warning.
- baby no2
- Free Therapy - Part of a Study
- Airsickness?
- Proof That One Can Recover From Emetophobia
- whats the most drunk youvw ever been?/or worst hungover
- Zofran or ondansetron?
- Day 10 on citalopram
- Watery Mouth
- Fruit Salad & FP*
- Feeling overwhelmed..
- "If you've already had diarrhea, you probably won't v*"
- Ladies, please.
- Asking for a prescription for antiemetics?
- Eating healthy because of Emetophobia
- OMFG are these signs or is my panic just screwing with me yet again?
- What triggered your fear?
- Moving out... Advice?
- Lexapro - whats your experience like?
- Feeling strange because im feeling normal
- emet and personal life
- Here we go again.......what great luck.
- I thought it was over :/
- Dissolvable zofran?
- I'm LITERALLY afraid to DEATH!!!
- Pepto - Good or bad?
- Quick question about noro (possibly graphic.....)
- Period and Nausea?
- Would like some insight!
- Doctor's Visit Gone Wrong: Now scared I'll v* ):
- Sudden nausea.
- Australian emets ?
- Not-emet related, but terrible work drama and need advice
- Kinda graphic...
- Anybody there? Need some help! Please! Stomach Pain!
- My worst nightmare just happened...I got v* on by my 5-year-old!!!
- My avocado was gritty?
- OMG Airplanes and Anxiety
- frustrated!
- V* questionnaire from the anxiety uk website...
- Should I tell my boss about my anxiety?
- Feeling very sick and scared
- Stop the spread of the awful stomach virus with GRAPE JUICE!
- How long do I need to worry?
- Having panick attacks.. Going on holiday and really want some advice
- Need help with a desicion, i don't know what to do!
- Stumbled across a recipe you guys might like to have on hand.
- It happened...
- What else can I do?
- Do you even remember how it feels to v*?
- so many " it happened " posts
- Does anyone else think this way?
- Going to Mexico for 11 days. A bit worried.
- Newbie mourning a missed opportunity (long-ish)
- Off Topic but I am scared
- My story.
- How much phenergan does it take to work?
- new to the site my story so far...
- 101.5 degree fever, diarrhea, weakness, stomach pain.
- bad bad day in oklahoma yesterday. :(
- Strange symptoms, I hope someone is awake right now...
- Any tips for PMS n*?
- New on here and fed up!
- After how much nausea is it probably safe to say this one is not going to come to any
- Wisdom tooth/teeth removal
- Mad and scared!
- Slow posting response for iPhone users
- College
- I hate this phobia :(
- Super anti-emetic?
- Wisdom teeth coming out soon - I need advice please!
- Emetophobic Dad/Husband here
- I don't want my emet to ruin my graduation!
- Christian Emetophobia Helpline (647) 351-7222
- Is It Bad That I Have This Attitude?
- Something I found funny (possibly a little graphic)
- Finally happy, but...
- Maybe some hope for us yet!
- Just a panic attack. So tired of these
- Anxiety attack likely...
- Precursor(s) to SV
- More scared of nausea than of vomiting!!!!
- As a kid, did it seem that nobody really got sv's to you?
- Relieving nausea?
- I took the bait and paid for this, so I want to share it with you guys.
- Extreme Fear of Food Poisoning
- Question about tattoos
- Lets Get Better -- Fear of Losing Control? Lets Unpack That.
- Can we talk about food poisoning? (not graphic)
- Social Anxiety?
- am i crazy???
- Can somebody explain this? (Might be a bit graphic)
- Increasing my Zoloft dosage
- New to forum, and looking for support
- My gall bladder is under attack right now.
- Does stomach viruses like Noro still go around in Summer?
- Does anybody know why this happens?
- Really Scared I'll Get Sick!
- Can't sleep!!!!!!
- Doctor Visit
- Question about contagiousness...
- Food poisoning? irus? I feel awful.
- IBSers - how do you deal??
- Help!!
- Friend is ill -please help?!!
- Please help me!!! sever emetophobia sufferer
- Do non emets fine v* worse or d* worse, or both as bad?
- Advice needed-question about going away?
- Freaking out
- Anyone ever dreamt about v*ing before?
- OT but daughter prescribed Vyvanse anyone?
- New teen member, a few questions about emetophobia
- Vicodin
- Hello, help with reflux and Prilosec please!!
- FEMALES...BC advise please
- How do you drink when you're not thirsty?
- 'That time' and nausea
- My Story: Australia
- I can't remember what it's like to v*
- Emetophobia down under (Repost)
- Blah. curses facebook. -.-
- Does anybody have experience with Chlorpromazine?
- Wisdom teeth came out, feeling excited about having some Zofran!
- new here, baby v
- Possible Exposure! Help!
- Printable pamphlets or pages about emetophobia to give parents?
- When will this get better? New here & need help.
- Emetophobia & having children
- Panic attack for hours over this (graphic) and food safety question.
- May try hypnotherapy...
- Being heard having d* or v*
- Anxiety, Med school, & Emetophobia?!?
- What does your panic attack feel like - signs and symptoms
- A Mixture of a Mess!!!!
- Stomach Virus.
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